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Jimmy Schilkoski Comp 102 sect 102 Mr.

Neuburger 6 February 2012

Response to "Harrison Bergeron" "Harrison Bergeron", written by Kurt Vonnegut, a science fiction author who did not receive much credit or attention until much later on. Vonnegut writes about a future period when there is equality amongst civilians. The short story shows glimpses of what the world might be like if we all had to be equal in everything in life. In life we are all created unique in our own way, and given our own unique paths for many different reasons. Harrison Bergeron, whom the story is written about, is the son of George and Hazel Bergeron. Harrison's jailed on the suspicion of trying to overthrow the government. Harrison receives several handicaps for the way he looks/acts. Harrison escapes from jail, and removes every handicap he has. At one point George Harrison asks Hazel, The minute people start cheating on laws, what do you think happens to society? George gets struck with his handicap, and a siren begins to go off in his head by the government because he starts to think intelligently. Harrison's motivation to prove the world should not be so equal removes his handicaps as well as others', and gets himself killed by a shotgun by the Handicapper General. Harrison's attempt to overthrow the government failed.


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