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Group 9

Lazo, Jan Ace

Esparaguerra, Marijoe

Germar. Sophia

1. Who typically initiates social interaction, males or females? Who typically ends it?

Social interaction is a process where a person acts and reacts to their environment no matter what their
gender is. What I observed in my community is that males are typically the one who initiates
communication with the other gender. Most females have this set of beliefs that males are SHOULD be
the ones to start the conversation and it has become the unwritten rule of the society. But it doesn’t
mean that most of the females are not doing anything to start a conversation. Most of them act
implicitly, for example, by sharing posts on social media that are aimed toward a specific person. Even
though females don’t directly talk to you. What they are trying to indicate is to talk to me because I like
to talk to you. Moreover, who is the one to typically end the conversation? When males are commonly
the ones to start the conversation, girls are the ones to end the conversation. Why? We all know that
males are the ones to start the conversation, which means if you start the conversation; it signifies that
you are interested in the person you are trying to talk to. And what the problem is is that if males are
interested in talking to that Female. It doesn’t mean that a female whom he is trying to communicate is
also interested, and what do we do if we are not interested in a person? We low-key want to end the

2. Are there differences between males and females in how long each dominates the

Males are more capable of having the trait of masculinity that is generally accepted by society, which
the society defined masculinity as the ideal of social expectations of being a man. Masculinity refers to
the roles, behaviors, and attribute that is constructed and defined socially and historically. If males are
more capable of having the trait of being masculine that is defined by society. Then, it is a norm that
males dominate the conversation more than the females

3. Compare males and females in terms of symbolic gestures and language styles. What I
observed in my community is that males and females have a big difference in these symbolic gestures
and language styles. Females tend to use more symbolic gestures and language styles. Symbolic gestures
are hand postures with some conventionalized meanings such as thumbs up for non-verbally saying well
done and the ok gesture forming an “o” with your thumb and index finger. And language styles such as
the choice of words used by a specific group of people when they speak like Tagalog slang words such as
nyek, charot, mumshie, keri, and beshie were more commonly used by females than males. Although
females uses symbolic gestures and language styles more, males also use symbolic gestures and
language styles. Such as the rock and roll hand sign and using the words agik, jeproks, and omsim. Males
and females both use symbolic gestures and language styles. Even so, females make use of symbolic
gestures and language styles more during a conversation.

4. How do patterns of social interaction in same-sex groups differ from those in mixed groups?

There is a major difference between these two occurrences. There are some types of people that base
their personality and how they interact if they are in the mixed group and same-sex groups. People from
a mixed group interaction tend to have more self-control over what they say than a person interacting in
a same-sex group. Meanwhile, same-sex group interaction has less control over what they say and tends
to be more informal than a mixed group interaction. The same-sex group is more informal and lesser
control of what they say than the mixed group interaction because there is something only same-sex
group topics can understand fully for the fact that the other gender doesn’t possess this type of things
biologically and understand.

5. What conclusions can be derived about the role of gender in social interaction?

Our conclusion that can be derived from the activity is that society sets a standard in regards to whom
who should communicate more, start the conversation, who should be the dominant, and why only boys
can be the masculine of the society in terms of interacting. I think that this is the generation wherein
gender roles in communication must be gotten rid of. In interacting with someone no one must
dominate another person or gender. We people have been given equal rights regardless of gender. In
interacting, always remember that no one is above nor no one is under. Females can be masculine too.

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