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The First Electronic Magazine Dedicated T o Managerial Skills

Issue 1 - August 2009


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The hidden driver To

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A word from the editor

MANAGER Magazine for your maximum benfirst electronic magazine devoted to the devel- efit; we designed the magazine to fit any kind of managers apart from their field of work, and any opment of Managerial Skills. level of experience whether first time managers Here at THE MANAGER Magazine we believe or executive level. We designed the articles to that the keyword is change, whether it is the integrate each other and continue talking about changing business environment we live in, the the important topics in various issues as long a technology we use, or even the new business it takes to give you the whole picture from all theories. Everything is changing, and standing still sides, as we believe we are not here to entertain will cause you to be left behind or even worse, but we are here to develop and train. out of business. We believe that THE MANAGER Magazine will We took the first step in order to help you to provide you with much more than the monetary cope with the change around you; by providing value you are paying. We welcome any sugyou with all the tools necessary to develop your gestions and comments from you our beloved managerial skills, to be a better performer and reader. even to become a better person, but remains the most important step to be taken by you. it is the Editor in chief will to change that has to come from inside, as you accept the journey of change, and commit to it. So in pursuit of this goal we designed THE

Welcome to THE MANAGER magazine; the

Alaa Ayoub

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Co n t e n ts :
4 Dealing with difficult Employees: The critical personality 8 Managing versus Leading 12 For FirsT TiME ManagErs: The basic functions of Management 22 roadblocks in the way

to innovation
Cover story

27 Emotional intelligence,

The hidden driver to great performance

33 WhaT iT TakEs To bE a LEaDEr: Courage

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dealing with difficult employees:

The critical personality

A s

a manger you have to deal with difficult people on a daily basis, some of them under your supervision like your employees and some are not like your colleagues and even your boss. Difficult people eat up your time, slow down work, and erode productivity. But perhaps as important, they create huge amounts of stress for you and other people in workplace.

ten than others, their problems pop up with many people and in many situations. Its easy to become a victim of difficult people, and even to become difficult yourself as a result, but you can do something. You can keep your sanity and increase productivity by managing difficult people so the damage they cause is reduced. And if you are lucky, you may even be able to turn their negative behavior into constructive, useful behavior. There are many types and forms of difficult people that will be discussed in our coming issues, so let us look at one of the most popular and most annoying personalities.

The critical personality

Definition: who
You definitely know this kind of people; they have imposed themselves as a world observers and judges, they criticize other peoples decisions and, are proud to pick mistakes in

Mostly, they arent bad people. In fact, they are probably more similar to you than you might imagine; they are people with troubles in some areas in their lives (mostly in their up growing and childhood) as we all are but the difficult ones are those with problems that float on the surface frequently and more ofPromotional issue
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others actions and maybe personalities too, their tone of voice conveys frustration because of unwise ambitions of others. They can easily destroy your best idea and make it useless, They think they have a great plan for your life, all you have to do is to ask or just listen and they will tell you all about it. You might think that things are alright but the critics tend to find something wrong as they always look at the empty half of the cup and see things negatively. Also they tend to be perfectionist, reckless, judgmental, arrogant, pretending to know it all, like to be in control, and hunting for faults.

The Reason: Why

The critics believe that their criticism is helpful and by exposing others faults, they are helping them- even without being asked to do so. What they do not know is by doing so, usually the opposite happens because people naturally get defensive when faced by critics. Accordingly true change is not achieved by criticism but rather achieved in an environment of acceptance, love, and patience from someone who truly cares. Critics are moved by the desire to fix problems; they see something wrong and recklessly push their solution that is painted by criticism more than true desire to bring help to the picture.

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Most critics are brought up in an environment of criticism where one of their parents or both of them did not approve their actions and habits and met them with criticism all the time. As a result they grew up the same way; criticizing everybody around them whether they notice that or not; they practice it anyway and not helping to stop. Whatever the motives behind that attitude, we have to differentiate between two types of critics; one has a low self-esteem and down to earth morale, who tends to bring down and undermine everybody around him. This one is like a poison in the organization. The other one is really caring for others but has a poor way of doing it, which is much better, and usually willing to go into the process of change.

them, it is always easier to change our perceptions and way of thinking rather than trying to change them( that could require therapy). So the following guidelines are applied to us: We all get critical sometimes, who did not??!! You could have criticized an action that one of you friends, employees or boss did!! Or as a father did criticize your sons behavior!!! So we can move forward in our relationship with critics only when we understand the critics inside us. We can move one step forward by empathizing with the critics and understanding how he became that way, if you knew his story you would understand what drives him to do what he does and that would let you accept him a little more. Listen to what he says, as we have said, he may give you a good tip. Rephrase what he says in your own word to make sure you understand him.

