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Co, Chynna R.

Midterm Exam

1. Do you think ethics plays an important role to every individual?

Yes, since each person has unique beliefs that shape their perception of what is
right and evil. Each has their own personal code of ethics. They shape a
person's conduct and direct their growth in a variety of areas. It may be
"rational" for a self-interested person to be moral because, in the long run, that
person's self-interest is arguably best served by reciprocating others' moral
behavior. Ethics matter because they are an integral part of how many groups
define themselves and, therefore, an integral part of the identities of their
individual members. Other-regarding values in most ethical systems both reflect
and foster close human relationships, mutual respect, and trust.

2. How is ethics related to peace?

Ethics can refer to any system or code of moral laws, principles, or values as
well as the philosophical study of the ideas of moral right and wrong, moral
good and bad, and any philosophical theory of what is morally right and wrong,
or morally good and terrible. The primary issues that peace studies address—
political violence, armed conflict, and war—define the field negatively. It
follows that calm is originally perceived as a negative or as the absence of these

3. Why is it our tribes in the highland doesn’t have a peaceful life that affect
their economic standard of living?

Highland tribes have a difficult time leading peaceful, affluent life. Their
communities' lack of harmony causes resources to be distributed unevenly, which
lowers standards of living and causes poverty. Infrastructure improvements, like
irrigation systems and roadways, are also hampered by conflicts. The loss of
human capital brought on by hostilities and instability has an impact on the tribes'
economic progress as well because knowledgeable people help them thrive through
entrepreneurship and knowledge sharing.

4. What are some of the contributions of the Non-Government Organizations

(NGO’s) that plays an important role in helping our people and government?

NGOs' main goal is to make life better for people—especially the marginalized—
through their assistance. Volunteer organizations, or NGOs, are typically
unaffiliated with any government agency. Their goals are to support a cause, offer
aid, and promote legislation. They all adhere to the same belief, which is that
cooperation among people can transform the world. Despite their diverse causes,
NGOs always have one thing on their minds which is supporting community
development. They have an extensive array of initiatives that provide insight into
communities across the archipelago. A few of them deal with human rights,
poverty, security, health, and education.

5. How will our policemen maintain peace and order during election time?

It is tasked with ensuring peaceful and orderly national and local elections, the
Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
More than preserving the sanctity of the ballot, the police and military are also
being relied on to look after the security of voters, as well as candidates, who will
be participating in the electoral process. Not only will the two agencies help in
securing areas for the election, but they have also prepared to augment
Commission on Elections (Comelec) personnel in conflict areas where regular
electoral workers would be too afraid to operate. Both the police and military have
also raised their levels of alertness, ready to intervene in clashes between opposing
political groups, or ensure that no terrorist or rebel attacks are launched to disrupt
the electoral process.
Christian M. Cario



Ethics is important to me because it helps me to make good decisions and lead a

meaningful life. Ethics is the study of moral phenomena, such as what is right and
wrong, what is good and bad, and what obligations we have to ourselves and
others. Ethics also examines the principles and values that guide our actions and
judgments. By following ethical principles, I can respect the dignity and rights of
other beings, avoid harming myself and others, and contribute to the common good
of society. Ethics also helps me to reflect on my own beliefs and values, and to
challenge myself to improve and grow as a person.
Ethics is not only a theoretical discipline but also a practical one that applies to
various domains and situations. For example, ethics can help me to deal with
ethical dilemmas in my personal and professional life, such as whether to lie for a
good cause, how to allocate scarce resources, or how to balance my duties and
interests. Ethics can also help me to understand and appreciate the diversity of
moral views and cultures in the world, and to engage in respectful and constructive
dialogue with others. Ethics is not a fixed or static system, but a dynamic and
evolving one that responds to new challenges and discoveries.
Ethics is influenced by various factors, such as history, religion, philosophy,
psychology, and science. Ethics also change over time, as new ethical issues
emerge, and new ethical theories are developed. Therefore, ethics requires me to be
open-minded, curious, and critical, and to keep learning and exploring new
perspectives and possibilities. Ethics is important to me because it is a source of
wisdom, inspiration, and happiness. Ethics helps me to discover and pursue my
purpose and goals in life, and to express my creativity and talents.

