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The way that the commission obtains energy its through electric generators or turbines, and this use different types of fuel so that they can operate, some of these fuel are: fuel oil, gas, diesel, carbon, vapor y uranium ( nuclear energy ). The 78% of the fuel used for the production of energy came from oil, and like the shortage of oil is another problem, we need to consider other way of fuel. And the best way its with nuclear energy, because the carbon its to contaminant and the other options dont produce big contribution. The director of the commission said that we have to take a decision now because the construction of a nuclear plant take twelve years to make it. The problem with the nuclear plants in the world its that they cost too much, more than they are budgeted, and in occasions even the double or more, and if one of these plant got an accident the damage will be to big for all the people for the nuclear residues. Even that, these energy got so much advantages, the fuel used for the this energy its too low comparated with the energy obtained and that means less transports and residues, also like the fuel of oil will be less used ,the global warming tend to diminish The construction of the nuclear plant with capacity of 1500 kw, demand an inversion of four thousand five hundred million dollars.

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