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a. Vocab 1. The undersanding of vocabulary One thing that distinguish between man and animal is a vebal language or speaking.

Humans communicate with others thru verbal language, either to give or to receive the information but hte animal dont, if the human wants to communicate with others they must have enough words. Words are instruments for saying what a person wants to say in our thought, feeling, ideas, desires, dislikes, hopes and fears. As the instruments, the number of words we have can help us fulfill ur needs. The are many definition of vocabulary which are defined by the experts. However its impossible to discuss all of them, so the writer only chooses several of them. Accroding to Penny Ur, vocab is one of the most important aspect in language teaching, beside grammar and pronouncation. As a stock words used by aperson, it can be defined, roughly as the words we teach in the foreign language.1

Penny Ur; A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and theory (New York:Cambridge University Press, !996),p.60

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