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1) Examine the role of evaluation in school administration.
2) Pause and think for a little while, and think about what our school system will be like
if there is no evaluation.
3) What do you understand by the terms: monitoring and evaluation?
4) Briefly explain the need for evaluation.

1.Evaluation can be considered the ultimate major function of supervision.The purpose

of evaluation is to appraise the outcomes and factors conditioning the outcomes of
instruction and to improve the products and processes of instruction
2.Evaluation helps to identify whether that is correct choice or needs to be changes.This
makes way for more systematic change in the lesson plan and facilitates the over all
development of the students along with growth of teacher.If there is a glitch in the
lesson plan,evaluation points it out to you.
3.Monitoring is refers to watching or checking on a person,things,or objects to warm or
admonish.It entails warning about faults or informing one in respect of his duty while
Evaluation is the process of determining the worth of anything,it is the formal
determination of a programs,projects,or process quality,value,or effectiveness that is
primarily concerned with assessing the influence of input on the quality of people’s lives.
4.Evaluation is being used to measure student progress,reform education systems,and
enhance accountability for outcomes.School administrators and teachers alike are
conducting evaluations of their own to improve school performance and foster creative
spaces for learning.


1. Describe how you would use the following evaluation activities: diagnosis, prediction,
selection, and grading to improve students' academic performance in the English
language in your school.

Diagnosis. You can use evaluation to discover or locate weaknesses in your

students as to what they do not know. Diagnostic testing will enable you to
decide whether some of your students need remedial courses or not. Pre-tests
given at the beginning of a class are good for determining what students already
know and do not. For example, ask students to define several terms at the start
of an English session. You may then have to explain the meanings of such words
even before the passage is read. This is to facilitate the reading exercise. This is
a form of diagnostic evaluation. You have got some information by which you
have judged the students' knowledge, and finally, you have taken action to
remedy the situation.

Prediction. Sometimes we give tests to identify the aptitudes and abilities of the
students. This sort of test is varied so that different types of commands are
catered for. From this test, you can predict creative students, technically inclined
or arts-oriented, and as teachers, you give them exercises that will help develop
everyone’s interests. The National Examination to select gifted children is a good
example of this.

Selection. We learn where additional and better human, material, and financial
resources require thorough evaluation. Thus, the evaluation identifies suitable
persons for particular courses, jobs, entitlements, and others.

Grading. Evaluation, whereby students are ranked and graded in order of

performance, is commonly used in schools. Grading between schools in terms of
examination results and other performance criteria provides parents and the
public with a measure for choosing which school to send their children to.

1. Can you provide examples of how neglecting evaluation reports has hindered
effective teaching and learning development in your school?
Many Factors determine good and effective in teaching
1.An engaging personality
2.A passion for the subject matter
3.Demonstrated command of the subject matter.
4.Willingness to acknowledge your missteps.
5.Receptive to other opinions.
6.Being fair and transparent.
2) Identify the main features you should look for in an inspection report.
A good inspection report should contain an abundance of details,both in terms of the
components and the steps taken by the inspector.He must clearly indicate what was
accessible or not in the property at the time of their visit.They must also specify which
elements were not visible on site during their visit.

4)Discuss how you currently use inspection records to improve the teaching-learning
situation in your school.
Student assessment enables instructors to measure the effectiveness of their teaching
by linking student performance to specific learning objectives,As a result,teachers are
able to institutionalize effective teaching choices and revise ineffective ones in their
1) Make a list of ten items you would observe in monitoring a teacher's effectiveness in
delivering a lesson in the class,
1.1 Communicate with the teacher
1.2 Provide all necessary documentation
1.3 Talk through the lesson
1.4 Areas to consider during teacher observations (The Lesson Plan,The
Teacher,Classroom Management, and Teaching Techniques)
1.5 Review the same day
1.6 Provide a criticism sandwich
1.7 Further Reading
1.8 Arrange Peer Observation
1.9 Follow-up Observation
1.10 Dealing with difficult teachers.
2) Compile a list of the forms of continuous assessment used in a classroom in your
school for a week in selected subjects. Assess the adequacy or otherwise of the
teacher's techniques and the reporting quality.
Continuous assessment will often include some form of formative assessment.It
covers the range of informal diagnostic tests a teacher can use to assist thr process
of learning by their students.This may include activities such as weekly pop quizzes
or preparatory assignments.
3) The Literary Dramatic Club in your school has not been exceptionally functional in
recent times. Draw up a questionnaire to be administered to students that would
evaluate the club's state of affairs and indicate how to remedy the situation.

