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Talaandigs Way of Living: Their Aspects of Life, Needs, Difficulties, and Adjustment Patterns

Statement of the Problem

1. To what extent are the Talaandig people involved in the following aspects of life?
a. b. c. d. Political Economic Social Spiritual

2. A. To what extent are the following needs of the Talaandig people satisfied? a. Personal b. Familial c. Tribal

B. To what extent are the following difficulties experienced by the Talaandig people? a.Personal b.Familial c.Tribal 3. To what extent are the following adjustment patterns used to cope with their difficulties?
a. Adaptive mechanisms b. Defense mechanisms

4. a.Is there a significant difference between young adults (18 29 yrs old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their political, economic, social, and spiritual aspects of life? b.Is there a significant difference between young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their personal, familial, and tribal needs? c.Is there a significant difference between young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their personal, familial, and tribal difficulties? d.Is there a significant difference between young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their adjustments patterns in terms of adaptive and defense mechanisms?

Statement of Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis:
a. There is no significant difference between the population means of young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their political, economic, social, and spiritual aspects of life. b. There is no significant difference between the population means of young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their personal, familial, and tribal needs.

c. There is no significant difference between the population means of young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their personal, familial, and tribal difficulties. d. There is no significant difference between the population means of young adults (18 29 years old) and adults (30 years old and above) in their adjustments patterns in terms of adaptive and defense mechanisms.




1. The talaandig tribe holds to their beliefs which greatly affect their experiences and involvement in the political, economic, social, and spiritual aspects of their lives. They cooperate and comply with their own set of rules that is why they live peacefully and harmoniously in their community and remained united across time. They can earn a living, even if not all of them are degree holders, for they know how to use their skills and talents. Moreover, they have a strong relationship with their god which is the reason why they are able to retain their

2. Since the Talaandig people were highly satisfied in their personal, familial and tribal needs, it could be concluded that they are efficient in using their own resources. Their independence taught them to be wise enough in handling whatever they have so that, as much as possible, they wont be a burden to the government.

3. The Talaandig tribe tribe, just like any other tribe, experienced the disadvantages of belonging to the minority group. They experienced difficulty in their personal, familial and, tribal aspects because they are somewhat detached from other communities and from the government in general, even though they are open and hospitable to outsiders. Due to this detachment and lack of contact to other communities and the government, their problems were

4. The Talaandig people are optimistic when problem occurs. Instead of hiding from uncomfortable feelings that it caused, they manage to act in a more positive way. Although sometimes, they tend to seek rational ways of coping with the situation. Hence, they used adaptive mechanisms often than defense mechanisms.

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