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Kasundi Grilled Mackerel with tadka dal Ingredients:

2 Dried red chillies 25ml Kasundi (Bengali Mustard) Fresh coriander leaves 1 cup red lentils Sunflower oil 5g Cumin seeds 5g Ground turmeric 1 Red Onion 1 Tomato 2 Bay Leaves Salt and ground black pepper 1 Lemon 3 Mackerel

How to make the ready, steady curry lentil, Marinate the mackerel fillets in Kasundi (prepared mustard) and keep aside. Fry the dried chillies, cumin seeds, groud turmeric, red onion, tomato and bay leaf in a shallow pan with a table spoon of Ghee.Add the soaked red lentils and bring to a boil until the lentils are cooked and mushy. Fry the mackerel pieces, in a hot non stick pan, with a little bit of sunflower/vegetable oil. Pour the dal, into the serving dish, top with fried mackerel, lemon wedges, tomato concasse, and coriander leaves. Enjoy Mackerel, with tarka dal and a generous helping of Naan bread or boiled rice. Its upto you! Sanjay says: Kasundi is grain a mustard paste fabled to be prepared well, by Bengali widows, and has tanginess imparted by raw mango pulp that is mixed with the mustard. I will be cooking this dish at

01,04.2012 Bristol

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