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Jezzreel Jay C. Hamili

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Mr. Sean Duay

November 13, 2021


COMMUNICATE: On your own, reflect on on the other following questions. Find a friend
whom you are comfortable to discuss your thoughts. Share your idea with them.

1. How can you describe your discovery of your sexuality, your sense of being male and
CONTEMPLATE: Let us think about how gender is portrayed in your community. List down as
many wordsI was born asused
or phrases a gender
to (a)identity
a female, I expected
(b) describe to be a feminine
the following When I
was a child, my family bought me a toy or anything that associated with girlhood. I have
these certain characteristics of being gentle, caring and loving as what girls are expected to
have. I experienced female reproductive functions associated like menstruation. So,
growing up I was treated like a girl, dress like a girl, act like a girl, behave like a girl and I
conduct myself based upon my assigned sex. Also, my sexual orientation where who I am
attracted to is my opposite sex (the male). Literally, I am a straight female or labelled as

2. How does your being a female and male influence your family's and peer's
expectations from u?


have grown up in different ways. Our family and peers shaped us into who
and what we are to be. Being a female influenced their expectations from me such as:
expected me to be good when it comes to household chores, expected me to be a
responsible one in dealing tasks, expected me to be an independent woman, and above all
my family expected me to finish my studies, got a stable job and support them financially.

What is your thoughts?

Gender portrayed in the community differently in which how men, women and
homosexuals act and behave. Gender stereotypes can cause unequal and unfair treatment
most especially in the homosexual•Gentle
•Brave part, they are portraying negatively. To sum up it all, we
should not discriminate other's differences but rather we change these stereotypes to help
•Strongfeel equal and value as people
everyone •Caringno matter what gender they
are. We should possess
respect and acceptance.
•Rough •Loving •Reprimanded

•Assertive •Soft •Being judge

•Polite •Subjected to Violence and



1. Distinguish sex, gender, and sexuality and provide examples on how each is manifested in
real life situations.

Sex-is the term we use to refer to a person's life sexual anatomy. Sex is often assigned at birth
and it manifested in real life situations in which that it is categorized as male if observed to
have penis testicles. On the other hand, it is categorized as female if it observed to have a

Gender- is the term we use to refer to how a person feels about himself as a boy/man and feels
about herself as a girl/woman. It is manifested in the real situations, as males are typically

expected to be masculine and females are expected to be feminine . However, there are people
who do not follow culturally-accepted standards of masculinity and feminity where as girls not
wanting to wear dresses and boys not wanting to play rough sports.

a friend in whom
relation to are
you thecomfortable
gender or genders
to discussto which they are On
your thoughts. typically
attracted; sexual orientation. It is manifested in the real life situations
own, reflect on the following question. Share ideas with them. Think about the phrases whereas we already
babaewho welalaki
kase, are attracted to in
kase, haligi ngwhich it distinguish
tahanan, in labels.
ilaw ng tahanan If we
and attracted to opposite sex it
is called "heterosexuals"; if we attracted to the same sex it is called "homosexual, gay or
How doifthese
lesbian; words communicate
we attacted to same sexes,partriarchy?
the male and female, it is called "Bisexual"; if it refers to
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community it is called "LGBT".
In history, men and women viewed differently in human socities. In partriarchy system,
2.the rights
Look for of men or
books and women
articles are not totheir
dedicating be treated as equal.
discussions A women
or human viewedWrite
sexuality. as weaker
down sex
essay as, not allowed
how theseto go to school,
materials or even
define to vote,and
sex gender andsexuality.
forbidden to learn philosophy,
politics and science. Woman also viewed as the inferior sex and are properties of men whose
only jobBased
was tofrom
husband, titled The
child Psychology
rearing of Human
and relegated to Sexuality by Don
house chores. On Lucas and
the other
hand, menFox.placed
They define
to be sex meansfor
provider of his
rule over women Sex includes sexualand
and children, organs, such
supremacy what
in theitlaw
is toat be a female—or
home, workplacetestes—defining
and in society. what it is to be a male. They
define gender as psychological (gender identity) and sociological (gender role) representations
of biological sex. At an early age, we begin learning cultural norms for what is considered
masculine and feminine. Sexuality refers to a person’s sexual attraction to others. Within the
context of sexual orientation, sexual attraction refers to a person’s capacity to arouse the
sexual interest of another, or, conversely, the sexual interest one person feels toward another.





1. Create a collage showing the progression of human understanding and attitude of gender
and sexuality in modern societies.

2. Interview people from different age group ( adolescent, adult, elderly) and ask them what
they can think of when they hear the words gender and sexuality. Ask them what influenced
them to have these thoughts?

