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A Reflection on

The Paradox of Life

We are blessed with so many good things and yet we often misuse our blessings and forget about the things that really count. We are continually progressing in knowledge and technology, and yet we are deteriorating both morally and spiritually. We have so much, and we direct these much towards our own temporal gains, forgetting that doing so will impoverish us in eternity,

This is the paradox of life: we, who gain so much, also gain so little. We gain much in ease and comfort and innovative ways of living but we lose compassion and patience and kindness. We gain much in the ways of the world but we lose much in the kingdom of heaven. Such will always be the paradox of life apart from Christ. Without Christ, we will always set our eyes on earth and forget heaven, to the great detriment and destruction of our souls. Unless we are washed in the blood of the Lamb, our lives will always be a paradox. It is only when we are right with God that we can live a life of balance, sense, and purpose.

A Reflection on

The Rope

Just as the man would not let go of his rope, so also do we cling to the things we think are vital to us. When God says, Let go we answer, No, Lord, for I am in need of my rope! It is human nature to attach importance to the things around us be it money, friends, a degree, dreams, or whatever it is that we consider vital to our happiness and well-being. We cling to these things, refusing to let go of it even when Gods Word clearly tells us to let go. We think we know better than God and so we stubbornly hang on to our ropes, not knowing that doing so will eventually lead us to harm. We put all our strength into lugging, tugging, and clinging to our ropes and we do not notice that the strands are frayed, ready to snap apart at anytime. And when it does, we have no One or nothing to cling to for we have spurned the Hand that alone could have aided us. The next time Gods Word clearly commands us to let go of our rope, we must trust God and do so.

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