4) Draw up a checklist of the records and equipment which should be available for the
general operation of the Fine Arts Department in your school.


1) Prepare a checklist to evaluate three teachers in your school. Write a brief report
on your findings and suggest ways to assist the teachers in improving their job.

The teacher is well dressed and prepared for the class.

The teacher is neat and organized

Teacher follows classroom procedures so time is not wasted.

The teacher encourages students to follow cleanliness and hygiene.

Teachers monitors sanitization and grooming in all students.

To improve professional development for teachers,there must be clear focus on

read the teachers lesson plan,curriculum books,syllabus and offer to check for
homework and grade papers.Part of the responsibilities of a teacher are the day
to day monitoring of student progress.You can be a huge help to the teacher by
sharing in these responsibilities.

2) From your experience, why do you think it is difficult to assess students' learning
from the teacher's teaching alone.
Assessment for learning is all about informing learners of their progress to
empower them to take the necessary action to improve their
performance.Teachers need to create learning opportunities where learners can
progress at their own pace and undertake consolidation activities where


1) Draw up a proforma (checklist) for a full inspection of your school. Use this
checklist and report what you observed during your inspection visit.

Full Inspection. A team of inspectors visits a school several days - generally a

week for big schools or less for smaller ones - to examine its work, premises, and
surroundings. This is usually followed by a detailed report shared with the school
and the Department of Education. Every school should be examined thoroughly
every 3–5 years.
In connection with a full inspection, the inspector is expected to:
1) check on punctuality and attendance of teachers,
2) inspect all official records, for example, admission and attendance registers,
class diaries, timetables,
3) Examine the school's organization, work program, method and character of
instruction, class lessons, student aptitude and work habits, staff distribution,
class size, student grouping for instruction, discipline and tone, and
schoolcommunity relationships.
4) Observe the school and classroom environment and how well the children are
acquiring cooperation, self-activity, regularity, punctuality, neatness, cleanliness,
5) check on the amount of work done and how it has been developed.
6) Inspect school grounds, buildings, furniture, and equipment conditions and
their suitability for carrying out their work.
7) Inspect health and sanitation facilities and organization of co-curricular
8) Collect statistical data on enrolment and number of students present on the
day of the visit, the number, qualification and distribution of staff, number of
classrooms, etc.
9) Assess the teacher's in-class teaching and organization:
✓ preparation of lesson notes,
✓ knowledge of the topic,
✓ command of the language, iv use of teaching aids
✓ teacher/student’s interaction
✓ class management/control.
✓ Teacher's personality - general impression and grading.

2) What are the significant problems of school inspection in your school/ division?
The lack of school infrastructure and resources to support the ideal teaching
We don’t have a covered court to use by the students in doing activity particularly
in MAPEH subject.
We don’t have a faculty room for the teachers.

3) Why should our schools be inspected?

The purpose of inspection is to promote the highest possible standards of
learning,teaching,training and achievement throughout the education,training and
youth sectors.Inspections are important as they allow you to listen to the
concerns of workers and supervisors.gain further understanding of jobs and
tasks.Identify existing ang potential hazards.


1) Make a list of what you would do to carry out a small survey to find out how ready
you and your staff are to undertake a systematic evaluation program of your
The first things you do is;
Go online on how to get people to take a survey starts by making it accessible to
Keep your survey short if respondents see that your questionnaire consists of
multiple pages,they’ll be more inclined to leave several questions unanswered.
Use survey incentives to motivate respondents to take your survey.
Be clear and direct to the respondents wont know how to fill out a survey if they
don’t understand what’s being asked of them.
And lastly,Follow-up with respondents.If respondents don’t think that you read
through their feedback and took into account,the question of how to get people to
take a survey will become all the more challenging in the future.
2) Identify a particular problem or issue in your school which could be evaluated.
Plan a program of evaluation following the processes described in this lesson.