Ethics, which is morality, is ever present because peace is the order won by the
violent upholding of a moral code. Hence the more powerful and fast the
application of violence upon transgressors in a society, the more ordered and
peaceful is the society. And the more powerful and fast violence is inflicted upon
other societies who attack this society, the less war there is. This is why the adage
“if you want peace prepare for war”.

The foundation of peace education is ethics. As a result, peace education need to

support students in addressing the innate desire for unconditional love and support
them in making moral judgments independent of legal requirements or cultural and
religious norms. Students that study peace education have the chance and
environment to grow in their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes. Additionally, it
fosters the principles necessary to stop conflicts from turning violent and to be able
to resolve them by nonviolent techniques such as collaboration and solidarity with
others. To promote peace, education must make students aware of who they are,
how they relate to others, and how society functions.



Highland tribes throughout the world regularly encounter obstacles that make it
difficult for them to live in peace and achieve a good quality of living. Identifying
the root causes of these issues is essential to creating focused treatments that will
improve these communities. This article explores the complex causes of the
highland tribes' fight for economic development and peace. Highland areas often
grapple with scarce natural resources, hindering the tribes' ability to thrive
economically. Limited access to water, fertile soil, and other essential resources
constrains agricultural productivity, making it difficult for these communities to
achieve self-sufficiency and economic prosperity.
The rough landscape that these areas are known for is one of the main factors
influencing the peaceful coexistence and economic prosperity of highland tribes.
There are major barriers to agricultural activity due to the mountainous topography
and scarcity of arable land, which affects food production and the viability of the
economy. Furthermore, these communities' vulnerability to natural calamities
makes their problems worse by upsetting their way of life and financial stability.

Highland tribes have additional difficulties due to their geographic remoteness,

which limits their access to markets, healthcare facilities, and educational
opportunities. Economic prospects are hampered by poor connections, which
makes it difficult for these communities to trade and take use of outside resources
that may raise their level of living.



Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), which support the efforts of the people

and the government, are essential in promoting constructive social change and
development. Their varied contributions, which cut across many fields, have an
influence on improving community well-being and tackling societal issues. This
essay examines a few of the noteworthy ways that non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) have aided the public and supported governmental endeavors.

During crises and natural catastrophes, NGOs frequently act as first responders.
By quickly deploying resources, knowledge, and assistance, they lessen the
immediate effects of catastrophes and give impacted populations vital support.
NGOs work with governments to guarantee a well-coordinated and effective
response, saving lives and facilitating the healing process.
In summary, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in
promoting constructive transformation and advancement in society. Their
cooperative efforts with the public and the government yield a more thorough and
efficient method of tackling a variety of issues. NGOs are essential to the
development of a more fair, equitable, and sustainable society because they act as
positive change agents. It is crucial to acknowledge and encourage the efforts of
these groups to create resilient communities and advance well-being among all.



Police officers or deputies, unless voting, or there in response to a call for

service/disturbance, are not allowed to be and remain in a poll/precinct/polling
place/vote center. In addition, officers are not allowed to be inside the No
Electioneering Past This Point zone outside.
Where I am, that zone is 100 feet from the front door. If an officer has been
stationed just outside of the No Electioneering Zone, like anyone else, the precinct
supervisor will be making a call to the county elections office where a second call
will be placed to the local police chief, or the County Sheriff to have that officer
move away. Unless the officer/deputy is conducting official business, they have no
purpose to be there. Doing so borders on voter intimidation. Election workers will
not allow voter intimidation, from anyone, without taking action to put a stop to it.
As for polling booths, one person per booth. In certain circumstances, a second
person may be in the booth to assist the voter. Their presence becomes more
important where high risks of violence towards voters or officials- particularly
bomb threats, potential ballot box theft, blatant favoritism by election officials--
have been established/is certain to happen, a security force presence inside voting
stations becomes a necessity.
Delvo, Emmanuel



