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General information

Squirrels are diurnal animals mainly of customs except the nocturnal flying squirrel is, with very good hearing, sight and smell. Also thought to distinguish the different colors quite well. Being very agile and active animals need cages Gander, with different branches and hiding places in which to shelter. In the wild, they live in burrows they dig in the soil. They store food for winter. They make two nests, one light in summer and one winter waterproof. They have two large front incisors. Their feet have four toes on the front and five in the rear. Feeding squirrels is based on fruits, flowers, acorns, nuts and seeds more often stored in theirburrows for when winter comes. Supplement their diet with insects and spiders.



To transport food from one place to another making use of some bags that are called pouched in his mouth. The squirrel's nest has two entrances and inside this house chipmunks Females give birth between 3 and 4 calves

The squirrel is very fast, easily and rapidly climbing trees, making great leaps from tree to tree. It also has an exceptional view and also known dive.

Their fur is usually red, but may have different hues depending on the habitat where they live.

Because the pups are born blind squirrels, their mothers must be protected during the first months of life until they are bigger and can defend themselves.

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