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First 90 Days
Kathleen A. Allan

Goal # 1: To Organize and Support School Operations to Efficiently and Effectively Impact Student Learning. Objective #1: To develop a positive and productive partnership with the School Office Manager (Secretary) Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Arrange a luncheon engagement with the office manager Schedule regular time to meet to be informed about the office operational procedures; coverage Schedule a regular time to discuss priorities and work styles; meet to develop calendars Meet to discuss the office climate as a source of pride for the school; procedures for efficiency; interruptions, etc. Meet to discuss procedures for enrollment, class schedules, teacher room assignments, school calendar, staff handbook, ordering materials, review the budget, transportation, and food services Schedule bi-monthly meetings to assess how things are going and express appreciation for support Objective # 2: To become informed about the school facility and become acquainted with the custodial/maintenance staff. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Arrange a meeting with the maintenance/custodial staff to discuss procedures and facilities Have maintenance/custodial staff lead a walk-through of the building(s) and grounds Arrange for a follow up meeting with the maintenance/custodial staff to discuss security systems, summer work schedule; procedures for requesting maintenance work; and policies/procedures for groups using the facility Arrange a follow-up walk-through with the custodian/maintenance person after school begins to review any staff needs or other items for consideration once school has begun Objective #3: To develop a positive and productive relationship with administrative staff members. Meet with administrative staff members to discuss administrative policies and procedures. Schedule following up meetings with administrators to discuss items such as: incident reports, attendance reports, discipline reports, teacher observations, standardized test scores, school history, and grade reports Meet with administrators to discuss recommendations of changes that need to be made to current procedures/policies based upon a needs assessment of the data; discuss/create Professional Development Schedule; Plan orientation schedules Objective # 4: To determine the hiring needs of the school Review the Hiring Needs of the School; Review District Process and Procedures for hiring; Review Job Descriptions Solicit members of a school interview committee; arrange meetings to collaboratively develop an interview rubric; review induction and mentoring procedures; prepare welcome letter for new hires June-July July & August July & August Timeline First Week First Two Weeks First Week & Beyond July & August July & August Sept-June

Timeline First Week First Week July September

First Week July

Goal # 2: To cultivate positive, constructive relationships with all members of the school community to minimize the potential for disruption caused by an administrative change in leadership. Objective #1: To build relationships with the staff through positive and empowering communication. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Letter of introduction to all staff members Welcome Back Letter to all staff members Schedule Interview with all staff members Schedule Follow-up Interview with Key Staff Members (department chairs, school improvement chair, etc) Plan School Start Up Agenda, Community Building Activities and Hand Out Packets Survey staff about the schools culture and climate especially traditions, events and special activities Review supervision and evaluation timelines; develop staff orientation on evaluation process to be introduce at first staff meeting Schedule interview with support staff (paraprofessionals, lunchroom aides, playground aides, etc.) Set Up Staff Meeting Norms to be introduced at the September Staff Meeting introduce Walk-Through Practices Conduct Classroom Walkthrough schedule with brief follow-up meetings with staff members Objective #2: To build a positive and empowering partnership with family/community members. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Send introductory newsletter to parents; post newsletter to website Meet with Parent-Teacher Organization Chair; Booster Organizations; other key Community Organizations Leaders Solicit parent support of back to school events such as orientation, family picnic and/or open house Survey parents at the beginning of the school year to assess their needs and desires for the school Objective # 3: To develop constructive and informative relationships with members of the District Administration. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Meet with the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent Meet with other district support personnel to include: Curriculum, Assessment, IT, Finance, Student Services, Transportation Meet again with the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent prior to the beginning of the school year Timeline June-July August Summer Early Fall August Early August July-August September September September-ongoing