Face the critics inside you

Put yourself in his/her shoes

The Way: How

It is hard to deal with critics objectively, sometime we see them as needles in a balloon factory, but at the same time they could give a good suggestions. In order to deal with

Do not shut your ears

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Some criticism could be destructive so make sure you accept only those ones and which are politely phrased and from those who really want your best interest and shut the rest.

Limit your criticism

Tame the beast inside

We all vulnerable in some areas inside us, when touched, the beast inside us wakes up and we get defensive and aggressive. As a matter of fact,occasionally the critics are right but we are touchy. Devote sometime if complaining and criticism are repeated. Specify a time for the critics to hear them, and during this time only they are allowed to discuss their points of view. Usually this routine works very well and critics accept this solution as they guarantee a specific time to be heard. In that session, ask them to write down all they want to say, then ask them to try to categorize the points into groups, finally, no interruption is allowed, everybody waits for his turn.
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Make a hearing session

Some critics do not reveal their opinions to you directly but instead they start complaining to a third person, creating a triangle and repeating the process until it turns to gossip. You can discern them by seeing them talking about a third person who is not present. Those people make you feel like their best friend however beware, you are like everybody else, and when you are not there they will criticize you as well. Do not allow poisonous critics to shatter your dreams away. Protect and surround yourself with supportive and caring people and keep your ambitions glowing.

Beware of triangular critics

Keep your dreams alive


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Leadi ng
re you a leader or a manager? Yes there is a difference and it is a big one. The whole big corporate world is full of managers of all kinds, but lacks out leaders, as they are few. As the world boundaries are disappearing and globalization and mass communication combine the individual economies of the countries into one big worldwide economy, it is now easier for competition to enter the markets and offer variety of similar products that drive sales away from the original producers and manufacturers. For these reasons and more, the need for leaders is growing; leaders who can motivate employees to achieve superior economic performance and make the appropriate and tough decisions at the right time, those who are not reluctant at taking risks and in constant search for opportunities, and those who have an-

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swers for critical and difficult questions that we face each and every day.

So what is Leadership ?
There is not one single definition of leadership. Understanding this concept is the first step towards becoming an effective leader. Some common definitions or beliefs about leadership include the following:

This is one of the biggest myth of leadership and used by people to avoid the effort and hardiness of changing oneself into a leader. Yes some people can become leaders easier than some others; maybe they are not afraid of change, or maybe they have many of the qualities of a leader (will be discussed it the following article) inherited in their personality. Yes this maybe true but anyone by honest hard work, practice, willing to change and dedication can become a great leader no matter how far he is right now from being a leader.

Great leaders are born like that, it is in their Genes!!!

But in organizational context, leadership could be defined as getting people to commit and provide their best towards the organizations goals. Not one of the preceding definitions is more correct than any of the others. All of the definitions, however, agree on one common fact: leadership involves more than one person.

- One of them, as mentioned by John

C. Maxwell, the leadership guru, leadership is influence which matches the term lead, To lead, means that you have to have some followers; to make them follow you, you have to influence them. Another definition is getting people to do things, which they have never thought they can ever do. In that definition come the terms enablement, and empowerment.

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The difference between leaders and managers:

strive for change. Worry about what is not done yet. inspire people to work hard and improve performance. Take risk. Use fewer explicit tools and a lot of creativity and lateral thinking.

Maintain balance & equilibrium. Take pride in what is done. Make sure that people are adequately paid for their effort. Minimize risk. Use explicit set of tools and techniques that are based on reasoning, scientific testing and problem solving techniques. show less emotions and more conservative approach to achieve targets that are already set for them. Concentrate on the way things done to achieve a task. Make a plan and stick to it.

Frequently display motivation, enthusiasm, passion, and vision to accomplish high level of performance. Question whether it is the right task. are adventurous, they go where nobody has gone before. speak their mind and try to convince others to adopt their point of view. Listen to peoples opinions and then they form their own opinion. inspire achievement.

keep their point of view to themselves. Form their own opinion then listen to others. Coordinate efforts.

