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Spring 2012


A special print edition of Stoke-on-Trents essential news website

Why Newcastle refuses merger idea with city See page 3


Joan Walley marks her silver jubilee as an MP See page 10

Citys brain drain

Why do nearly all university students leave North Staffordshire after they graduate? - Page 5

The hunger crisis in Stoke-on-Trent

Picture by Martin Elliott

Say farewell to Oat Cuisine

l the city live in poverty

CHURCHES in Stoke-on-Trent are opening a food bank after discovering that the city has the third highest child poverty rate in the West Midlands.

Nearly a third of children in

By Natalie Clarkson Twitter: @pitsnpots Facebook: Pits n Pots

Nearly 30 per cent of children across the city are living in poverty. And in some areas the rate is as high as 44 per cent according to the Child Poverty Action Group. Ron Willoughby, pastor of Wesley Hall Methodist Church, who are helping to run the

l bank to feed the hungry

Churches launch food

food bank said: "Living below the poverty line isn't about not having the latest gadgets or Nintendo DS. It's about going to bed cold and hungry and waking up cold and hungry. And we want to do something to stop children having to live like Continues page 2 that in Stoke-on-Trent."

Unique oatcake shop closes its doors for the final time - Page 8
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