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Ifdil, S.HI, S.Pd, M.Pd, Ph.D, Kons

Muhammad Wildan Hadi 19006023
Nadya Nurul Araya 19006099
Qorry Augesthy 19006110



Praise us for the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His Grace and Grace on
us all so that this paper can be arranged well and smoothly. We also do not forget to
send greetings and salawat to the great lord of our Prophet Muhammad who brought
us from the pitch black to the brightly lit world as it is today. Our paper is entitled:
“Trauma Counseling and Addiction Counseling".
We realize that in the making of this paper thanks to the help and guidance of
God Almighty and cannot be separated from the help of various parties for that on
this occasion we offer our utmost respect and gratitude to all those who assisted in
making this paper.
With this we realize that in the process of writing this paper is far from perfect
both the material and the way of writing. However, we have endeavored with all our
capabilities and knowledge so that this paper can be completed properly and
therefore, we humbly accept input, suggestions, and suggestions for improving this

Padang, February 22, 2022



FOREWORD ..........................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................2
A. Background ..................................................................................................3
B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................3
C. Purpose of this paper ....................................................................................3

A. The Meaning and Purpose of Trauma Counseling .......................................5
B. The Meaning and Purpose of Addiction Counseling ...................................7
C. Types of Addiction .......................................................................................8
D. Identify Traumatic Conditions and Addictions
(Use of Various Instruments) .......................................................................9
E. The Role of Counselors in Trauma Counseling Activities in Indonesia ....10
F. Trauma and Addiction Counseling Approaches and Basic Skills .............11


A. Conclusion .................................................................................................13
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................13

REFERENCE .......................................................................................................14


A. Background

Traumatic counseling is very different from the usual counseling

done by counselors, this difference lies in the time, focus, activities, and
goals. In terms of time, traumatic counseling really takes a long time than
ordinary counseling, then in terms of focus, traumatic counseling pays
more attention to one problem, namely the trauma that is felt now. As for
ordinary counseling, they generally like to relate one client problem to
another, such as the client's background, the client's unconscious process,
client communication problems, transference and counter-transference
between client and counselor, critical of client's identity and sexuality,
client's personal isolation and conflict. value that occurs to the client.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning and purpose of trauma counseling?
2. What is the meaning and purpose of addiction counseling?
3. What are the types of addiction?
4. How to identify traumatic condition and addiction (use of various
5. What are the roles of counselors in trauma counseling activities in Indonesia?
6. What are the basic skills and approaches to trauma and addiction counseling?

C. Purpose of this Paper

1. To know the meaning and purpose of trauma counseling
2. To know the meaning and purpose of addiction counseling
3. To know the types of addiction
4. To know how to identify traumatic conditions and addiction (use of various

5. To find out the role of counselors in traumatic counseling activities in
6. To know the basic approaches and skills of trauma and addiction counseling


A. Definition and Purpose of Counseling Traumatic

1. Definition and Purpose of Counseling Traumatic
Trauma comes from the Greek word “tramatos” which means wound
from an external source. But the word trauma can also be internal wounds,
namely emotional, spiritual and physical wounds caused by situations that
threaten us. According to Kartini Kartono and Dali Gulo in "Dictionary of
Psychology" who said that trauma is a serious injury or bitter experience that
causes the organism to suffer physical and psychological damage.
Psychological trauma is a traumatic experience which refers to a very
painful mental experience that is beyond the limits of a person's ability to bear
it. So it can be concluded that trauma is an event that occurs outside the
experienced individual that is life threatening and can cause the organism to
suffer physical and psychological damage and result in a deep and helpless
Traumatic counseling is a counselor's effort to help traumatized clients
through the process of personal relationships so that clients can understand
themselves in relation to the trauma problems they are experiencing and try to
overcome them as best they can. This counseling is different from ordinary
counseling, which lies in time, focus, activities, and goals. The time it takes is
shorter, then more focused on one problem, namely trauma. In terms of
activity, this counseling more often involves many people in helping clients
and the counselor is more active.
Viewed from the point of view, this counseling emphasizes on the
client's recovery as before the trauma and being able to adjust to a new
environment. Trauma means a terrible event that is very frightening. In one of
the science diagnoses of mental disorders there is what is called PTSD in
English, namely Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which means post-traumatic

stress disorder, stress that arises and is ongoing but this stress actually arises
as a result of terrible experiences that we experienced in the past. One of the
signs of sufferers is that they are often attacked by nightmares, wake up at
night in a cold sweat, afraid of having a very terrible nightmare. And the
nightmare is very unique, unique in the sense that it has the same theme, so
the theme is a terrible theme.
2. The Purpose of Traumatic Counseling

Viewed from the point of view, trauma counseling places more

emphasis on the client's recovery from a pre-traumatic state and being able to
adapt to new environmental conditions. More specifically. Muro and Kottman
mention, that the purpose of trauma counselling is:
a. Realistic thinking, that trauma faced by clients is a part of life
b. Gaining understanding about events and situations which causes trauma
c. Understand and accept related feelings with trauma
d. Learn new skills to overcome trauma.

