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Sexually transmitted infections are the infections that are spread from person to person through intimate sexual

contact Prevention 1.Abstinence - not having any oral or vaginal or anal sex, is the best way to protect your self Symptoms (girls) 1.) Sores, bumps or blisters near your genital, anus or mouth 2.) Pain when you urinate 3.) Itching or bad smell or unusual discharge 4.) Belly ache 5.) Bleeding Symptoms (boys) 1.) Sores, bumps or blisters near your genital, anus 2.) Burning or pain 3.) Itching pain or discharge Types of bacteria 1.chlamydia -caused by bacteria known as Chlamydia trachomatis -common STI 2.Gonnorhea - is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Treatable by using antibiotic 3.Genital Herpes (HSV-2) -HSV-2 is caused by herpes virus -no cure very dangerous -should undergo medication and antibiotics, antiviral medication 4.Genital Warts -caused by human papilloma virus (HPV)

- no cure 5.Hepatitis B -Disease of the liver -can get this by transmitted by blood transfusion. body fluid, sexual intercourse -liver transplant(cure) 6.HIV and AIDS - AIDS is the most deadly disease -AIDS is cause by HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) -Destroy immune system Symptoms of AIDS 1.weakness and fatigue 2.loss weight 3.frequent fever 4.heavy sweating at night 5.swollen lymph glands 7.Pubic Lice (crabs) - tiny insects that can crawl from pubic hair 8.syphitis -caused by bacteria called Treponema pallidum -If not treated can cause Brain Damage 9.Trichomaniasis - trich - Parasite that can be pass from person to person during sexual intercourse -common STD What happens if STD is not Treated? -Infertility -long term pain -cancer -DEATH

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