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Martin Cooper, was born in December 26 in 1928. He is an American

engineer. In 1954 he began working at Motorola.

He is a pioneer in the wireless communications industry. Cooper

invented the first cellular mobile phone in 1973. He is considered the
"father of the (handheld) cell phone and is also cited as the first person
in history to make a handheld cellular phone.

Early cell phones were just for talking. Gradually, features like
voicemail were added, but the main purpose was talk. Eventually, cell
phone manufacturers began to realize that they could integrate other
technologies into their phone and expand its features. The earliest
smartphones let users access email, and use the phone as a fax
machine, pager and address book. Actually, the cell phones contain:
camaras, videos, calendar, apps, games and programs. It makes an
easier life to the people.

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