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Leaders and relationships:

As opposed to managers; relations with others play a significant role in influencing and hence leading people. A leader considers his team members or congregation as partners with him in pursuit of organizational goals and superior performance. Accordingly, he listens to their views with great respect and allows for disagreement to take place sometimes. Although, he provides visions and directions, he shares responsibility with others and creates a sense of belonging and significance in people around him; they feel valuable, important and productive as individuals and as a team.

Roles of the leader

Model the Way 1. Clarify values by detailed explanation, building upon inputs from others and affirming shared ideals. 2. Align actions with shared values. Inspire a Shared Vision 3. Explore the future by generating exciting possibilities and hunting for opportunities. 4. Generate buy-ins into vision by combining shared aspirations to fit into one common goal. Challenge and change 5. Take initiative by looking outward for innovative ways to improve. 6. Experiment and take risks by trial and error and shared learning of failure and mistakes Empower Others 7 Promote group efforts and teamwork by building trust, facili. tating relationships and open honest communications 8. Strengthen others by developing self-esteem,self-determination, discipline and competence. Encourage the Heart 9. Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence. 10. Celebrate the values and accomplishments by creating a spirit of unity.

Although, leaders are important and provide the backbone of survival in a world of constant change, an organization can not exist without managers who plan, organize, direct and control. A leader that can motivate people and inspire vision and performance, but does not have managerial skills, is like building a skyscraper without building stairs and elevators. Managers are good, but leaders who can manage are much better.

leaders are Good, manaGers are bad!!

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For First Time Managers

The Basic FuncTions oF

OK, I am the Boss, what am I suppose to do now ??!!

M anageMenT
A preview on basic roles of management for first time managers

eing promoted on the foundation of know-how, proficiency, or intelligence is very useful to the business but not sufficient. You hardened to do your job splendidly but after being a boss; your job is to make people do their jobs superbly and it

is not a straightforward assignment to do. Being in charge of an entire sector including related tasks and performance could turn to a burden without the right tools. So lets begin by the basic five roles of management, those roles are the bi-

ble to every manager whether a CEO or a first line manger, those roles are: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.

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Mission Statement


Running an organization is like taking a trip with your car; to get where you want to go, youve got to have a plan (a map) that tells you where your Vision statement destination is, and how Corporate vision is a short, brief, and inspiring statement of you can get there. Its the what the organization intends to develop into and achieve at some point in the future, often stated in competitive terms. job of every manager to Vision refers to the category of intentions that are broad, allembracing and forward thinking. It is the reflection that a busidevelop the plans which ness must have of its goals before it sets out to reach them. accomplish the organizaIt describes aspirations for the future, without indicating the ways that will be used to achieve those desired ends. tions goals in pursuit: the Vision should be a grand, and noble vision, which elevates the products and services it energy, enthusiasm and self-esteem of everyone in the company while ensuring that everybody visualize a benefit in the will provide, how it will vision. The most valuable visions are those that inspire employmanufacture and deliver ees and ask for their best. Examples: them, to whom, and at - At General Electric (GE) the corporate vision is We bring good what price. These plans things to life. - The Ford Motor Company vision is to become the worlds include creating an orgaleading consumer company for automotive products and sernizational vision and misvices. sion in addition to specific Tips: tactics for achieving the -Communicate it constantly. -Keep relating the events of today to your vision, underscoring organizations goals.
the relationship between the two.

The basic planning concept answers four questions: 1- What do we want to do? 2- Where are we in relation to that goal? 3- Which factors will help or hinder us from reaching the goal? 4- What alternatives are available to us to reach the goal and which one is the best? Planning achieves these ends by:
Goals and objectives
The major outcome of strategic planning, after gathering all necessary information, is the setting goals for the organization based on its vision and mission statement. A goal is a longrange aim for a specific period. It must be specific and realistic. Long-range goals set through strategic planning are translated into activities that will ensure reaching the goal through operational planning. Goals are specific objectives that relate to specific time periods and are stated in terms of facts. The primary goal of any business is to increase stakeholders value. The most important stakeholders are those who own the business, employees who work for the business and, clients or customers who purchase products and/or services from the business.

A mission statement is an organizations vision translated into written form. It shows the leaders view of the direction and purpose of the organization. It portrays why your organization exists, what business it is in, and who it serves. For many corporate leaders it is a vital element in any attempt to motivate employees and to give them a sense of priorities. A mission statement should be a short and concise statement of goals and priorities

1- Strength of mind of what resources will be required. 2- Recognition of the number and types of personnel (technical, supervisory, or managerial) the organization will necessitate.

