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Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Joshua D.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
Only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate:
Only love can do that" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It seems only fitting that I begin my recommendation for Joshua with this quote from Dr. King. The reason I feel this way is because here is a young man who has overcome so much in his young life. There have been obstacles that would have broken a weaker soul or certainly embittered a young life. But this has not been the case with Joshua. He has lived Dr. King's admonishment to live life with the power of love. He has done this in all his interactions with others and in the same gentle yet strong desire to be somebody. Clearly, I am delighted to recommend to you for any academic or employment opportunities Mr. Joshua Moye. In overcoming enormous challenges he has obtained a Gonzalo Garza High School Diploma. He has done that achievement with grace and determination. I am near the end of my work life as a teacher and as I look back I sincerely believe that Joshua Moye has been one of the most distinguished and able students that I have taught. In the classroom he tackled every assignment with gusto. He came to class each day with a smile and a decisive desire to do his very best. There is no doubt in mind that he will go on to achieve great success in his life. He will do this not only because he has enormous talent but also because of the strength of his character. And, as Dr. King so eloquently stated, Joshua Moye will be a positive force for goodness and love in this world. I recommend him to you without reservation.

Gonzalo Garza High School

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