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Thats The Way It Is Man is by nature a political animal.

A statement credited from the observation of a Greek philosopher, Aristotle (324-322B.C.). By this statement, Aristotle meant that the basic underlying substance of human existence is politics. It is subversive to what I belive for That Most Politicians are hungry for positions which are evident during elections because they are willing to spend expensive money; they hire popular personalities to endorse them; and they could kill any person who oppose them. Self Interest Demands a politician to run for office as evident during election that they are spending expensive money. They use money for vote buying as they believe that person will choose those rich politicians. The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie, than to a small one, More money more supporters. For them to be known, They hire popular personalities to endorse them where these celebrities always say good testimonials about them to show their positive side that they deserve the position. Have you ever seen a candidate talking to a rich person on television? They broadcast their activities on TV or any other form of media. Politics is the entertainment industry for ugly people. Politicians that are willing to be in a position could kill any person who oppose them their rival enemy and those people who know their negative secrets that can lead to mess their names during the campaign it was evident during the 2010 election where many people was dead and the most evident case is when the Maguindanao Massacre happened. The streets are safe in Philadelphia it's only the people who make them unsafe. Politicians do amusing strategies just to win either good or bad, Political technology determines political success.

A politician is an animal which can sit on a fence and yet keep both ears to the ground. As we all knew now how they do it ,We should be wiser on choosing them, let ourselves to think logically. We are the one who fails to do right. We are the one who put them in the position.

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