- Yes, ethics plays a fundamental role in the life of every individual. Ethics provide
a framework for guiding behavior and decision-making, helping people distinguish
between right and wrong, and determining how they should interact with others
and the world around them. Ethics influence personal choices, relationships, and
societal interactions, shaping the moral fabric of communities and societies. By
adhering to ethical principles such as honesty, integrity, respect, and fairness,
individuals contribute to the well-being of themselves and others, fostering trust,
cooperation, and harmony in their personal and professional lives. Therefore,
ethics are indeed essential for every individual, as they serve as a compass for
navigating the complexities of human existence and guiding behavior towards
moral and virtuous outcomes.


- Ethics is closely related to peace in several ways:

● Respect for Human Dignity: Ethical principles emphasize the inherent worth
and dignity of every individual. By promoting respect for human rights and
treating others with dignity and compassion, ethics foster a culture of
tolerance, understanding, and inclusivity, which are essential for building
peaceful societies.

● Conflict Resolution: Ethical decision-making frameworks provide guidance

for resolving conflicts peacefully and constructively. By encouraging
dialogue, negotiation, and compromise, ethics helps to address underlying
grievances and bridge differences, leading to sustainable solutions and
lasting peace.

● Justice and Fairness: Ethical principles such as fairness, equality, and justice
are fundamental to the establishment of peace. By promoting equitable
access to resources, opportunities, and justice systems, ethics helps to
address root causes of conflict and promote social stability and cohesion.

● Nonviolence: Ethical traditions across cultures emphasize the value of

nonviolence and the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means. By
advocating for nonviolent resistance and reconciliation, ethics offers
alternatives to violence and contributes to the prevention of conflicts and the
promotion of peace.

● Global Cooperation: Ethical considerations extend beyond individual or

local contexts to encompass broader issues of global justice, human rights,
and environmental sustainability. By promoting cooperation, solidarity, and
shared responsibility, ethics foster international collaboration to address
common challenges and promote peace on a global scale.

Overall, ethics provides a moral framework that guides individuals, communities,

and societies towards behaviors and actions that uphold peace, justice, and human
flourishing. By integrating ethical principles into decision-making and behavior,
we can contribute to the creation of a more peaceful and just world.



- Several factors contribute to the lack of peace and its impact on the economic
standard of living among tribes in the highlands of the Philippines:
● Conflict and Displacement: Many tribal communities in the highlands have
experienced conflict, often related to land disputes, resource extraction, or
insurgency. This conflict can lead to displacement, loss of livelihoods, and
economic instability, hindering their ability to sustain their standard of

● Lack of Access to Basic Services: Tribal communities in remote highland

areas often lack access to basic services such as education, healthcare, and
infrastructure. This lack of access can perpetuate poverty and hinder
economic development, as community members struggle to meet their basic
needs and access opportunities for advancement.

● Marginalization and Discrimination: Tribal communities in the highlands are

often marginalized and discriminated against, facing barriers to economic
participation and social inclusion. Discriminatory policies, limited access to
resources, and cultural prejudices can restrict their opportunities for
economic advancement and perpetuate cycles of poverty.

● Environmental Degradation: The highlands are often rich in natural

resources, which can lead to environmental degradation and resource
conflicts. Unsustainable resource extraction practices, deforestation, and
mining can degrade the environment, disrupt traditional livelihoods, and
exacerbate tensions within tribal communities.

● Lack of Government Support: Tribal communities in the highlands may

receive inadequate support from government authorities, including limited
access to social services, infrastructure development, and economic
opportunities. This lack of support can exacerbate economic disparities and
contribute to social unrest within these communities.

