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Prof. Dr. Neviyarni


Phyu Sin Yadanar Thein


















Project-based learning (PBL) is a method of learning that uses problems as a first step in gathering and integrating new kno

Project-Based Learning


1. Determination of the project
2. Designing project completion steps
3. Preparation of project implementation schedule
4. Completion of the project with the facilitation and monitoring of teachers
5. Preparation of reports and presentations / publications of project results in the form of products
6. Evaluation of the process and project results of teachers and learners.

A. Understanding Project-Based Learning Approach

Project Based Learning is a learning model that has been widely

developed in developed countries such as the United States. If translated into
Indonesian, Project Based Learning means project-based learning.

Project-based learning (PBL) is a method of learning that uses problems as

a first step in gathering and integrating new knowledge based on its experience in
real activity. PBL is designed to be used on complex issues that required lessons
in investigating and understanding them. Here's a sense of PBL according to some

a. Thomas Mergendoller and Michaelson say PBL is a systematic teaching method

that involves lessons into the learning of complex knowledge and expertise,
technical questions and product design and tasks.

b. Baron B. said PBL is a constructive approach to learning with a research-based

approach to weighty problems and questions, real relevant to his life.

c. Blumenfeld explained that PBL is a comprehensive approach to teaching and

learning designed for lessons to research real problems.

d. Boud and Felleti suggest that PBL is a constructive way of learning to use
problems as stimulus and focus student activities.

e. Moeslichatoen in his book "teaching methods in kindergarten" says that the

project-based learning model (PBL) is a learning method that provides a learning
experience by confronting children with everyday problems that must be solved in
groups. According to the results of the study there is a close relationship between
the process of obtaining actual experience with education. Therefore, education
for children must be integrated with the child's living environment that many
children face with first-person experience.

B. Characteristics of Project-Based Learning Approach

The characteristics of project-based learning according to the Center for

Youth Development and Education Boston (Muliawati, 2010:10) are:

1) Engage students in complex problems, real-world issues, wherever students can

choose and determine meaningful issues or problems

2) Students are required to use investigation, research planning skills, critical

thinking and problem-solving skills as they complete the project.

3) Students are expected to learn and apply their skills and knowledge in various
contexts while working on the project.

4) Provide opportunities for students to learn and practice personal skills while
they work in cooperative teams, as well as when discussing with teachers.

5) Provide opportunities for students to practice the various skills needed for their
adult life and career (how to allocate time, be a responsible individual, personal
skills, learn through experience).

6) Expressing expectations about learning achievements/outcomes (this is in

accordance with the standards and learning objectives for schools/countries.

7) Conduct reflections that direct students to think critically about their

experiences and connect the experience with the lesson.

8) End up with a presentation or product that shows learning and is then assessed
(criteria can be determined by the students).

C. Project-Based Learning Steps

Project-based learning steps. learners are given the task by developing

themes /topics in learning by conducting realistic project activities. In addition,
the implementation of project-based learning encourages the growth of creativity,
independence, responsibility, confidence, and critical and analytical thinking in
learners. In general, project-based Learning (PBP) steps can be described as

1. Determination of the project- In this step, the learner determines the

theme/topic of the project based on the project task given by the teacher. Learners
are given the opportunity to choose / determine the project to be done either in
groups or independently with a record of not deviating from the task given by the

2. Designing project completion steps- Learners design steps for project

completion activities from start to finish and their management. This project
design activity contains rules of play in the implementation of project tasks,
selection of activities that can support project tasks, integration of various possible
completion of project tasks, planning of sources / materials / tools that can support
the completion of project tasks, and cooperation between group members.

3. Preparation of project implementation schedule of learners under the assistance

of teachers scheduling all activities that have been designed of how long the
project will have to be completed step by step.

4. Completion of the project with the facilitation and monitoring of teachers- This
step is a step of implementing the project design that has been made. Activities
that can be done in project activities include reading, b) researching, c)
observation, d) interview, e) recording, f) art work, g) visiting project objects, or
h) internet access. Teachers are responsible for monitoring the activities of
learners in performing project tasks from the process to the completion of the

project. In monitoring activities, teachers create rubrics that will be able to record
the activities of learners in completing project tasks.

5. Preparation of reports and presentations / publications of project results in the

form of products, be it in the form of written products, artworks, or technological
works / pre-work presented and / or published to other learners and teachers or the
community in the form of exhibitions of learning products.

