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CULVERHAY SCHOOL Department of Physical Education


UNIT 2 Sport and Industry

NAME: Danny OCallaghan

DEPTH Sport and Industry Presentation AO2 - Explain three interrelationships
between different components of the sports industry Detailed explanation of interrelationships Basic explanation of interrelationships

No explanation of inter-relationships

Comprehensive explanation of interrelationships


Interrelationship 1 Interrelationship 2 Interrelationship 3 Nature of the interrelationship

Only basic information and links between the components

A good attempt at using original ideas during presentation

Overall comments/Suggestions for improvement: Danny you have shown the basic points in explaining the relationships between the components of the sports industry. To improve your grade you must go into greater depth in your research to be able to present a wider variety of ideas and examples.

Overall Grade: Signed - T Hooper

D Date - 13/11/2010

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