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3- Determination of standards against which the movement toward objectives can be measured, so that adjustments can take place if compulsory. Planning can be classified, on the basis of scope or breadth, into three separate categories: the overall actions of the entire organization. It is initiated and guided by toplevel management, but all levels of management must participate in it to work. The purposes of strategic planning are: 1- To have the entire organization plan long-range paths and dedications. 2- To endow with multilevel contribution in the planning progression. 3- To develop an organization in which the plans of the sub-units are melodious with each other.

Strategic planning: is concerned with

cerned with what the subordinate level units within each division required to do, how they should do it, and who will be in charge of doing it. Tactics is the channel needed to achieve a strategy. This step tends to be shorter-term than strategic planning, and focuses more on current and approaching activities required to execute overall strategies. ating plan is one that a manager applies to accomplish his or her job tasks. It may be either a single-use plan or an on-going plan. Singleuse plans are applied to activities that do not recur or repeat. Examples of single-use plans include a program and a budget. Examples of on-going plans include policies and procedures.

Operational Planning: An oper-

Tactical planning: focuses on accomplishment of activities specified by the strategic plans. These plans are con-

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Subsequent to developing their plans, managers have to put up a business that can situate these plans into end product/service. Normally, they do this by designing organizational structures to execute their plans (often building detailed organizational charts that divide an organization into divisions, departments, and other parts and designate the people who occupy each position), and by developing systems and processes to direct the allocation of human, financial, and other resources. There are four distinctive activities of the organizing function: 1-To determine what tasks should be done to accomplish organizational objectives. 2- To classify the type of work needed and ensure working of groups into manageable units. 3- To assign the work to individuals and delegate the appropriate authority. 4- To design a hierarchy of decision-making relationships.

The end result of the organizing process is an organization -- a whole, consisting of unified parts (a system) acting in harmony to execute tasks in order to achieve goals, both effectively and efficiently. In addition, it should also provide the following benefits: 1- A Clarified Work Environment. Everyone should know what to do. The tasks and responsibilities of all individuals, departments, and major organization divisions should have been clarified, and, the type and limits of authority will have been determined.

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2- A Coordinated Environment. Confusion should be minimized and hindrances to performance are removed. The interrelationship of the various work divisions will have been developed. Guiding principle for interaction among personnel will have been defined. 3- A Formal Decision-Making Structure. Through the organization chart, the formal superior-subordinate relationships have been developed. This allows the systematic succession up through the chain of command for decision making and decision-making communications.

of action intended to endow the organization with the right people in the right positions.

The Eight-Steps Staffing Process

1 Human Resource Planning The purpose of human resource planning is to make certain that the personnel requirements of the organization will be assembled. This is done in part by analyzing the plans of the organization to determine what skills will be needed in the future. There are three elements to the human resource planning process: (A) Forecasting the personnel requirements. (B) Comparing the requirements to the actual staff within the organization. (C) Developing precise plans for how many people to recruit (from outside) or whom to train (from inside). 2 Recruitment In this step, management will attempt to identify and attract candidates to convene the requirements of anticipated or actual vacancies. Two devices used during this phase are the job description and the job requirements,


People are the most essential of all your organizations resources. Those human resources are acquired by and for the organization through the staffing role of management. In staffing, the organization attempts to recognize, attract, and maintain skilled personnel to occupy its available position The staffing role can be observed as an eight-step course

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both of which are developed as a result of job analysis. The actual recruitment of prospective employees is usually done through newspaper and professional journal advertisements, employment agencies, and other internal (and/ or external) sources of the organization. More recently, job posting and recruitment is being handled via the Internet, as well, on job posting websites.

one of them is chosen, whose qualifications match job requirements. The steps in the selection process may include completing an application form, interviews, reference checks, and physical examination.

3 Selection Following recruitment, those candidates who have applied for the position(s) published must be evaluated and

4 Introduction and Orientation Once selected, the new employee must be incorporated into the organization through introduction of the new employee to the work group and acquainting him with the organizations policies and rules. 5 Training and Development Through training and development, the organization attempts to improve the employees capabilities to add to the organizations effectiveness. Training is concerned with enhancement of the employees skills. Development concerns the preparation of the employee for additional responsibility and advancement. 6 Performance Appraisal A system intended to evaluate the actual job performance of an employee compared to performance standards.

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7 Employment Decisions Employment decisions in the areas of monetary rewards, transfers, promotions, and demotions will be based on the outcome of the performance appraisal. 8 Separations Voluntary turnover, retirements, layoffs, and terminations must also be a concern of management.