According to Rusman counselling traumatic aims to reduce anxiety

symptoms post-traumatic. Specifically the purpose achieved is to help
children with traumatic experiences for:
a. Remove shadows traumatic
b. Improve ability think more rationally
c. Arouse interest to the reality of life
d. Restore self-confidence
e. Restore attachment and relationship with other people who can provide
support and attention
f. Emotional concern as well as return meaning and purpose of life.

B. Definition and Purpose of Counseling Addiction
1. Definition and Purpose of Counseling Addiction
Counseling is an activity to provide advice and practical input for
people experiencing certain obstacles. Addiction is a condition of addiction to
toxic substances that damage and harm the body and can cause addiction
(addicted) and even death for excessive use excessive. So addiction
counseling is an activity to give advice or input to deal with obstacles to the
use of toxic substances which damage the body and cause dependence.

Every individual who experiences drug dependence problems must

follow a rehabilitation program, one example of which is addiction
counseling. This process has a purpose that can help medical personnel
determine the right recovery strategy.
2. Purpose of Counseling Addiction

The purposes of counseling on drug addiction or drug addiction include:

a. Provide facilities to help change the behavior of abusers.
b. Improve the ability of victims of abusers to face all kinds of problems and
provide motivation to participate in other programs.
c. Provide positive inputs to help him find his purpose in life.
d. Help individuals establish interpersonal relationships such as relationships
with family, community. This can optimize the recovery process to run
e. Providing facilities for capacity development, this can motivate him to
live a better life.

With this addiction counseling, it is hoped that the victims of drug abusers
can be more open and tell what happened. Counselors can later help
individuals from the information they have received.

C. Types Of Addiction

The term addiction comes from the Latin "addícō" which means
"enslaved". by” or “bound” (Smith, 2015). The term addiction is often attached
to a substance and seen as dependency. Scientifically, individuals are considered
addicted when they relentlessly pursue sensations, whether it be a substance like
alcohol or behaviour such as gambling, regardless of the consequences on health
and their well-being (WR Miller, Forcehimes, & Zweben, 2011). As well as,
addiction has been defined as a habitual condition or compulsively involved in
some activity. Addiction is defined as a person's involvement in in behavior that
can provide a sense of pleasure and comfort at the same time feelings of
displeasure and regret (Clark & Scott, 2009).
W. R. Miller et al. (2011) identified three types of actions that defined
addiction: (a) an act which is habitual, regularly performed, and repeated; (b)
behavior that appears to be compulsive and at least partly beyond one's conscious
control; and (c) actions that are not always involve drugs. Initially, addiction
was associated with excessive use of excessive use of drugs and alcohol
(substance abuse). With the development of human life, new problems arise
related to certain excessive behaviors, such as gambling, pornography, and the
From the term addiction above, it can be concluded that addiction is a
habit that is carried out continuously which results in disorders in the physical,
social, spiritual, mental and financial individuals. Addiction someone can happen
to anyone and in any form, one of them is an addiction or game addiction Smith
(2015) explains that addiction is most often associated with continued abuse of a
substance, such as alcohol, heroin, cocaine, marijuana or prescription drugs.
However, there is also behavioral addiction, namely addiction who are not
involved with a substance but with continued activity or behaviour carried out
without taking into account the consequences that will be faced.

There are several types of addiction including alcohol addiction, nicotine
addiction, addiction marjuana, Methamphetamine addiction, drug addiction,
pathological gambling addiction, addiction sexual addiction, work addiction,
sports addiction, shopping addiction, internet addiction and addiction status.
According to Dodes (Satria, 2017: 14-15) in his book entitled "The Heart of
Addiction” there are two types of addiction, namely: Physical addiction, which is
a type of addiction addiction to alcohol or cocaine, and non-physical addiction,
namely a type of addiction that is not related to alcohol and cocaine.
Addiction to playing games is known as Game Addiction (Grant & Kim,
2003). It means that the player has nothing else to do but playing the game, and
as if the game was his life. Griffiths (1995) explained that game addiction can
cause significant harm. One of the downsides is that gamers can become negligent
with life in fact because it was too deeply involved in the game.
Clark and Scott (Handayani, 2017: 38) suggest that game addiction is a
game that can give gamers a happy feeling to have a constant tendency to play
and ignore real life. Meanwhile, according to King and Delfabro (Siregar, 2013:
19) explained that game addiction is a form of addiction that caused by the
existence of continuous thinking that gives rise to excessive behavior where
players show high motivation in playing and players can spend more than 35
hours per week playing.