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the

root causes of conflict, promotes inclusive development, and respects the rights
and dignity of tribal communities. By fostering peace, promoting sustainable
development, and ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities, we can
work towards improving the economic standard of living for tribes in the highlands
of the Philippines.



- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in supporting both

people and governments in various ways. Some of their contributions include:

● Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief: NGOs often provide emergency

assistance during natural disasters, conflicts, and humanitarian crises. They
offer food, shelter, medical aid, and other essential services to affected
populations, complementing government efforts.

● Development Projects: NGOs implement development projects in areas such

as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and poverty alleviation. These
initiatives help improve living conditions, promote economic growth, and
address social inequalities, supplementing government development

● Advocacy and Awareness: NGOs advocate for human rights, social justice,
environmental protection, and other important causes. They raise awareness
about issues, mobilize public support, and hold governments and
corporations accountable for their actions, contributing to policy change and
societal progress.

● Capacity Building: NGOs support local communities and grassroots

organizations by providing training, resources, and technical assistance.
They help strengthen local institutions, empower marginalized groups, and
promote sustainable development, enhancing the effectiveness of
government programs.

● Healthcare and Education: NGOs operate health clinics, schools, and

vocational training centers in underserved areas, filling gaps in public
services and improving access to essential services. They also conduct
research, develop innovative solutions, and advocate for policies to address
healthcare and education challenges.

● Environmental Conservation: NGOs work to protect natural resources,

preserve biodiversity, and combat climate change. They engage in
conservation projects, environmental education, and advocacy campaigns to
promote sustainable development and environmental stewardship,
complementing government efforts to address environmental issues.

Overall, NGOs play a diverse and vital role in complementing government efforts,
filling gaps in service delivery, promoting social justice, and empowering
communities to create positive change. Their contributions are essential for
fostering inclusive development, strengthening democratic governance, and
advancing the well-being of societies around the world.



- Maintaining peace and order during election times involves several key strategies
for law enforcement:

● Increased Patrols: Police departments often increase the number of officers

patrolling areas where election-related activities are taking place, such as
polling stations, campaign rallies, and areas prone to potential unrest.
● Crowd Control: Law enforcement agencies train officers in crowd control
techniques to manage large gatherings and prevent them from escalating into
violence. This may involve establishing designated protest areas, setting up
barriers, and deploying specialized units like riot police if necessary.

● Traffic Management: With increased activity during elections, traffic

management becomes essential to prevent congestion and ensure the smooth
flow of vehicles, especially around polling stations and campaign events.

● Monitoring Social Media: Police may monitor social media platforms for
any signs of potential unrest or threats related to the election. This allows
them to stay ahead of any emerging situations and take preventive action.

● Collaboration with Election Officials: Police work closely with election

officials to ensure that voting processes run smoothly and securely. This may
include providing security at polling stations, addressing any reports of voter
intimidation or fraud, and escorting ballot transports.

● Public Awareness Campaigns: Police may conduct public awareness

campaigns to educate citizens about their rights and responsibilities during
elections, as well as the consequences of engaging in unlawful behavior.

● Dialogue and Community Engagement: Building trust and open

communication between law enforcement agencies and communities is
crucial. Police may engage in dialogue with community leaders, political
groups, and other stakeholders to address concerns, build partnerships, and
foster cooperation in maintaining peace and order.
Castigador, Mikaella Angela C. Ethics with Peace Studies
BPA 2B Midterm Exam

1. Do you think ethics plays an important role to every individual?

➔ Yes. For me, ethics plays a very important role in every individual. One of
the reasons is that ethics deals with morals, which are concerned with the
principles of right and wrong and the goodness and the badness of human
character. The values and principles that direct our decisions and behaviours
are also examined by ethics. Which has the result of making ethics an
essential component of our behaviour and present in all our choices that we
make. For example, a group of friends creates a chat group to share updates.
One day, a friend shares a joke or meme that might be considered offensive
or insensitive to a particular group. The group members must decide whether
to let the joke slide or address the issue. They can consider principles like
respect, kindness, and honesty. An ethical decision might involve pointing
out potential harm and encouraging the friend to be more mindful of their
words in the future. This approach maintains the group's positive atmosphere
while addressing the issue with care and respect. By considering these
principles, the group members can make an ethically sound decision that
fosters understanding and appreciation for diverse perspectives.

