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Factor Analysis of Non-Marketing, Marketing and Customer Behavior Factors for Product Attribute that affected Purchasing Decision

of Mild Menthol Cigarette Ridwan Muttaqien1, Ir. Aurino Rilman Djamaris, MM2, Krisfarah Syarfuan, B.A., MM3


This Research aims to analysis the influence of non-marketing factors, marketing factors and customer behavior to product attribute that affected purchasing decision process of mild menthol cigarette. Furthermore, to analyze customer behavior to Mild Menthols product attributes. There are 22 variables in this research derived from theory of non-marketing and marketings indicators. The variables are analyzed using factor analysis method. The purpose is to find which factor that influences purchase decisions process. Based on behavior analysis, this research found 9 attributes attached to mild menthols cigarette. The attributes are analyzed using the analysis of behavior analysis of fishbone fishbein to find out how behavior customer assessing a product which is Marlboro Black Menthol. The results show 7 factors derived from 19 variables influence someone in the process of purchasing decision. In the analysis of customer behavior, analysis it is found that menthol tastes attribute is the most important attribute are considered by customers in the decision to buy a mild menthol cigarette. Key Word: Factor Analysis, Behavior Analysis, Products Attribute, Purchasing Decision

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Mahasiswa Staff pengajar Universitas Bakrie 3 Staff pengajar Universitas Bakrie


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