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Republic of the Philippines Eastern Visayas State University College of Education Tacloban City

Project-Based Learning and Multimedia

Discussant: Rose Leyda T. Negru Year & Section: 2C Course: BSIED-2C Instructor: Mrs. Ignacia Marga

Project-based multimedia learning is a teaching method in which students aquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning, and producing multimedia product. 7 DIMENSIONS OF PROJECT-BASED MULTIMEDIA LEARNING
1. Core Curriculum- is a set of learning goals drawn from whatever curriculum or standards are in use. 2. Real-World Connection- it seeks to connect students work in school with the wider world in which the students live. 3. Extended Time Frame- a good project is not a one shot lesson, it extends over a significant period of time 4. Student Decision Making- in project-based multimedia learning, students have a say. 5. Collaboration Working- working together jointly to accomplish a common intellectual purpose in a manner superior to what might have been accomplished upon working alone. 6. Assessment- regardless of the teaching method used, data must be gathered on what students have learned. Consider assessment to have 3 different roles in project-based multimedia context: a) Activities for developing expectations. b) Activities for improving the media products c) Activities for compiling and disseminating evidence of learning. 7. Multimedia- students do not learn simply by using multimedia produced by others, they learn by creating it themselves. Why use project-based multimedia learning? Because it is value added to your teaching Some limitations of the use of project-based multimedia learning strategy. The need for an extended period of time. Some days need to be devoted in learning the technology The tendency to lose track of the goals and objectives of your lesson because the technology aspect has gotten the limelight.

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