6. Evaluation of the process and project results of teachers and learners at the end
of the learning process reflects on the activities and results of project tasks. The
process of reflection on project tasks can be done individually or in groups. In the
evaluation stage, students are given the opportunity to express their experience
while completing a project task that develops with discussions to improve
performance while completing the project task. At this stage also done feedback
on the process and products that have been produced.

D. Strengths and Weaknesses of Project-Based Learning Approach

The advantages and disadvantages of implementing Project-Based

Learning can be explained as follows.

1. Benefits of Project-Based Learning:

1. Increase the learner's learning motivation to learn, encourage their ability to do

important work, and they need to be appreciated.

2. Improve problem solving skills.

3. Make learners more active and successfully solve complex problems.

4. Increase collaboration.

5. Encourage learners to develop and practice communication skills.

6. Improving the skills of learners in managing resources.

7. Provide experience to learners learning and practice in organizing projects, and

make time allocations and other resources such as equipment to complete tasks.

8. Provide learning experiences that involve students complexly and are designed
to evolve according to the real world.

9. Engage students to learn to take information and show their knowledge, then
implemented with the real world.

10. Make the learning atmosphere fun, so that students and educators enjoy the
learning process.

2. Disadvantages of Project-Based Learning:

1. It takes a lot of time to solve the problem.

2. Requires a considerable cost

3. Many instructors are comfortable with traditional classes, where instructors

play a leading role in the class.

4. The number of equipment that must be provided.

5. Learners who have weaknesses in experiments and information gathering will

have difficulty.

6. It is possible that the students are less active in group work.

7. When the topics given to each group are different, it is feared that the learners
cannot understand the topic as a whole.

To overcome the weaknesses of project-based learning above an educator

must be able to overcome by facilitating learners in dealing with problems,
limiting the time learners have in completing projects, minimizing and providing
simple tools located in the surrounding environment, choosing an easy-to-reach
research location so that it does not require a lot of time and cost, creating a
pleasant learning atmosphere so that instructors and learners feel comfortable in
the learning process.

E. The Role of Teachers and Students in Project-Based Learning Approach

According to Waras Khamdi, during the project-based learning process,

students will get guidance from resource persons or facilitators, where the role of

A. The Role of Teachers

1) Teaching groups and creating a comfortable atmosphere

2) Ensure that before the start, each group has a member in charge of reading the
material, while their friends are listening, and a member in charge of recording
important information throughout the course of the discussion.

3) Provide material or information at the appropriate time, in accordance with the

development of the group.

4) Ensure that each group discussion session ends with self-evaluation.

5) Keeping the group focused on achieving goals.

6) Monitor the course of discussions and make notes on various problems that
arise in the learning process, as well as teaching to keep the learning process
going. With the aim that every stage in the learning process is not passed or
ignored, so that each stage is carried out in the right order.

7) Maintain student motivation by maintaining the element of challenge in

completion of assignments and also maintaining to push lessons out of adversity.

8) Guiding the learning process by asking the right questions at the right time, in
depth about various concepts, ideas, explanations, points of view, etc.

9) Evaluating learning activities including student participation in group

processes. Teachers need to make sure that every student is involved in the group
process and the various thoughts and views.

B. Student Roles

1) Using the ability to ask and think

2) Do simple research

3) Learn new ideas and concepts

4) Learn to manage time well

5) Conducting self-study activities/groups

6) Applying learning through action

7) Conduct social interaction (interviews, surveys, observations, etc.)

8) More activities on group work.


Afriana, Jaka. 2015. Project Based Learning (PjBL). Makalah untuk Tugas Mata
Kuliah Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu. Program Studi Pendidikan IPA Sekolah
Pascasarjana. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Bandung.

Nurfitriyanti, Maya. 2016. Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Terhadap

Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika. Jurnal Formatif 6(2): 149-160.

Goodman, Brandon and Stivers, J. 2010. Project-Based Learning. Educational

Psychology. ESPY 505.