For example is not having a covered court to be used.This is a serious problem

in different school in our country.It is not easy to evaluate a plan or program for
this problem.You have a lot of people to be considered to talk and request for
that.Aside from the fact that the budget needed is huge to procure.In my school
here in Naparing Dinalupihan,Bataan according to the teachers who teach in this
school for almost 40 Years,they don’t have covered court to be used by the
student thats why it’s a dream come true not only for the teachers but also to all
the students who enrolled and studied here to have now a covered court that can
be used in different program in school.


1) Why do you think reports from evaluation exercises are not always available
widely? How can this situation be rectified?

School crises, student indiscipline, truancy, and low academic success all point
to the need to overhaul our educational structures and programs. However,
before we can do this, we need to have reliable and objective data regarding the
current status of programs. Through regular monitoring, evaluation, and
reporting, we will know much better where we are and decide what changes are
needed to improve.

2) Prepare a chart that suggests criteria for judging leadership, and you may wish to
develop this by adding more evaluation criteria. If you were to undertake such a
self-evaluation exercise, how would such findings be helpful to you as a school
head to improve your management practice?

A good leader should have integrity,self-awareness,courage,respect,empathy,

and gratitude.They should be learning agile and flex their influence while
communicating and delegating effectively.
While some people might naturally be drawn to management roles.good
leadership is a combination of skills that anyone can master.

Strategic thinking

3) Using your school experience and knowledge of reports by inspectors, identify

the qualities of a suitable evaluation report.

Evaluations must produce well documented findings that are

verifiable,reproducible,and on which stakeholders can confidently rely,while
providing clear explanations of limitations.
Evaluation methodology should be explained in detail and sources of information
should be properly identified.
Some characteristics of good evaluation are
comparability,objective basedness and discriminating power.

4) Prepare a one-page proposal to evaluate one specific area of concern in your


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
School Division of Bataan
Jose C.Payumo Jr.Memorial High School
Malang St.Naparing Dinalupihan,Bataan

I.PROJECT TITLE: Junior High School Promenade 2023

Fun 1- A Night of Memories for Grade 9
Fun 2- Moving –Up Ball for Grade 10
II.VENUE: Jose C.Payumo Jr.Memorial High School

III.DATE: March 27,2023


Faculty President


1.Terminal Objectives

To provide a bequeaths ceremony that would allow the current Grade 9

and Grade10 high school students to formally exchange batch responsibility for
the succeeding school year.
2.Enabling Objectives

To provide a social event that allows students to differentiate between,and

practice,formal and informal interaction decorum.

To foster the development of musical,bodily-kinesthetic and interpersonal

skills of students through their own creation and performance of musical
production numbers.


Making and submission of Project Proposal
Consultation with GPTA
Information dissemination
Preparation of materials needed
Distribution of Tickets
Preparing and submission of narrative report.


1) Examine the role of the school inspector in the Philippines.

School inspector duties in the Philippines includes monitoring the quality of the
materials used,inspecting any defects and discrepancies that might compromise the
operations,generating reports to assess the product costing if it meets the budget
goals,and utilizing available resources in the market for the highest quality project.

2) What is a school inspection?

School inspection is the constant monitoring and polishing of teachers, equipment,

buildings, and others in the school system. They are always of a good standard in
terms of their contribution to the achievement of educational goals. School
inspection is concerned with specific activities intended to maintain and improve the
effectiveness of teaching and learning by working directly with teachers. Inspection
thus aims to facilitate effective teaching and to learn through constant visits to
schools to observe and evaluate the adequacy or otherwise factors that combine to
ensure meaningful curriculum delivery, qualified teachers, suitable teaching
materials, and learner - and teacher-friendly environment
3) Give two reasons why school inspection is carried out.

Good inspection habits serve multiple purposes at a school.

A.For the protection of students,faculty and staff from injuries is important.
B.Inspection also reduce the risk of fires and other types of losses that can result in
business interruption,damaged reputation,and declining student enrollment.

4) Identify and briefly describe three types of inspection.

