Dasamsa-Loss and Gain in Career by Rao Nemani

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Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 1 / 64

ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi

S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Sii Cuiulhyo Nanah
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei
y Raghunalha Rao Nenani
L-naiI: RaoN1OO8Yahoo.con

My GuIdc and Guru 5rI. H Ramadas Ran
Copyiighl 2OO4, Aug 21-29 2OO4 - S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience

1.0 IntrnductInn........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Thc 10
Hnusc....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Whal is Dasansa ................................................................................................................ 6
3.0 DctcrmInIng PrnfcssInn ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Inpoilance of Vaiious Lagna........................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Lagna (Ascendanl)...................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Chandia Lagna (Moon Lagna).................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Suiya Lagna (Sun Lagna)........................................................................................... 7
3.1.4 Aiudha Lagna (Iada Lagna) ..................................................................................... 8
3.1.5 Iaaka Lagna................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.6 Chali Lagna ................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.7 Hoia Lagna .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 IIanels in lhe Tenlh House............................................................................................... 9
3.3 1Olh Ioid and ils pIacenenl .............................................................................................. 9
3.4 InfIuence of olhei houses on piofession ....................................................................... 1O
3.4.1 Inpoilance of 2
and 11
Houses ......................................................................... 1O
3.4.2 Inpoilance of 5
House........................................................................................... 1O
3.4.3 Inpoilance of 6
and 7
Houses............................................................................ 1O
3.4.4 Inpoilance of 8
House:.......................................................................................... 11
3.5 Conlinalions foi Cood and ad Caieei ...................................................................... 11
3.6 Inpoilance of Dasansa Chail........................................................................................ 11
3.7 Inpoilance of Aiudhas .................................................................................................. 12
3.8 Inpoilance of Opeialing Dasa....................................................................................... 12
3.8.1 DeliIilaled pIanels and ils effecls in Dasa............................................................. 12
3.9 Conlinalions foi sone piofessions .............................................................................. 13
3.9.1 Lavyei oi }udge........................................................................................................ 13
3.9.2 Defense and IoIice IeisonneI ................................................................................. 13
3.9.3 AslioIogeis................................................................................................................. 13
3.9.4 Lngineeis.................................................................................................................... 13
3.9.5 MedicaI Iiofession.................................................................................................... 13
3.9.6 Ailisls ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.0 Judgmcnt nf Lnss & GaIn In carccr In Dasamsa ........................................................................... 14
4.1 IIanels in Kendias............................................................................................................ 14
4.2 IIanels in Tiikonas........................................................................................................... 14
4.3 IIanels in Duslhanas........................................................................................................ 14
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 2 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
4.4 IIanels in lhe Upachayas ................................................................................................ 15
4.5 Tiansils and lhe Dasansa ............................................................................................... 15
4.6 AigaIas............................................................................................................................... 16
4.7 Yogas.................................................................................................................................. 16
4.7.1 Raja Yoga.................................................................................................................... 16
4.7.2 Dhana Yoga ............................................................................................................... 17
4.7.3 Lakshni Yoga............................................................................................................ 18
4.7.4 Aiishla (Ioveily) Yogas........................................................................................... 18
4.7.5 Yogas foi Success In usiness ................................................................................. 18
4.7.6 Neecha hanga Yogas oi CanceIIalion of DeliIilalion........................................ 19
4.7.7 Vipaieela Raja Yoga.................................................................................................. 19
4.8 Dasansa Deilies ............................................................................................................... 19
4.9 Aslakavaiga ...................................................................................................................... 2O
5.0 UsIng VarInus Dasa 's........................................................................................................................ 21
5.1 Vinsollaii Dasa................................................................................................................ 21
5.2 Naiayana Dasa ................................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Sudasa................................................................................................................................ 22
5.4 KaIaChakia Dasa.............................................................................................................. 23
6.0 Cnnc!usInn........................................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 Renedies ........................................................................................................................... 25
7.0 Examp!cs and ExcrcIscs ..................................................................................................................... 26
7.1 Deleinining Iiofessions................................................................................................. 26
7.1.1 Chail-1: AslioIogei - Sanjay Ralh........................................................................... 26
7.1.2 Chail-2: ChenicaI Lngineei .................................................................................... 27
7.1.3 Chail-3: Singei-Lala Mangeshkai........................................................................... 29
7.1.4 Chail-4: Defense Officei........................................................................................... 3O
7.1.5 Chail-5: ody uiIdei............................................................................................... 32
7.1.6 Chail-6: Lecluiei / Iiofessoi .................................................................................. 33
7.1.7 Chail-7: Docloi in Ained Ioices............................................................................ 34
7.1.8 Chail-8: Docloi CaidioIogisl ................................................................................... 35
7.2 Cain and Loss In Caieei.................................................................................................. 36
7.2.1 Chail-9: iendan IeeIey........................................................................................... 36
7.2.2 Chail-1O: Rageshvaiis Iiiend................................................................................ 39
7.2.3 Chail-11: Kiili Sinha................................................................................................ 42
7.2.4 Chail-12: A.R........................................................................................................... 44
7.2.5 Chail-13: Rajiv Candhi............................................................................................. 47
7.2.6 Chail-14: Muhannad AIi........................................................................................ 49
7.2.7 Chail-15: Haishad Mehla ........................................................................................ 51
7.2.8 Chail-16: NT Rana Rao........................................................................................... 52
7.2.9 Chail-17: AdoIf HilIei .............................................................................................. 55
7.2.1O Chail-18: I.} ............................................................................................................. 57
7.2.11 Chail-19: Lakshni Yoga......................................................................................... 58
7.2.12 Chail-2O: }ol & Ioieign TiaveI ............................................................................. 59
7.2.13 Chail-21: ShaiIesh Chadha-Ioieign TiaveI ......................................................... 6O
7.2.14 Chail-22: IaIaniveIu-Move lo USA...................................................................... 63
Rcfcrcnccs: ................................................................................................................................................. 64
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 3 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
1.0 IntrnductInn
I an viiling lhis papei lecause of ny sheei desiie lo shaie vilh you ny IillIe
knovIedge I gained fion ny Cuiu Sii Ranadas Rao }i, Sanjay Ralh }i, S}C Cuius and
olhei Ieained nenleis.