Simply stated, leadership is the process of impacting and directing people towards the accomplishment of a goal or objective.


Managers are expected to lead their employees, that is, to inspire them to attain the organizations goals, rapidly and competently. Leadership is considered by many the most vital component of a managers success. Great leaders can make great things happen, motivating their employees to do extraordinary tasks and achieve extraordinary goals. The major concern for the manager here should be to recognize and acquire as many traits of effective leadership as possible, and learn to identify the different styles and how and when to apply them (situational leadership).

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Leadership Traits:
There are various traits that have been identified by clinical and organizational psychologist to be characteristic of effective leadership. Some of the most important are listed below and briefly defined: Sense of mission: trust in ones ability to lead and love for the work of leadership itself. Integrity: Commitment to the highest personal and professional standards. High character: Ability to face hard facts and unpleasant situations with courage. Loyalty: Faithfulness to superiors, peers, subordinates, family and organizations. Job competence: The foundation for follower ship, expert power, and mentoring.

Commitment: Devotion to job, career, and family. Good judgment: Common sense, diplomacy, prudence, distinguish what is important and what is not. Energy: Eagerness, passion, aspiration to take the initiative. Decisiveness: Confidence in making appropriate decisions; a willingness to act. Selflessness: Sacrificing self (personal needs) for a greater cause. While this list is by no means all-inclusive, it represents some of the more outstanding traits or characteristics of a highquality leader

Some Functions Of The Leader:

Set the example for others to follow. Determine goals of organization. Functions as the resident expert.

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Facilitates open communication. Provides counseling and guidance. Enforces policies and regulations. Motivates employees toward goals Establishes performance standards.


To achieve their goals and the targets of the organization, managers must set up performance standards based on the organizations goals and objectives, measure and report actual performance, compare the two, and take corrective or precautionary action if required.

1 Establish Performance Standards A standard is a measuring device, quantitative or qualitative, that is intended to assist monitoring the performance of people, capital goods, or processes. Standards are used to determine progress, or lack of progress, towards goals. The precise nature of the standards to be used relies on what is being monitored. Whatever the standards, however, they all can be allocated to one of two groups: managerial standards or technical standards. Following is a description of each type.
incorporate such things as reports, regulations, and performance evaluations. All should focus on only the key areas and the kind of performance required to reach specific goals. Managerial standards state who, when, and why of the business.

The Four-Steps Controlling Process

The controlling function is strongly related to planning. Indeed, the fundamental principle of controlling is to conclude how successful the planning function has been. This process can be summarized to four basic steps relevant to any individual, item, or process being controlled. The four basic steps are:
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A.Managerial Standards -

business. They apply to production methods and processes, materials, machinery, safety equipment, parts, and suppliers. Technical standards can come from internal and external sources.

B.Technical Standards - state the what and how of the

Measurements may be inaccurate because of poor use of measuring devices or defects in the devices themselves. And, finally, people can use poor judgment in determining the corrective actions to be taken. While these typical functions are still valid, they do not tell the entire story. Managers and workers are entering into a new kind of affiliation that is structuring the base of a new reality in the workplace. At present, managers are realizing that they are unable to command an employees best work; they can, however, create an atmosphere that supports employees to give their best efforts. And employees are realizing that, if they expect to survive the invariable effects of change sweeping across businesses of all types, they have to discover ways to contribute to their organizations in ways that they have never before been called on to do.

2 Monitor Actual Performance This step is incorporated purely as a preventive measure. 3 Measure Performance In this step, managers evaluate performance and determine its adherence to the set standards. If the comparison yields results, or measurements are acceptable - within the prescribed limits - no action needs to be taken. If the results show deviation from the acceptable, or prove the unacceptable, action may be called for. 4 Correct Deviations from Standards Determining the precise action to be taken will depend on three things: the standard; the accuracy of measurements that perceive deviations; and the diagnosis of the person or device investigating the cause for the deviation. Keep in mind that standards can be too loose or too strict.
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Today we are gathered to celebrate the launch of our new line of production, and the one without his brilliant idea; non would happen, cheers for (put your name)

in The way to

eing creative makes all the difference; after all, what matters the most, are ideas. The idea of having your own business, the idea of introducing that special product, the idea of this brand, the idea of marketing that way, the idea of this invention, and so on . One idea could save your company from going out of business; one idea could position your company into a market leader. And as a creative person that could make all the preceding happen; you are of an enormous value to your company,

your opinions are heard very carefully, you are better informed about what is happening in your company, and you get big bonuses!!! Who would refuse such a deal!!! Being creative does not happen by accident, there are many roadblocks and barriers to creativity due to our behaviors and our mode of thinking that we brought up using them, like always knowing the right answers, depending on our previous experiences, and trying harder using the same methods to solve different problems.


