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What better gift could God give to us than forgiving our disobedience and saving us from the punishment

we deserve? The Good News

and sinless life, and then died on the cross to take the just punishment in the place of all those who would repent and put their faith in His sacrificial death. Therefore, they can be forgiven and freed from the penalty owed to God, because Jesus paid it in full with His own lifes blood. The Bible tells us that we know Jesus is God and can forgive our sins because He was raised from the dead on the third day (Romans 1:4).

our world was to glorify God by saving His people from the punishment they deserve.

The Bible says that the payment Jesus made with His death was to take away the wrath of God the Father from His people. However, the Bible also says that ..

So what does this mean to me? What does the Bible say will happen to people who break Gods law? If we break mans law, there is a penalty to pay. Similarly, when we break Gods law, we must pay a penalty. According to the Bible, the penalty is that we will be sent to a place the Bible calls Hell. Hell is the place of punishment reserved for the Devil, his evil angels, and all those who have disobeyed Gods law. Now, you might have already figured out what the Bible says regarding who has disobeyed Gods law. Is there anyone ..


Of all the things that God created, do you know what His favorite is? Its people like you and me. The Bible says that God loves His people very much. He loves them more that we could even imagine. Gods love for His people is so great that He wants them to become a part of His family and be His children. The Bible tells us that no one is born into Gods family. But, in the book of John, chapter 1 verse 12, the Bible tells us that we can be adopted into Gods family. It Says that, as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God

Jesus came to the earth, lived a perfect and

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