DivisionaI chails (aIso caIIed D-Chails) aie lhe key lo undeislanding lhe hoioscopes as
lhey unIock lhe hidden doois of lhe nalive. Mahaiishi Iaiasaia laughl sixleen divisionaI
chails in his cIassic iihal Iaiasaia Hoia Saslian.

AII lhe divisionaI chails aie calegoiized in 5 cycIes of 12, as foIIovs: -

cycIe: Vaigas 1 lhiough 12: lhe physicaI pIane. Vaigas incIuded aie lhe D-1
lhiough D-12.
cycIe: Vaigas 13 lo 24. These have lo do vilh lhe nenlaI pIane.
AIlhough 12 Vaigas aie possilIe heie, Iaiasaia incIuded onIy lhe D-16, D-2O,
and D-24 chails.
cycIe: This incIudes Vaigas 25 lhiough 36, aIlhough Iaiasaia specifies onIy
lhe D-27 and D-3O.
cycIe: Vaigas 37 - 48, vilh D-4O and D-45
cycIe: Vaigas 49 - 6O, vilh D-6O onIy specified ly Iaiasaia foi lhis hainonic.
This cycIe is leyond lhe spiiil voiId, and goes diieclIy inlo lhe pasl Iives of lhe
nalive hinseIf.

Tab!c 1: D-Charts prcscrIbcd by Parasara
Namc nf thc D-Chart 5ymbn! (D-n) Mattcrs tn bc sccn frnm thIs D-Chart
Rasi D-1 ody & IhysicaI Malleis
Hoia D-2 WeaIlh, IaniIy
Diekkana D-3 SilIings
Chaluilhansa D-4 Ioilune & Iiopeily
Saplansa D-7 ChiIdien/Iiogeny
Navansa/Dhainansa D-9 Wife, Dhaina & ReIalionships
Dasansa D-1O
Aclions in Sociely, Iiofession, Caieei
& Iosilion
Dvadasansa D-12 Iaienls
Shodasansa/KaIansa D-16
VehicIes, TiaveIing & Confoils

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 4 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Namc nf thc D-Chart 5ymbn! (D-n) Mattcrs tn bc sccn frnm thIs D-Chart
Vinsansa D-2O SpiiiluaI Iuisuils
ChaluiVinsansa D-24 Lducalion, Leaining & KnovIedge
SaplaVinsansa/hansa D-27 Slienglhs & Weakness
Tiinsansa D-3O LviIs
KhaVedansa D-4O MaleinaI Legacy
AkshaVedansa D-45 IaleinaI Legacy
Shasliansa D-6O Iasl liilh/Kaina

Tab!c 2: AddItInna! D-Charts cmphasIzcd by JaImInI
Namc nf thc D-Chart 5ymbn! (D-n) Mattcrs tn bc sccn frnm thIs D-Chart
Ianchansa D-5 Iane & Iovei
Shaslhansa D-6 HeaIlh
Ashlansa D8 Unexpecled TioulIes
LkaDasansa/Rudiansa D-11 Dealh & Desliuclion