2. How is ethics related to peace?

➔ Based on our past discussions, peace is the absence of violence and the
presence of opportunities for everyone. Ethics can be defined as the
discipline of dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and
obligations. Meaning, the promotion of common values, the settlement of
disputes, and other aspects of harmony are how ethics is connected to peace.
Ethics are essential for maintaining peace. Key values like respect, empathy,
justice, and non-violence promote understanding and cooperation among
diverse groups. Conflict resolution is another area where ethics intersects
with peace. Ethical decision-making in conflict resolution promotes
understanding and cooperation. Promoting social justice ensures fairness and
equality, reducing conflict likelihood. Respecting human rights is also
crucial for maintaining peace. Education plays a vital role in connecting
ethics and peace. Teaching and promoting ethics in education raises
awareness about the benefits of peace and the harm caused by violence and

3. Why is it our tribes in the highland doesn’t have a peaceful life that affect their
economic standard of living?
➔ Highland tribes face significant challenges in achieving a peaceful and
prosperous life. The lack of peace within their communities leads to unequal
distribution of resources, resulting in poverty and a lower standard of living.
Conflicts also hinder the development of infrastructure projects, such as
roads and irrigation systems. The loss of human capital due to conflicts and
insecurity also affects the economic development of the tribes, as skilled
individuals contribute to their growth through entrepreneurship and
knowledge transfer. A lack of peace can also lead to a lack of trust and
cooperation among community members, hindering the formation of
partnerships and support networks essential for economic growth. Conflicts
also negatively impact tourism, as it deters tourists from visiting the area,
limiting the tribes' potential for growth. To improve the economic standard
of living in highland tribes, it is essential to address the underlying issues
contributing to the lack of peace.

4. What are some of the contributions of the Non-Government Organizations

(NGO’s) that plays an important role in helping our people and government?
➔ A non-governmental organization (NGO) refers to a group of people who
come together to form an organization that addresses a social, economic, or
political issue and supports those in need. Creating the organization or the
group itself is a huge help to the people and the community; however, the
non-government organizations have made a lot of more promising
contributions that are functioning and making a lot of difference until now.
Some of the organizations that take involvement are - first, the IBON
Foundation that is committed to help the marginalized sector. The Child
Hope Asia Philippines that advocate for the cause of street children
throughout the world. The Philippine Red Cross is committed to provide
quality life-saving services that protect the life and dignity especially of
indigent Filipinos in vulnerable situations. Also, the Habitat for Humanity
Philippines that aims to lift low-income Filipino families out of
overcrowded, unhealthy living conditions or displacement in urban areas by
providing them with decent shelter in healthy communities. And lastly, the
PAWS who advocate for animals by leading issue campaigns, working with
elected officials, proposing animal-friendly legislation, and providing
education to the public.

5. How will our policemen maintain peace and order during election time?
➔ Walter Wink's concept of challenging the domination system offers a
valuable framework for policemen to maintain peace and order during
election times. By identifying and addressing power imbalances,
empowering marginalized communities, promoting nonviolent resistance,
encouraging dialogue, and addressing systemic issues, policemen can create
a more just and equitable electoral process. This includes ensuring equal
representation, addressing voter suppression, and promoting fair access to
resources for all candidates. Policemen can also empower marginalized
communities by providing resources, addressing concerns, and ensuring
their voices are heard. Nonviolent resistance, such as verbal de-escalation
techniques and dialogue, can prevent further violence and maintain order.
Encouraging dialogue and empathy among different groups can foster
understanding and cooperation, while addressing systemic issues like
economic inequality, political corruption, and lack of access to education
and resources can help create a more unified and peaceful society.

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