School inspection vary.The type of inspection carried out in a school reflects the
purpose of the inspection.
The Three types of Inspection
1.Whole School Inspection-During a whole school evaluation,the inspection team
from the Department of Education and Skills examines all the work of the
school.They take particular account of the school’s own review and
developmentwork.The inspector are also concerned to acknowledge and affirm
good practice and achievement.
2.School Performance Inspection-Measuring student performance usually takes
the form of summative assessments like standardized tests,exams,or a national
assessment.However,you can also monitor performance data on a micro-scale by
using aligned formative assessments,such as performance tasks or weekly
quizzes,to gauge student skill.
3.Compliance Inspection-means the inspection,testing and other activities that are
required on a regular basis ( at least every 90 days) in accordance with the
maintenance program and plan including the completion ofwritten or electronic
checklist,and must be conducted and certified by a qualified inspector.

5) Identify ten (10) other duties of the inspector.

Inspector Responsibilities and Duties

1.Follow all regulations
2.Deliver thorough QA testing report that determine quality product and release
3.Operate and maintain laboratory testing.
4.Utilize Maps and Gp’s markers when need
5.Require knowledge of all safety measures
6.Inspect clean drilling pipes
7.Sketch info of house
8.Collect data
9.Identify Trends
10.Review,evaluate and right report
6) Pause and think back to the last inspection exercise undertaken in your school by
the officials of the Department of Education. What flaws (faults) in personal traits did
you find in any of the inspector?
It was happened during Fire and Earthquake Drill,the inspector arrived late in our school
then going out earlier because of some errands and school to visit that’s why they don’t
inspect our school thoroughly.


1) What are some of the problems encountered in your school regarding record-

Aside from fire outbreaks,flooding,pest and rodents,some of the major problems in

records keeping in our school are information overload,data accuracy and
Integrity,maintaining compliance with regulations,managing records across multiple
locations,poor records retrieval,and missing retention schedule.

2) Stop for a little while. Complete the laboratory data science laboratory in your
school. Write a brief comment at the end to reveal how good/bad the situation is.

3) Prepare a format for a general inspection of your school. Write a report on your
observations and inspection of your school.



1) Prepare a daily routine for secondary school. Remember to indicate the time and
activities for the period from students' rise up to light out (bedtime).

5:30- Going up
5:30-5:45- taking a bath
5:45-6:00- eating breakfast
6:00-7:00- going to school
7:00-8:00- Classes in Social Studies
8:00-9:00- Classes in English
9;00-9:30- School Recess
9:30-10:30- Classes in Mathematics
10:30-11:30- Classes in T.L.E.
11:30- 12:30- Lunch Break
12:30-1:30- Classes in MAPEH
1:30-2:30- Classes in Filipino
2:30-3:00- HRGP
3:00-4:00- Going home
4:00-7:00- Using cellphone for Facebook and other social media.
7:00-8:00- Preparing and eating dinner
8:00-10:00- Watching Television
10:00-5:30- Going to sleep

2) Prepare a class timetable for use in SHS in your school.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Classes S Rhetoric
Choice S and
s Anatomy
9:55- Centering Centering Centering Centering Centering
10:20- Economics Economics Economics Class Economics
11:40 and and and Meeting and and
Sustainabilit Sustainabilit Sustainabilit Mysteries Sustainabilit
y y y Council y
12:40- Statistics Statistics Statistics Debate and Physiology
12:45 Rhetoric and
12:50- Music Music Music Anatomy
2:10 Film Film

3) What is the importance of keeping these records in school? 1) Syllabus and scheme
of work, 2) Record of work diaries and 3)Lesson Notes.
Syllabus and Scheme of Work- It is important to keep this records because this
records gathers all information about instructor information,couse objectives, class
schedules,grading criteria,due dates,or office hours.

Record of Work Diaries- a work diary is a place for you to record and reflect on
your personal life.It helps you to set your plans,milestones and goals,as well as to
reflect on your daily performance and take steps for improvement in in your
professional life.

Lesson Notes-a document where the teacher basically indicates the flow of the
lesson and its effect on the learners.It is important to keep this records because it is
a handwritten document where the teacher documents what is being taught and
activities the student are going to engage in.



1) What are some of the main factors of student crisis in secondary school? How can
these be stemmed?

Different factors cause stress among students.These include relationship with family
and friends,examinations and deadlines,poor time management,social
media,financial stability,future career thoughts,depression,anxiety and many more.

2) Identify some devices for monitoring and evaluating students in school.