After I interviewed these people from different age groups (adolescent, adult, elderly)
basically, they have the same thoughts in which how they view gender and sexuality. Also,

they've mentioned the word unequal treatment. To derived their answers, it influence them to
have these thoughts based upon what they've heard, saw and observed in the society.

CONTEMPLATE: The following are women statements be hear from people. Reflect why
you think people agree or disagree with the statement. Reflect about your own thoughts.
Do you agree or disagree with each statement? Why or why not?

Statement Why people Agree Why people Disagree

Boys should not cry. Boys have a strong Boys also have emotions. If
personality and not show a boy cries it does not mean
signs of weakness, like he is a coward but it means
crying. that he is also a human.
Man or woman, everybody
has the right to express

Girls are bad drivers and Boys are superb drivers It is not all about person's
boys are superb drivers. because they are more gender to know the he/she
confident and at taking risks is good at driving. Boys and
than girls. girls are equal and have the
potential to be equally good

Boys should not be allowed Boys are not allowed to play There's nothing wrong for a
to play dolls. dolls because of what we boy playing with dolls
called the gender because dolls also a toy that
stereotypes where dolls are give entertainment to them.
for girl stuff and not for
boys stuff.

Women should prim and The society expected that There should be no gender
proper. It is OK men to be women should be prim and stereotypes. Men and
rowdy, they are men proper, that's the definition women should have equal
anyways. of an ideal women. While rights, they can act and
because men dress whatever they want.
ruled over everything.

COMMUNICATE: The following are the common statement we hear from people. Reflect
why you think people agree or disagree with the statement. Reflect about your own
thoughts. Do you agree or disagree with each statement? Why or why not?

Would you be willing to Befriend Someone who...

Is a native of a different country? Yes I am willing to befriend someone who is

a native of different country. It's really
amazing to have a friend like this. It can also
benefit me in so many ways by learning new
things. These things are: learning about
their culture and languages, I can share my
problems and life experiences, it can
develop my personality and it can teach me
to become more open and to accept one's

Does not have the same religious belief as I Yes, I am willing to bestfriend someone who
do? does not have the same religious belief as I
do. There's nothing wrong about it, nothing
is different as a never think them
differently. Having this kind of relationship,
respect is the important thing to stand out.
Honestly, I have a Muslim friend and I dont
have an issue of who he is as long as no one
could disrespect of what we believe in. We
just bear it in our mind that all people are
precious and deserve to be treated rightly.

Has a physical or mental disability?

Yes I am willing to befriend someone who has

a physical or mental disability because what
I've observed, these people doesn't have
friends. So that, they needed someone to be
friend of, someone they can talk to, someone
who can listen of their struggling with
emotions or experiences in life and someone
to comfort them and to motivate them. It's
really a different feeling if you will be a helping
hand for those people who in need.

Does not speak your language? Yes I am willing to befriend someone who
does not speak my language. We can also
communicate each other by using the global

language- the English. The global language is

the one language that the majority of the
people of the world can speak and understand
this. That's why we can make it work. With
that, we can learn each other's languages by
teaching him/her to speak and understand my
language and he/she can also teach me about
their language. As time goes on, we can learn
to understand each other and to communicate


1. Look for books or articles that have gender and sexuality as its focus area. Identify possible
topics which will fall under gender studies. Distinguish whether they are quantitative,
qualitative or mixed methods researchers.

Based from (David Smile and Rebecca Hanson, 2018) that their focus area is about gender
and sexuality. They used qualitative methods which are particularly suited to unpacking the
“how” of gender and sexualities—the layers of practices, discourses, histories, and identities
that constitute and are constituted by them. Also, these articles vividly demonstrate how
qualitative sociology can reveal the stubborn inequalities that still define our world in the 21st
century. These inequalities cannot be fully understood without studying in context, the
practices, discourses, histories, and identities they are made of.

2. List down five question you want to be answered related in gender and sexuality. Explain
why you want to answer these questions. Identify why you think these questions are within
the scope of gender studies.

1. Why do homosexuals persons exist?

2. What kind of difficulties do trans people face?


3. Why do people judge, bullied, and discriminated the LGBT Community?

4. In what ways does homosexuals gain acceptance and respect?

5. Does anyone have the right to judge?

I want to answer these questions because of my curiosity and to clarify all of these things
in order to enlighten my mind and to truly understand everything. There are instances that is
unclear to me, that's why I want to seek informations from people's different point of views. Of
course, these questions are within the scope of gender studies whereas it is talked about
gender and sexuality.

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