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Problems and Hypotheses

Problems and hypotheses, then,

have important virtues.
One and Two
• One, they direct investigation. The
relations expressed in the hypotheses tell
the investigator, in effect, what to do.
• Two, problems and hypotheses, because
they are ordinary generalized relational
statements, enable the researcher to
deduce specific empirical manifestations
implied by the problem and hypotheses
• A problem, then is an
interrogative sentence or
statement that ask: “What relation
exist between two or more
variables ?” The answer is what is
being sought in the research.
The problems

• The problem is…..

• The purpose of this
study is………ask
Example of problems
• Page: is : Do teacher comments cause
improvement in student performance?
• -teacher comments (or reinforcement)
• -student performance
• Harlow: is more complex:
• “Under what conditions does learning how
to learn transfer to new situation?
• - learning how to learn (or set)
• - transfer (of learning)
• “What are the effects on pupil
performance of different types of
• Question form
• State a relation between variables,:
incentives & student performance
• Problems
• …is a conjectural statement of the relation
between two or more variables
• ---declarative sentence form, and they
relate: Group A and B will differ on some
• …hypotheses can be deduced from
theory and from other hypotheses
Example :Hypotheses

• Middle class children more

often than lower-class
children will avoid finger
painting tasks

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