Technologies like mobile phones,radios,Internet platforms and GPS trackers

promise new solution for collecting vital data or tracking implementations of
projects.In some of the most insecure humanitarian contexts,monitoring aid
programmes are particularly important to humanitarian organizations.
Aside from this,here are also some devices.
Admission Register: It is a record book that shows the number of students by
gender, full names, addresses, age, class, and admission date. The principal keeps
it. It assists the school in writing accurate, confidential reports on the student who
enters the school to learn. The student's progress should be up to date in the
admission register. A student's promotion from one class to another should be
recorded in the admission register.

School Attendance Register. It contains the names of all students in a class. The
class teacher usually keeps it, and it is marked twice a day - in the morning before
classes begin and in the afternoon before school closes. At the end of each week,
the principal calls for the attendance register and initials. He thus has a bird's eye
view of the student’s attendance at school. At the end of every term, the class
teacher summarizes attendance for the whole period that school opens. This
summary is included in the student's continuous assessment report for the term.
The class teacher should be honest and sincere in keeping this record, for it will
help him make valid judgments and decisions regarding the student. It also helps to
trace or be in trouble and make a decision regarding the student. The attendance of
a backward student or in trouble needs the teacher's help.

Rules and Regulations. These are provided to each student on admission into the
school. The rules help to guide and monitor students' behavior and conduct in
school. Breaking school rules attracts punishment, ranging from grass cutting,
sweeping a portion of the school premises, and washing the school toilets to
suspension or outright expulsion from school in cases of serious offenses. Before a
student is expelled from school, the Department of Education must be notified.

Punishment Book. This book contains the records of all punishment given to
students. The names of the pupils, the infractions, the penalty, and the person who
executed should all be documented. Punishes for breaking the rules and regulations
are intended to be corrective rather than punitive. Strict enforcement of rules and
regulations or doling out prescribed punishments from a rigid "code" is not
necessarily dealing with discipline problems.

Continuous Assessment File. An organized framework for identifying and

specifying learning outcomes. Based on classroom instruction. It allows schools to
assess what a kid has learned through a sequence of lessons provided by his
teacher. The method is now being used at all levels of education. The
acknowledgment arises from the reality that a single final test is insufficient to
assess a student's academic period adequately. Thus, continuous assessment, a
technique that evaluates the student on what he has been taught from start to finish,
is required to measure student achievement objectively. For this reason, the
principal should guarantee that students are constantly examined and that
assessment exams match the syllabus's contents and objectives.

Students Record Files. Each student in the school must have a file that contains
valuable and detailed information concerning him. The file contains confidential
records about the student, such as an admission letter, birth certificate, and record
of his entrance examination and interviews to get into the school. The record is kept
in the principal's office and available only to authorized persons. The records are
usually kept in alphabetical order.

3) Explain techniques for monitoring student services.

Student services available in school include
1) Welfare services in accommodation, feeding, health, and security,
2) Guidance and counseling services to solve students’ academic and personal
3) The curriculum - teaching and learning activities.
4) School library services.
To monitor and evaluate these services, staff members are delegated such duties
1) Housemaster/mistress
2) Class tutor
3) Year group tutor
4) Games master
5) Guidance - Counseling master vi Food supervisor
In addition, students are appointed prefects to oversee their colleagues' conduct in
various activities. These prefects ensure the student's attendance and good
behavior in school activities. The prefects include Head boy/girl, food prefects, class
prefects, labor prefects, games prefects, library prefects, and health prefects. They
assist the school administration in ensuring that the needs of students in these
areas are fully met. The school also has various committees consisting of teachers
and other categories of staff in the school. The committees guarantee that decision-
making is decentralized and distributed within the educational system.


1) List other books of accounts that may be kept in your school. What are their uses?

Vote Book. This book keeps track of the products and money approved for each
term. This book should be read before spending to avoid overspending in one area.

Cash Book. This is the book where all cash transactions are recorded each day.

Petty cash Book. The minor cash book records money that is disbursed for official
Cheque Book. A cheque is a written order directing the bank or banker to pay
money as stated. One should insist on obtaining receipts for any payments made by
the school. Where official receipts are not available, it is advisable to use petty cash
vouchers to serve as written statements supporting the expenditure.
Journal. A school head needs to record all financial transactions in the journal. The
journal must be written every day. This is the first step of the accounting cycle of the

Financial Ledgers. These are books where the head of the school posts the
information provided in the journals. The purpose of ledgers is to record a school's
financial transactions as they occur.

