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Educational Websites for Kids

This list consists of several websites that include games and activities for kids to use to better their skills in reading, math, and geography.

Literacy Websites The letters RIF stand for reading is fundamental. On this website you will find a variety of literacy games for students to play. On this website there are several actors that read childrens books aloud. This is a great website for kids to be able to listen to a story and to hear fluent readers.

Math Websites This website answers questions you have about Everyday Math homework. There is also assistance for parents to learn specific algorithms students are learning at school. Math and Literacy Websites There is a variety of games on here including math and literacy games. There are Madlibs on here also which is a great way for students to practice their knowledge of parts of speech. This website provides a variety of games including math games, literacy games, and geography games.

Geography Websites On this website children can match states to their appropriate places on the map and be quizzed on states capitals. They can also match countries to their appropriate places on the world map. On this website you will find different geography quizzes that students can take. You will also find interactive games and videos.

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