Multiple Choice

1) The implementation of project-based learning encourages the growth of

creativity, independence, responsibility, confidence, and
a) collaboration
b) problem solving skills
c) communication skills
d) Critical and Analytical thinking
e) research planning skills
2) Activities that can be done in project activities include reading, b)
researching, c) observation, d) interview, e) recording, f) art work, g)
visiting project objects, or
a) project implementation schedule
b) Internet access
c) learning activities
d) self-study activities
e) the learning processes
3) How many student roles in project-based learning approach?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 6
e) 8
4) How many characteristics of project-based learning approach?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 7
d) 5
e) 4

5) As students complete the project, they are required to use investigation,
research planning skills, critical thinking and
a) Observation skills
b) Personal skills
c) Research Planning skills
d) Communication skills
e) Problem-solving skills


1) What is the determination of the project in project-based learning steps?

In this step, the learner determines the theme/topic of the project based on
the project task given by the teacher. Learners are given the opportunity to
choose / determine the project to be done either in groups or independently
with a record of not deviating from the task given by the teacher.
2) Explain Project-Based Learning Approach according to Thomas
Mergendoller and Michaelson.
Thomas Mergendoller and Michaelson say that PBL is a systematic
teaching method that involves lessons into the learning of complex
knowledge and expertise, technical questions and product design and
3) What are the student roles in project-based learning approach?
1) Using the ability to ask and think
2) Do simple research
3) Learn new ideas and concepts
4) Learn to manage time well
5) Conducting self-study activities/groups
6) Applying learning through action
7) Conduct social interaction (interviews, surveys, observations, etc.)
8) More activities on group work.


Project-Based Learning……

Which students learn new things in integrity

Thus, students research and plan

According to the characteristics of the project

Thou shall project and researches be divine

So that the students can read and learn on time…...



1. Identity
a. Education Unit: SMA 5 KOTA Bukittinggi
b. School Year: 2020/2021
c. Service Objectives: Grade X Students
d. Executor: Counseling Teacher
e. Related parties: -

2. Time and Place

a. Date: 21 November 2020
b. Lesson Hours / Service: 13:00- 14:26 hours
c. Time Volume (JP): 2 × 43 minutes
d. Specific Place of Study: Classroom X IPA 6

3. Service Materials
Theme: Covid-19 impact on education
Sub-theme: 1. The definition of covid-19
2. The importance of staying alert from covid-19
3. Identify the negative impacts of covid-19 on education
4. Improving self-safety during covid-19 impact on education

4. Purpose and Direction of Development

a. Purpose of Service
1) After the counseling teacher explains about the covid-19 impact on education
through the display of PowerPoint presentation, students can describe the
definition of covid-19 adequately.

2) After the counseling teacher asks students to watch the video about covid-19
impacts on education, students can demonstrate the importance of staying alert
from covid-19 by analyzing 5 methods from WHO (World Health Organization)
3) After collecting information from the World Health Organization (WHO)
website about covid-19 pandemic outbreak, students can identify 8 negative
impacts of covid-19 on education.
4) After searching and processing information about covid-19 pandemic outbreak,
students can classify their self-safety techniques from surviving covid-19
5) Through reading the information about the covid-19 pandemic outbreak,
students can assemble the strategical planning about improving self-safety during
covid-19 impact on education.

Condition (C): Covid-19 impacts on education are impacted whilst the students
adapt the precautions of self-safety from covid-19 during their school year.
Audience (A): Students are the target to adapt self-safety techniques in order to
stop covid-19 throughout the world.
Behavior (B): The behavior of students is highly alerted since the covid-19
outbreak is majorly impacted throughout the world.
Degree of Success (D): Therefore, students can help by taking precautions
through self-safety techniques from covid-19 thus can make a big difference
throughout the world.

b. Case Development:
Students are able to develop their self-safety techniques while they are in their
school year.

c. Case-T Handling:
Students can protect themselves from covid-19 pandemic while attending their

5. Model: Project-Based Learning Approach

6. Service Functions: Understanding, Recognizing, and Improving self-safety

to stay away from covid-19.

7. Types of Services and Supporting Activities

a. Service Type: Information and Content Mastery Services
b. Supporting Activities: -

8. Advice
a. Media and Equipment: PowerPoint Presentation, WHO website, Laptop, and
Video about covid-19 impacts on education.
b. Source: Feuer W (2020-03-20). "WHO officials warn health systems are
'collapsing' under coronavirus: 'This isn't just a bad flu season'". CNBC. Retrieved

9. Service Results Assessment Objectives

The obtainment of new things by students in relation to KES (Daily Effective
Life) with components of AKURS (Reference, Competence, Effort, Taste,
a. KES (Daily Effective Life)
1) Reference (A): Students have the insight about the understanding of staying
away from covid-19 by taking precautions at all times.
2) Competency (K): Students have the ability to develop their self-safety
techniques for precautions.
3) Effort (U): Students have the effort to protect themselves from covid-19 during
their school year.
4) Taste (R): Students can feel proud of themselves because they can make a big
difference to the world.