Psychological barriers to innovation and how to step over them

So let us have a look at the psychological barriers you might find in your way to innovation.

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1 Not asking questions

Accepting things as they are and taking things for granted is a killer. First: Question everything; rules, procedures, actions, patterns, plans, processes and assumptions. Begin your question with the magical WHY; then question the answer with another why and another and another. Surprisingly you will think about things you have never thought about before and will go to territories you have not visited before. New directions and alternatives will keep coming as you keep wondering. Second: use your imagination in WHAT IF scenarios. Look at your issue or problem from different angels and use what if for every angel and build upon parts from different scenarios. You might be surprised to find a whole new one that can help you.

Third: use open ended and impulsive questions, you do not have to answer every one of them, but it might lead you to another direction while trying to answer it.

2 Having a rigid point of view

Being inflexible in your thinking narrows your vision and lets you see only half of the facts. Use others perspectives and try to put yourself in their shoes, people like your employees, clients, vendors, distributors, suppliers and even competition see things differently and these different views can help expand you possibilities.

3 Depending on your memory

The human mind is on duty all the time and you might be surprised if you counted the ideas that went through your mind in only one minute. Many good ideas come and go unnoticed and forgotten, because we do not take the time to express them; write them down and give them some thought.

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Record all the ideas; the good and the bad, the more ideas you have, the better opportunities you get and what is not good or valid now , can be good and applicable some time in the future. Ideas are like chain reaction, one leads to another and a bad one leads to a good one, then the spark happens and a new product is born or a solution is found. So do not lose your ideas; write them down in a notebook or a log or even record then in audio and when you need some creativity, review them first, give them a second thought, notice the change in assumptions and circumstances since then, who knows you might get lucky and save a lot of time.

ferently- you may try to visualize the problem or the issue at hand by drawing a chart or diagram and analyze the steps involved, or try to visualize the problem into a picture or drawings and question the similarities between them. For example, if you visualize your problem like a broken car and want to examine it, you can ask these questions: What is wrong with this car??!! Why it is not working?? Start by analyzing the cause of the problem: Is it accident?? Is my driving style the reason?? Do I miss the warning signs on my way?? (These questions concern my way of doing things). Second, analyze the problem itself: Is it the engine?? (This could represent the main strategy or top management), or is it the fuel??(Could represent the power that keeps the company running like motivation, incentives, passion, lack of alignment between actions and mission ..and so on), is the engine so hot and cooling fluid is not working (could mean hat the company is going so fast and employees can not catch their breath).

4 I have always done it this way

Being accustomed to specific way of thinking or doing things, relying on past experiences and successes may prevent you from being creative, so look for new ways. If you usually write pros and cons, try not to do it, -think dif-

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Third, after you understand what caused the problem and what is the consequences of it, analyze the alternative solutions and choose the best one: Can I fix it or should I go to mechanics?? (Do I need a professional expert or trainer to fix the problem?) This is a small example of doing logical thinking in an innovative way that brings into picture many variables that were not considered. Visualization is also useful in generating ideas, putting things another way brings in more alternatives.

cess. Fear is paralyzing and when you allow your personal fears to control your actions, fear will control you more, and will be nurtured by your unwillingness to face them or even to name them. Begin with admitting the fact that you have personal fears and name them, then list all the actions that you would take if you did not have those fears. Last: make an action plan to do all these actions, stick to it and bring someone you trust to be accountable to in implementing your plan.

5 Fear of looking stupid

Self image and how people look at us plays an important role in our behavior, and sometimes fear of generating ideas that may not get a good reaction, disapproval or even mocking from others, the fear of being judged, of looking stupid, and of being wrong, hold us back from participating in the pro-

6 Being logical
Sometimes having a logical, rational and easy to implement idea is not the best idea; yes it works but there is no spark; people do not get excited when they hear it. Be patient to figure out how to make the sparkling ideas doable. Use a lot of what-if scenarios without dismissing anything as impossible. Hold on to those ideas that spark a reaction, even if its not immediately clear how they can be put into practice.

