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BLEED: 5mm all around


And what if you dont follow the rules?

First they wanna know if youre

Heteronormativity springs from the assumption that everyone is heterosexual, as well as from the assumption that there are only two genders, men and women, and that men are masculine and women are feminine. Heteronormativity also supposes that these two genders attract and complete each other and that this is the only normal and wanted way to live.

a boy or a girl
Then they

Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in a straight world:

Your family life will be seen as too private to talk about, while straights can talk about their weekend activities or the partners new work. You might face discrimination based on homo-, bi- or transphobia Your life experiences will not be represented in media, on TV or in books You might be pathologized You will most likely not be allowed to marry the person you love You might face violence or threats


expect you to act

After all this, they wanna decide


Some of these examples isolated may seem harmless enough, but are all examples of discriminatory structures that homophobia feeds on.

Why is heteronormativity a problem in higher education?

A heteronormative education has quality problems and it passes on stereotypes and prejudices. Examples of how it shows are: Teacher students will not be equipped to handle homophobic bullying in their future classes Problems with scientific credibility; LGBT-blind studies will reinforce the idea that there are no LGBT persons, families or children Students and teachers might be discriminated against LGBT students are made invisible Literature might suggest that LGBT persons are sick and the teaching staff do not oppose it

Many norms are useful in society; some say that we should be nice to each other or stand in line when waiting for our turn. Others limit people in an unequal way; i.e. norms stating you should only fall in love with people of the opposite sex or that it is better to be Christian than Muslim. At first, these norms are difficult to see, but when you learn to identify them, you can also change them! Learning about norms, what is seen as normal and abnormal in our society is a way to create a more equal society. Come and join us, you too!

who you fall in love with!



BLEED: 5mm all around

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