Timeline June-July July - August July-August August-October

Timeline By Second Week Within the first month August

Goal # 3: To establish and/or reinforce a solid school culture and climate that supports continuous school improvement through highly effective instructional practices and high expectations for student learning. Objective #1: To identify the strengths and challenges of the schools culture and climate. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Review the schools mission and vision statements Review the curriculum alignment, curriculum maps, curriculum materials, and lesson planning requirements Review instructional programs for mathematics, literacy, writing and other core curriculums including resources Review grading systems , grading policies, homework policies, report card procedures Review Student placement and master schedules Review intervention and monitoring systems; Special Education services Review extracurricular activities schedule Review all school policies and procedures (i.e. safety/fire/emergency) Review student demographic data Review staff data (performance evaluations, experience, contracts, mentors) and staff handbook Review community demographic data Review support services and funding sources (Title I, Free & Reduced Breakfast/Lunch Programs, Positive Behavior programs, social work, speech services , Response to Intervention (RtI), etc. Objective #2: To review and refine processes for school improvement. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Collect and review end-of-year assessment data, trend data, previous years School Improvement Plan (SIP), and draft of the SIP for the upcoming year and other pertinent data sources Review past school governance and decision making processes Meet with the School Improvement Team/Leadership Team to analyze end-of-year assessment data and discuss the goals of the School Improvement Plan Work with SIT/Leadership Team on how to establish a consensus model for decision making Establish Schedule of SIT/Leadership Meetings to establish SIP goals, strategies, implementation and assessment of effectiveness; discuss role of Professional Learning Communities Determine how and when support for the staff to implement the strategies/activities of the SIP Work with Leadership Team/SIT to review school mission and vision statements Introduce SIP goals, strategies and activities to the staff June-July June-July June-July June-July July- ongoing July-ongoing July August-Sept Timeline June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July June-July

Objective # 3: To understand how students perceive school to assist in creating a positive student climate for learning. Action(s) for Accomplishing Objectives Review the Student Handbook Review student survey data from previous years Review past policies for orientation and start of year activities; determine ways to maintain the tradition but Design beginning of year assemblies to emphasize school spirit and academic achievement Create, administer and analyze a student survey to assess the student climate Meet with members of the student leadership team to discuss results of the student survey and determine ways to implement changes to improve student culture and stress student learning Walk throughout the school to determine the message the physical environment is reflecting Talk to students in the hallways, classrooms, at after-school clubs and events, during lunch and arrange for student forums Assure there is a focus on achievement by display exemplars of student work throughout the school, awards for student recognition such as honors programs or lunch with the principal Timeline June-July June-July June-July June-July Sept and end of year Sept Sept and ongoing Sept and ongoing Sept and ongoing


Goal # 1: To Organize and Support School Operations to Efficiently and Effectively Impact Student Learning. 1) Arrange bi-monthly meetings with office manager (secretary) to assess how things are going and make changes as needed 2) Do a quarterly walk through of the facility and grounds with maintenance/custodial staff to assess how things are going and make changes as needed 3) Hold bi-monthly meetings with the administrators to address issues and concerns as well as make adjustments as needed 4) Meet with newly hired staff members weekly for the first month of the school year to assure they are receiving administrative support Goal # 2: To cultivate positive, constructive relationships with all members of the school community to minimize the potential for disruption caused by an administrative change in leadership. 1) Put a index card in each staff members mailbox on a weekly basis with Whats Working? on one side and Whats Not Working? on the other side to solicit staff member feedback and create a To Do List 2) Provide timely feedback to staff members after a classroom walk through with emphasis on the positives to develop trust 3) Use staff meetings to discuss teaching and learning activities versus housekeeping issues to model what is most important 4) Analyze results of parent surveys and have timely responses to concerns; make time to greet and talk to parents frequently 5) When in doubt about how to handle issues of policy and procedures, contact district personal for advice Goal # 3: To establish and/or reinforce a solid school culture and climate that supports continuous school improvement through highly effective instructional practices and high expectations for student learning. 1) Continuously support the goals, strategies and activities of the School Improvement Plan in all communications, meetings and events sponsored by the school. Survey staff implementation of these processes. 2) Use data at every staff meeting to model the importance of data driven instructional practices. Use benchmark assessment data to emphasis positive effectives of highly effective instructional strategies. 3) Monitor the effectiveness of the current policies and procedures and make note of areas that need to be addressed by the Leadership Committee 4) Maintain contact with students and student organizations to get their feedback 5) Continue to assess the facilities represent the focus of student learning

My Entry Plan Revolves Around

Continuous School Improvement

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