5) Earnest (S): Students are serious in their behavior to protect themselves from
covid-19 during their school year by developing their self-safety techniques.

b. KES-T
Some students disobey the rules of covid-19.

c. God-blessed, Grateful, Sincere, and Steadfast

Asking the blessing of God Almighty for the success of these students to acquire
concerns of how to understand, recognize, and improve self-safety to stay away
from covid-19.

10. Activity Steps

Activities Activities for Teachers Activities for Students Time
Introduction Blessed Greetings Respond to blessed
Student Attendance greetings
Pray for Blessing Fill in the attendance
Starts the opening of the Pray for Blessing

The counseling teacher 10

performs the class and minutes
assists students in
contributive learning

The counseling teacher Students pay attention

gives instructions of what and contribute
to do. obedience of what the
counseling teacher is

The counseling teacher giving instructions.
transmits the goal of
Core Activity 1. The counseling teacher 1. Students describe the 10
explains about the covid- definition of covid-19 minutes
19 impact on education adequately.
through the display of
PowerPoint presentation.

2. The counseling teacher 2. Students demonstrate 15

asks students to watch the the importance of minutes
video about covid-19 staying alert from
impacts on education. covid-19 by analyzing
5 methods from WHO
(World Health
Organization) website.

3. The counseling teacher 3. Students identify 8 20

asks students to collect negative impacts of minutes
information from the covid-19 on education.
World Health
Organization (WHO)
website about covid-19
pandemic outbreak.

4. The counseling teacher 4. Students classify 11

asks students to search their self-safety minutes
and process information techniques from
about covid-19 pandemic surviving covid-19
outbreak. outbreak.

5. The counseling teacher
asks students to read the 5. Students assemble 10
information about the the strategical planning minutes
covid-19 pandemic about improving self-
outbreak. safety during covid-19
impact on education.

Final Activity 1. Conclusion: The Conclusion 10

counseling teacher asks Students create the minutes
students to create the conclusion according to
conclusion about the the BMB3 components.

Students answer
The teacher ends the
greetings with
meeting with honorable
honorable respect.

11. Appraisal

A. The Process of Assessment

Through observations, an assessment of the learning/service process is

carried out to obtain an overview of student activities and the effectiveness of
learning/services that have been organized with the dynamics of BMB3.

1. Thinking: What do students think about the PowerPoint Presentation about the
covid-19 impact on education.

2. Feeling: How do students feel after watching the video about covid-19 impacts
on education.

3. Behave: How do students behave after reviewing World Health Organization
(WHO) website about covid-19 pandemic outbreak, students can cognize about
how to understand, recognize and develop their self-safety techniques for

4. Acting: How do students act after following the material about covid-19 impact
on education.

5. Responsible: How do students act that can be responsible related to the

information about the covid-19 pandemic outbreak.

B. Result Assessment

When the learning process has completed, students are being questioned about
their opinions on the lessons they have acquired. Assessment can be proceeded in
oral or written format, in this case by utilizing a questionnaire according to the
service objectives.

1) What is your opinion about the covid-19 impact on education?

2) Demonstrate the importance of staying alert from covid-19 by analyzing 5
methods from WHO (World Health Organization) website.
3) Identify 8 negative impacts of covid-19 on education.
4) Classify the self-safety techniques from surviving covid-19 outbreak.
5) Assemble the strategical planning about improving self-safety during covid-19
impact on education.

C. LAPELPROG and Follow Up

After the learning or service activities are completed, a Service Program

Implementation Report (LAPELPROG) is prepared which contains data on the
results and process assessment, along with the follow-up directions.

Bukittinggi, November 2020

In recognition of the Head of SMA Negeri 5 Bukittinggi: Mr. Ahda S. Pd
NIP.197508072002121 006

Coordinator Guidance and Counseling: Mr. Ilham Mida, S. Pd.I.

NIP. 198312232009012 003

Counseling Teacher/Counselor: Phyu Sin Yadanar Thein


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