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7 It is important, work harder and

be serious
Working on a problem or an issue too long and for intense time burns creativity. Being more serious, stressing yourself and everybody around you or spending more time to focus will not take you anywhere. Take a break after working for few hours, take a walk, look at a nice view for a while, change the place where you do your work , listen to your favorite music, do some stretching, or do something light and playful; the idea is to shut down for a while, do something favorable and energize your body and mind.

When you start being creative, you should know the following: - Generating ideas takes time and lots of them may end up undoable. So, do not give up too soon and say that you are not that kind of a person; practice a lot and take your time in warm up, make it a habit to do it daily. - While proposing ideas, you maybe faced by frictions and oppositions, do not be dismayed or discouraged, use it as a motive to push forward and build upon your ideas to make them better.

8 Giving up so soon and too easy

There is no person that is not creative, but there are people who would engage themselves in creative thinking and people who would not.
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The hidden driver To

old rules are out; new rules are in place now Yes, this is right. The way we have done business through the years has been changed, and we have moved from industrial to information age, and now we are moving to new age; the knowledge age and who have the knowledge??? People People now are becoming the most valuable asset in any corporation. Managing people is no longer about orders and payroll, but people management is becoming a science that we discuss its major branches in many parts of this magazine.

GreaT Performance

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Organizations, now, are flatter than before, where teamwork and collaborative efforts are maintained by relationships and social skills. In response to the rapid continuing change of doing business, people are expected to cope with these changes, be more flexible and adaptive, while in reality humans resist change and do not welcome going out of their comfort zone and dealing with the unknown. So as a leader you should be able to create an environment that encourages creativity and promotes security and productivity. You should be able to change your leadership style according to differing factors and circumstances, which includes dealing with peoples emotions not only their intellect. You should be able to practice emotional intelligence, which is referred to by EQ (Emotional Quotient). There are two components of Emotional Intelligence; one is concerned with self-management skills and the other with relationship management

self-management skills:

1 self-awareness
It means being in touch with yourself; knowing your strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears, needs and drives. Also self-aware people are characterized by the following: Being realistic and honest with themselves and others. Have personal insight of their emotions and moods,

What is emotional intelligence?

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and why they feel or act that way; also they know the impact of their emotions on themselves, others, and the work performance. As they know their limits and weaknesses, they tend to take precautions in order to avoid undesired effects or consequences. Create an environment of openness and feedback Have a personal vision, they know their goals and values; they know where they are coming from, where they are going and why. Speak and express their emotions without fear and with high degree of precision. Take responsibility for their actions. Are self-confident because they know their capabilities and limits, they know exactly what they are capable of. Display humility by apologizing, admitting they were wrong, and not afraid of saying I do not know.

2 self-control
Self-awareness is the first step towards Emotional intelligence but it is not enough to understand yourself and your emotional reaction as you should exercise self-control. Self-regulated people are characterized by the following: Willing to change their emotional behavior. Patients. Committed to the process of change and do not despair or get discouraged easily. Thinking before they act and not normally the opposite; because emotions are much faster than the mind especially in response to others.

(Do not confuse this with cowardness or wimpiness, because self-aware people who can assess themselves and others are the best people to assess a project, a product or deadline compatibility).

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Frequently evaluating their emotional behavior and responses by stepping out of the picture and viewing the scene as in a movie, to find what went wrong and where they got out of control. Do not display unconstructive mood matching by copying some body elses emotional state, e.g. When someone is shouting you start shouting yourself. Create an environment of fairness and trust, which promotes productivity, innovation and attract talents. Adaptable and flexible to embrace change that has become the only constant in business environment. Slow to judge and give much attention to the big picture, therefore people who have mastered their feeling are wise.

the sake of achievement itself. This kind of motivation is generated by sense of mission and calling; they know what they are called to do and when put in their right place, they perform extra ordinarily well; that is why they do not need external factor or enhancers to motivate them. Self-motivated people are characterized by the following: Have passion for the work itself. Love to learn and acquire new skills. Seek new experiences and challenges to stretch themselves. Come out with creative solutions. Strive for quality and doing things better; they monitor performance and raise standards to achieve the best performance for them and the people around. Committed to their work and their organizations. In constant search for new and improved approaches to their work. Optimistic; because of endless energy they have, they are optimistic even when things around them are not conveying favorable circumstances.

