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Erik Erikson's Developmental Stages

Stage Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame or Doubt


(+) Outcome

(-) Outcome Inability to bond, insecure, distrustful Doubtful of own ability, dependent Immobilized by guilt, dependent

Birth to Strong bonds, trust in 18 mo mothering figure 18 mo Independence, some to 3 yrs selfesteem Sense of purpose and ability.

Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6 yrs Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Ego Integrity vs. Despair

6-12 yrs Self-confidence by doing and Sense of inferiority, achieving inability to achieve 12-20 yrs 20-30 yrs 30-65 yrs Secure sense of self, positive ideals Lasting relationship or commitment Creates a family, considers future welfare of others Confusion, inability to make decisions Isolation and a fear of commitment Stagnation, self-centered, unfulfilled life and carreer

65-death Positive sense of self-worth, Feeling of hopelessness, accepts and prepares for death fears and denies death

Pinoy R.N.

Up-to-date nursing news and information

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