Trial balance: This is the list of all the accounts used by the school. It summarizes
the effect of all transactions on the school accounts and shows how it is being used.
Trial balances help heads know each account's balance and whether the school's
records match the bank's. Also, they help to check whether budgets are being
adhered to.
Financial Statements: These are the head's statements to convey information on
the school's financial position at a particular time. Often, they are presented to the
board of governors for discussion.

Balance Sheet: This is the financial statement produced at the end of the school
year, which shows the school's financial position. The usual practice is that the head
of the school submits the balance sheet to the authority that approves the school
Income Statement: The income statement summarizes the extent to which profits
or losses in an account occur. In it, revenues and expenditures are compared to
project the profits or losses. It is also prepared at the end of the financial year.

Black Book: This is the record of the outstanding debts of the school.

General Stores Inventory Book: This is a book where records of equipment and
tools are kept. The purpose of this book is to enable the school administration to
keep track of school property and plan for the future supply of such property
whenever needed. The items should be arranged. Provision should be made to
record both acquisitions and dispositions of items kept. The head must ensure that
no items are stolen or sold out and that a thing that should last one month does so.
In this book, acquisitions and dispositions resulting from the deployment of
equipment are posted from books of inventories.

2) Where do you keep your money (cash) in the school? What safety precautions does
your school have? What financial risks are likely to occur in your school?

Extra care must ensure that monies received into the school are safely handled and
expended only by an authorized person as officially planned.
1. Receiving Funds. Cash or sensitive books of account must be kept under lock
and key and, if possible, in a solid safety to guard against fire, theft, burglary,
forgery, and pests.

2. During Banking. You must carefully fill in banking forms and retain and file
copies of the deposit forms. You should also take note of the following:

a) Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliation: These must be received every month

and compared with what is in the ledger, and these must agree. Any discrepancies
must be reported to the bank manager immediately.
b) Account Balance: The bursar or school accountant should always ask for the
account balance when he comes to the bank. The manager and accountant must
sign this account, not the ledger keepers.
c) Bank Staff: The bursar should avoid using one bank staff member to do
everything, which encourages forgery or complicity.
d) Stop Payments: Once the cheque is misplaced or has some leaves missing, an
immediate report should be made to the bank to stop payment. Otherwise, the
money can be paid to the wrong person.
3) Reflect on your experience as a school principal, and find out the following. 1) The
procedure for expending school funds in your state. 2) Current financial regulations on
the management of school funds. 3) The authority which issues the regulations. Study
your findings and indicate how they assist you in performing your function or whether
they create problems.
Procedure for Expending School Funds
This is referred to as the implementation stage of the budget or budget administration.
In practice, this is the execution of planned school programs with the proper expenditure
of funds as shown in the approved budget. The budget becomes an essential document
for managing the finances of the school. Before beginning to implement it, you need to
explore its structure to understand its basic requirements and the opportunities and
challenges it may present. The procedures for expending school funds are as follows.
1. Regulations. The Department of Education issues specific instructions about
spending and accounting for funds. For example: Funds released by the Department of
Education should not be diverted for another purpose. Contrary to the approved budget,
the written authority should be sought from the Department of Education, the governing
body, or PTA if the need for expenditure arises. ✓ It guides how much you can spend
within the usual procedure on a particular item. ✓ It compels you to obtain approved
authority for spending on an item. ✓ All expenditures incurred should be recorded
acceptably according to the Standard Accounting Practice (S.A.P.).
2. Procurement Procedures. It is advisable to use a committee on purchasing to control
expenditure. If any goods or materials are to be purchased for the school, this
committee would advise on how to do this.
3. Proforma Invoice. A proforma invoice is issued when payment is made before goods
are delivered.
4. Order Forms or Delivery Notes. Order forms or delivery notes should purchase
goods, furniture, or maintenance works. You must ensure that the goods and services
ordered are delivered before signing the delivery notes.
5. A Cheque. This is made to ensure that the order to pay is legal. You should check if
the payment claimed was affected; that goods/ services paid for were delivered; and
that the transaction was recorded correctly. It is improper for you to ask the chairman of
the board of governors/PTA executive committee to sign a blank cheque or a cheque to
bear only the signature of yourself and the bursar.
6. Financial Flexibility. If flexibility is possible, the total amount of money available to the
school can be enlarged, and better value gained. It can be done in two ways: ✓
Borrowing funds from one vote to another: Internal borrowing is justifiable because
underspent accounts can compensate for overspent charges. For example,
maintenance of vehicles (a costly item) may lead to borrowing from general accounts.
Internal borrowing also helps to counteract uncontrolled prices and inflation. However,
such adjustments must be made with the governing body's approval. ✓ Carrying
Balances Forward: An increasing number of institutions carry forward unspent capitation
from one year to another, and overspending is carried forward as a deficit to be paid off
next year. There are three advantages of this practice: ✓ Institutions can plan their
expenditure, if necessary, outside the limits of one financial year, ✓ There is no risk of
losing unspent funds, ✓ The school spends less time administering funds because
there is no longer any need to balance expenditure precisely against income.