D. Identifying Traumatic Conditions and Addiction (Utilizing Various

1. Identifying Traumatic Conditions
According to Rosmalina (2017) up (2017) efforts for me to be able to
identify conditions can identify traumatic conditions traumatic contents. This
can be done by looking at the characteristics of the trauma, including those
caused by the incident a terrible great shaking that shook beyond our plans
and plans and our wills, our wills, it happened it happened applies, applies,

occurs psychophysical mechanisms occur: psychophysical: if I don't fight
against then I will perish, perish, sensitive to stimuli that resemble real events.
To identify a traumatic condition, it can be seen from the symptoms often
experienced are:
a. Repetition of the trauma experience, indicated by always remembering the
event sad thing that has been experienced, the emotional and physical
reactions that exaggerated because it is triggered by memories will be
excessive because it is triggered by memories of a sad event. sad iwa.
b. Avoidance of stimuli associated with traumatic or death experiences sense
in responsiveness.
c. Increased tension, indicated by difficulty sleeping or maintaining sleep,
irritability or inability to control anger, difficulty concentrating, excessive
vigilance, excessive shock response to anything (Jeffrey, 2005)
2. Identifying Addiction Conditions

To identify addiction, to identify this addiction, this can be done

through various instruments such as interviews, observations. Interviews can
be done with people around addict's residence. As for the handling of victims
of addiction or addicts where along with its development, the government has
enacted Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. In this law it is stated that
every drug user who after the court's verdict is proven not to distribute or
produce narcotics, in this case they are only limited to only users, then they
have the right to apply to get services rehabilitation.

E. The Role of Counselors in Traumatic Counseling Activities in Indonesia

According to Winkel and Hastuti (2006) the role of the counselor is

needed in dealing with victims, especially natural disasters, counselors can help
disaster victims manage their emotional stability so that they can accept the
realities of life as it is even under difficult conditions. Counselors also play a role

in help victims to be better able to manage their emotions properly and think

F. Approaches and Basic Skills for Traumatic Counseling and Addiction

Trauma and Addiction Counseling Approach and Basic Skills According

to Yoseph & Sriati, A. (2009) traumatic counseling strategies are counselor's
efforts in planning counseling to help clients experiencing trauma through the
process of personal relationships so that clients can understand themselves in
relation to with the trauma problem he experienced and trying to overcome it as
best possible. There are four skills that a counselor must have in strategy
traumatic counseling, namely: (a) realistic view, (b) holistic orientation, (c)
flexibility, and (d) a balance between empathy and assertiveness.
According to Windyaning According to Windyaningrum, (2014) if k
(2014) if the counselor provides a counselor to provide a solution for solving a
warp for solving client problems, clients who incidentally are addicts who have
personal addictions do not will have the ability to find solutions to client
problems on their own. Clients are not trained to be mature in making decisions.
In addition, with imposing the counselor's personal will for the client violates the
code of ethics. Related with that, according to Corey (1988: 429) counselors help
clients find its solutions its own solutions and help help clients to realize their
independence to act, not keep clients from taking risks exercise their freedom.
The counselor's job is to help clients become independent make choices and to
have the courage to accept the consequences of their choices (Corey, 1988: 430).
According to According to Yoseph & Sriati, A. (2009) methods of
communication therapy that The addiction counselor at the Palma Therapeutic
Community House was carried out in the form of methods counseling.
Counseling at Rumah Palma Therapeutic Community is basic therapy from the
recovery program for victims of drug abuse. Counseling therapy consists of: from
group counseling (static static group) and individual counseling (individual

counseling). Counseling is related to the counselor's communication process with
clients to explore issues on the client, and understand the problems of the client,
both the problem of addiction to problems life problems that cause clients who
cause clients to become addicted to drugs. drug dependence. Counseling
counseling method addiction counselor can not be separated from the existence of
therapeutic communication. Hibdon, S (in Suryani 2006: 6) states that a
counseling approach that allows clients discovering who he is is the focus of
therapeutic communication. Through counseling, The Rumah Palma Therapeutic
Community addiction counselor can explore problems and the client's self-issues
and client behavior, so that counseling is used as a way to determine giving
treatment plans.

A. Conclusion

Traumatic counseling is a counselor's effort to help clients who have

experienced trauma through the process of personal relationships so that clients
can understand themselves in relation to the trauma problems they are
experiencing and try to overcome them as best they can. Trauma counseling
emphasizes on the client's recovery from pre-traumatic conditions and being able
to adapt to new environmental conditions. Then addiction counseling is an
activity to provide advice or input to overcome barriers to the use of toxic
substances that damage the body and cause dependence.
W.R. Miller et al. (2011) identify three types of actions that define
addiction: (a) actions that are habitual, regularly performed, and repetitive; (b)
behavior that appears compulsive and at least in part beyond one's conscious
control; and (c) actions that do not necessarily involve drugs.
There are four skills that counselors must possess in a traumatic
counseling strategy, namely: (a) realistic outlook, (b) holistic orientation, (c)
flexibility, and (d) balance between empathy and assertiveness.

B. Suggestion

In writing this paper, we are aware of the many deficiencies contained in

it, and therefore the authors are looking forward to readers' suggestions and
criticisms for the improvement of papers in the future.


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