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Dear Friends,

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest

stillness and humility: But when the blast of war blows
in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen
the sinews, summon up the blood. 2007 was that kind
of a year, both in terms of family health scares and
financial turbulence. But it wasn’t without its
compensations of course. We had a lovely summer
holiday around the old Danish empire of the Baltic Sea,
and when we came back the latest addition to the
Haagen fleet was bopping around in the marina. Last I
looked it was called Black Swan Opus III Margarita
Nigra Midnight Cloud Nine Marguerite af Viby Gloria
Mundi the 2nd. She really is a lovely, all teak, silk and
marble, with lots of hiding places for the little huns.
Or should I call them the High Priestesses. Here
they’re caught tuning on the spiritual
bandwidth. At the time of writing I have yet to
conclude if they found a station, but given the
simple countryside, rubber boot upbringing
we’re giving them, I am certain they’ll present
no threat to anybody no matter where the
tuning stops.

Irene’s parents graced BSO3MNMCNMaVGM2nd for a

fortnight, and had a grand time with the family. There was
some unpleasant business with Mrs Bernarte having
attracted a curse from a jealous neighbour, but that was
dealt with in style using equal measures of red wine and
daughterly love.
Mrs Haagen herself has brushed up on her artistic skills, in the most
literal sense. After no more than a handful of sessions with her
dashing teacher she has acquired quite extraordinary skills. Hand/eye
coordination of the highest order. Which is more than you can say for
her husband. Just look what
happened when I attempted
to butter a piece of toast with
a sharp knife the other day:

All the best wishes

for a Merry
Christmas & a
Happy New Year!

Haagens XMas 2007

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