3) From what you have read, write answers to the following: 1) Name the items on
which a school spends money. 2) Explain why you need to be flexible in financial
management, 3) Name 2 ways of effecting financial flexibility.

1.School spend most of their money on Teachers salaries and benefits,this is the
most expensive elements of a school,and schools typically use most of their budget
to cover these costs.

2.If flexibility is possible, the total amount of money available to the school can be
enlarged, and better value gained. It can be done in two ways: ✓ Borrowing funds
from one vote to another: Internal borrowing is justifiable because underspent
accounts can compensate for overspent charges.
3.Borrowings funds from one vote to another and Internal Borrowing


1) Can you think of any other areas of the school that can be evaluated?

Areas that may be evaluated

Some of the areas or parts of the school that may be evaluated are:
1. The school calendar - the State government determines this through its agent,
the Department of Education; if the school finds that students' performance
ispoor, it may decide to extend the calendar by giving students remedial
instructions during the weeks or the holidays.
2. Channels of communication within and outside school.
3. Library
4. Laboratories
5. School plant, facilities, equipment, and materials
6. Staff performance and services
7. Public and human relations
8. The staff strength - to know they are of deficiencies
9. Teaching-learning process -to see how well teachers have passed the
instruction to students and know how much students have learned.
10. The academic performance of students both in internal as well as external
11. The school project - to know what new buildings, equipment, and materials
the school has been able to add to its stock during the year.

2) What are some other devices to evaluate the school?

The techniques and devices for evaluating the performance and effectiveness
are as follows:
✓ Follow-up studies and information of ex-students
✓ Survey studies
✓ Questionnaire
✓ Appraisal performance instrument
✓ School records
✓ Comments on the inspection report
✓ Informal and formal remarks from parents and members of the school
✓ Students' academic performance/results In addition, the school principal can
use the school's monitoring devices to evaluate its performance and
effectiveness. Some of the monitoring devices include:
✓ School Calendar
✓ School/class attendance register for students and teachers
✓ Staff movement book
✓ Staff meeting minutes book v Internal memo
✓ Rules and regulations to control and govern students' behavior and ensure
✓ Store ledger to keep a record of school materials and equipment.
✓ Inventory file (containing a list of all items, materials, and equipment in the
✓ Store Receipt Voucher (SRV)

3) Conduct a self-evaluation of the following areas of your school system: a. School

Library; b. School Biology Laboratory; c. School Academic Performance

School Library Self-Evaluation

Key Library self- Secondary school self- Evidence example
evaluation questions evaluation form
1.How high are 3a How well do learners Assessment of learning os
standards achieve,and how high students in library based
are their standards? work
2.How well are pupils 4 How good is the Evidence of consultation
attitudes,values and overall personal with students
personal qualities development and well
developed? being of the learners?
3.How effective are 5a How good is the Internal lessons
teaching and learning? quality of teaching and observation
4.How well does library 5b How well do the Feedback from the
provision meets pupils curriculum and other students,parents,and
needs? activities meet the range teachers
of needs and interests of
5.How well are pupils 5c How well are learners Assessment data on
guided and supported? guided and supported? students reading and

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