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Life Without Cell Phons

Martin Cooper invented the cell (mobile) phone. He was the first one to make a call and speak on his mobile phone. Martin cooper wanted people to be able to carry their phones with them anywhere. While he was a project manager at Motorola in 1973, Cooper set up a base station in New York with the first working prototype of a cellular telephone, the Motorola Dynastic. After some initial testing in Washington for the F.C.C., Mr. Cooper and Motorola took the phone technology to New York to show the public. Though the Mobil phones were a great success and were spreading worldwide there were some advantages an there were also disadvantages of mobile phones ADVANTAGES:a) we can carry a mobile phone with us so we don't miss important calls b) if we are lost, we can call for directions. c) if we are in an accident, we can call the police or ambulance d) we can listen to music, text, play games when we're bored. e) Most mobile phones have a calculator

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