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A Presentation on Capitalism & Recession

Presented by Shivam Srivastava MBA 3rd semester FMS-BHU

What is Capitalism?
It is a system where money is everything. Humans have no value, although if you arrive as customer you are god but only till the time you can provide money, after that Who are you? As an employee even your death can be sold to earn something for organization.

Where does US gone wrong?

By completely adopting Capitalism, US has given all the powers to the richest and rest all are left to struggle. The middle and lower class suffered. Economy has taken the shape of Plutonomy

Path that lead to Recession..

Capitalist economy encouraged US citizen to spend more than what they earn. They had taken loans above their repayment capacities, and the major part of which are housing loans. At the time of repayment since they have no money to repay, they refinanced their loans at higher interests. It actually started a chain which when broken lead to the sub-prime crisis.

Subprime crisis
Financial institutions provided loans to individuals, grouped their loans in a package and sold to other institution. Those institutions done the same thing with their set of loans after sometime. At the end of the chain when the actual person taken the loan defaulted, the whole chain failed and caused the subprime crisis.

Need for change..

Government regulations required. Involvement of all strata of population is required. More ethical and value driven business management systems should be adopted. Long term impact of the decisions should be kept in mind.

Thank You

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