3 self-motivation
Self- motivation is a unique kind of motivation that is not affected or stimulated by external factors like salary, bonus, position, power or anything else, but its source comes from within. Self-motivated people expectations are highhigher than anybody else and they pursue their goals for

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relationship Management: 4 Empathy

Interpersonal skills are all about understanding others; their feelings, interests, fears, motives, needs and preferences; the key to this awareness of others is Empathy. There are many definitions for empathy, but all of them share the concept of identifying with and understanding others feelings, thoughts and motives. It is like putting yourself in others shoes. In a business context, it means being

considerate to others feelings in your managing behavior. Empathy is the essence of social competencies; it may not be agreeing with everyone or seeking approval, but showing understanding to their feelings and needs in the process of management. Empathetic people are characterized by the following: Can read people very well, they notice the tone of voice, facial expressions, and other non-verbal ways of communications. Ask questions that give people the freedom to express their point of views. Welcome suggestions. Listen to what people has to say and paraphrase to make sure they understand what is being said. Place the right people in the right positions because of their deep knowledge of others. Gain trust and build bridges with others without much effort. Get honest and direct feedback; for nobody fears the boss. Get appreciated by others for being considerate to them.

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5 social skills
Social skills are not about friendliness, but they are the skills that enable you to move people in the direction you desire; it is the use of personal power to win the hearts of others and generate buy-ins to achieve a common goal. Socially skilled people tend to find common ground with everybody around them; they bond with others because they know that nobody can accomplish big things alone. So at the end we are not saying that intelligence and technical abilities are not important; but they are not enough if your goal is to achieve excellence, retain talent and build a world class organization.

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What it takes to be a LEADER

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.
Bernadette Devlin

ave you ever missed an opportunity because it looked strange or different?? somebody else took the risk and it became his big shot, more and more came out of it. now you are pissed because it was right in your hands and you just let it go. one little step made all the difference. Most probably it was fear that prevented you from going forward. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of loosing what you have.

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Living in fear is like living as prisoners of our weaknesses, as we surrender to our weaknesses, we start building imaginary walls around us that limit our potentials and capabilities, lowering our quality of life and maybe keeping us from living life itself. Fear is a damaging trait which causes insecure behavior to take place. It shows in many patterns like inflexibility, defensiveness, or negativity and goes all the way to extreme behaviors such as paranoia that causes very dysfunctional and paralyzing behavior. Leaders must be courageous. He or she is always moving in new directions, and those first steps take courage: the courage to be first, the courage to be different, the courage to speak out, the courage to act, and the courage to fail. In doing so successful managers stretch, and bend their minds, push their abilities beyond what they can imagine they can go. Without courage, no significant progress, innovation or contribution is made. Leaders cant avoid stress, fear, pain, and pressure. The pain of
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realizing youre not in control, admitting you were wrong, letting go of a long, and dearly, held belief. Or the fear and stress of having to make a decision without having as much information as you would like to have. Courage is not the absence of fear but acknowledging that you are afraid, labeling it for what it is, and instead of going back and running away, you push through to the end.

Creating environment that promotes courage

To create such an environment, you should do the following: Allow failure and consider it as a learning tool not punishing reason. Construct a shared learning meetings where learning is extracted from failures, and shared across the organization. Promote thinking and innovation. Accept suggestions and different points of view. Ask for feedback and listen to what people has to say. Allow others, sometimes, to do thing their way when in

disagreement, if you trust them. Make evaluation of new ideas a must, and an ongoing part of the business, not a luxury when time is available. Encourage Knowledge transfer from powered people to others, and rewarding these people for sharing. Do not embarrass people in public for their unacceptable ideas, faults or failures.

Steps to develop courage

So now it is clear why courage is important for leaders, and for companies they run, let us see how you can develop courage: Make a list of all the fears you face at work. Why do you fear these things?? (Get to the roots of it, ask many whys). How this fear shows up in your behavior? (For every one at a time).
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What is its impact on my relationships at work? (For every one at a time). How does it affect my work, family and health? (For every one at a time). What was the last risk you made? And how it ended up? What benefits you could have enjoyed if you did not have this fear? (For everyone at a time). Concentrate on these benefits and imagine yourself enjoying them. (Take a lot of time). Make a decision to fight your fears, start by picking up one and state the action you will take to change this behavior. Usually embracing danger/fear long enough and getting used to it, makes it less dangerous/fearful than before. Give yourself a specific time to measure your progress, and once gone, take the second on the list. Make yourself accountable to someone who cares about you to help you measure your progress and encourage you.

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