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Essay - The Brothers Quay NOTES Key Words Fastidious - Very Critical, hard to please.

Excessively particular about details. Surreal Avant-garde - Unorthodox or daring, radical Bizarre Sinister Dream narratives Claustrophobic Death, Decay, Nothingness Cognoscenti - Persons who have superior knowledge and understanding of a particular ! eld, especially in the ne arts, literature, and world of fashion, Hermetic Key Points The Puppets - Typically look like old dolls abused by many generations of children Twentieth-century European visual and literary culture - Surrealist and Expressionist traditions represented by: ! Bruno Schulz ! Max Ernst ! Jan Svankmajer ! Janacek ! Franz Kafka (claustrophobic imagination) Street of crocodiles - homage to Bruno Schulz. - Mythical land, pre-second world war provincial Poland, city like a living organism. Population of which consists of people halfdead or half-alive, empty heads, move in a circular mechanical way oblivious to anyone elses movements Introduction This essay critically investigates the work of The Brothers Quay.

Published Sources 1) BFI Screenonline - Brothers Quay Mazierska, Ewa (2010) Quay, Brothers (1947-) Biography. In: BFI 2010 [Online] Accessed on: 10.03.2012 2) Bruno Schulz Appropriations of Bruno Schulz : Jewish Quarterly. 2012. Appropriations of Bruno Schulz : Jewish Quarterly. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2012].

3) Max Ernst Max Ernst (German artist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia. 2012. Max Ernst (German artist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: EBchecked/topic/191745/Max-Ernst. [Accessed 19 April 2012] 4) Jan Svankmajer 2012. [ONLINE] Available at: http:// [Accessed 19 April 2012] 5)Franz Kafka Franz Kafka Biography. 2012. Franz Kafka Biography. [ONLINE] Available at: http:// [Accessed 19 April 2012].

Whos Who

1) Brothers Quay Identical twin Brothers, Born 1947 near Philadelphia, Graduated Philadelphia College of Art - illustration and graphics- 1969. Scholarship to Royal College of Art London. Norristown, where they grew up had an important European immigrant inux, sparking their initial interest into European culture, especially Eastern European.

2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: Bruno_Schulz_%281892__1942%29.jpg. [Accessed 19 April 2012].

2) Bruno Schulz Graphic Artist, literary career began in 1934 but was abruptly cut short by the second world war. His short story collection, Cinnamon Shops was discovered by the psychologicalrealist prose writer Zoa Nalkowska, which led to their publication. Following the war, all experimental writing was suppressed by the Communists, who enforced a rigid cultural agenda of Socialst Realism, it was not until 1956 that Schulzs works were published again.

. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2012]. 3) Max Ernst Born in Germany in 1891, interested in psychiatry and philosophy but abandoned his studies of them to become a painter. Served in the German army in WW1, formed a group of Dada artists in Cologne. In 1922 moved to Paris and become a founding member of the surrealists, a group of artists and writers whose work grew out of fantasies evoked from the unconscious. At the outbreak of WW2 he moved to the United States. Returned to France in 1949.

4) Jan Svankmajer Born in Prague in 1934. Studied in the Prague Academy of Performing Arts, in the department of Puppetry. Became involved in the Theatre of Masks and the famous Black Theatre, then the Laterna Magika Puppet Theatre where he rst encountered lm. Is a member of the Czech Surrealist Group.

. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: authphoto_330/14934_kafka_franz.jpg. [Accessed 19 April 2012]. 5) Franz Kafka 1883 - 1924 Jewish Czech-born writer. Childhood family traumas- two younger brothers died shortly after their births. A quiet and withdrawn child, but would write plays for his sisters to put on in their spare time, a voracious reader. Was sent to german schools due to his fathers quest for elitism and german was the elitist language at the time.

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