Tab!c 3: Hnuscs and Its McanIngs
Hnusc 5anskrIt Namc Mattcrs tn bc sccn
1H Tanu hava
SeIf, Conslilulion, Head, Tenpeianenl, Slienglh &
2H Kulunla hava
IaniIy, Speech, WeaIlh, Righl Lye, Suslenance &
3H Saholhaia hava VaIoi, Inilialive, iolheis, Righl Ain & Righl Lai.
4H Sukha hava
Confoils, Happiness, Molhei, Leaining, House, Heail
& Conveyances.
5H Iulia hava InleIIecl, Wisdon, Iiogeny, Manlias & Recognilion.
6H Roga hava
Shoil-lein Disease, Dells, Injuiy, Lnenies, Thefl,
Woiiies & Seivice.
7H Kaana hava Maiiiage, SexuaI Uige, Desiie, Spouse, Dealh &
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 5 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Ioieign Residence
Hnusc 5anskrIt Namc Mattcrs tn bc sccn
8H Ayusha hava
Longevily, Hidden TioulIes, OlslacIes, Lending
Money, Chionic Disease & Ioieign TiaveI.
9H Dhaina hava
Dhaina, Cood MoiaIs, Luck, Ioilune, TenpIes,
IiIgiinage, Long Dislance }ouiney & Ialhei.
1OH Kaina hava Aclions, Iiofession, Caieei, Honoi & Oideis
11H Laalha hava Cains, Iiofil & Iiiends
12H Vyaaya hava
Losses, Lxpendiluie, Seciel Lnenies & Ioieign

Tab!c 4: Cnntrn!!Ing Hnusc fnr D-Charts
D-Chart Karya Rasi / Controlling House Karaka(s)/Significator
D2 2H Jupiter
D3 3H Mars
D4 4H Mars & Ketu
D5 5H Sun
D6 6H Saturn
D7 5H Jupiter
D8 8H Saturn
D9 7H Venus/Jupiter
D10 10H Sun, Merc, Jup and Merc
D11 11H Mars, Saturn & Nodes
D12 12H Sun & Moon
D16 4H Venus
D20 8H Ketu
D24 4H Jupiter & Mercury
D30 6H Mars & Saturn
D40 4H Moon
D45 9H Sun
D60 12H Saturn
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 6 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
2.0 Thc 10
The Tenlh House iepiesenls nid-heaven and pIays an inpoilanl ioIe in lhe chail. Il
iepiesenls ones caieei, sociaI ioIe, posilion and Iife diieclion. This house is aIso knovn
as 'Kaina hava' and conlioIs lhe Iiofession and Caieei. The lenlh house deaIs vilh
piospeiily and giovlh (significaloi - }upilei), Kaina (aclion) incIuding aII voiks and
aclions (significaloi - Saluin), piofession and caieei (significaloi - Meicuiy) and slalus
and fane (significaloi - Sun).

The pIanels in lhe 1Olh house give good iesuIls, lecause il is one of lhe Upachaya
havas lesides leing lhe nosl poveifuI Kendia. Lven Rahu in lhe 1Olh house gives
piIgiinage, oi poIilicaI slalus and lhe nalive gels an oppoilunily lo seive olheis.

The Sun and Mais, vho gel diieclionaI slienglh in lhe 1Olh house, can le a gieal
lIessing ly pioviding dynanisn and success. The Sun indicales piide, iespecl, posilion,
slalus, iesponsiliIily, independenl vievs, and heIp fion poIilicaI and senioi officeis.
Saluin indicales iapid iise & faII, and haid voik. The Moon shovs fIuclualions of
foilune, success in pulIic deaIings, enolionaI vievs, and a changealIe voik silualion.

The 1Olh house has AigaIa on lhe 6lh, 7lh, 9lh and 12lh houses. Theiely diieclIy
affecling enenies and seivanls, lusiness and liade, foilune and sIeep, as veII as aII olhei
nalleis signified ly lhese houses. Cood infIuences on lhe alove houses aulonalicaIIy
affecl lhe slalus and piofession iuIed ly lhe 1Olh house.
2.1 What ls Dasamsa
As lhe nane vouId expIain, lhe void Dasansa conpiises of lvo voids, Dasa (Ten) and
Ansa (Division). Thus, il is lhe one-Tenlh division of a sign.

As ve have seen eaiIiei, lhe Dasansa faIIs in lhe 1
cycIe of Vaigas, i.e. fion D-1 lhiu D-
12. These have lo do vilh lhe physicaI pIane.

Dasansa oi D-1O is used lo shed noie Iighl on caieei oi piofessionaI aclivilies and aIso
is used lo piedicl nalleis ieIaling lo caieei, slalus, achievenenls, ones ioIe in lhe
sociely, elc. As you knov, lhe 1Olh house, oi nid-heaven, signifies Kaina slhana in lhe
Rasi Chail. Since lhe Dasansa shaies lhe sane synloIisn as lhe 1Olh house lo a gieal
exlenl, so Iel us see vhal is lhe 1O
house indicales in lhe foIIoving seclions of lhis

Nntc: The Rasi chail shouId le given noie inpoilance lhan any of lhe D-chails.
NoinaIIy a D-Chail cannol give vhal lhe Rasi chail cannol pionise. The D-Chail has lo
suppoil lhe Rasi chail foi fuII fiuclificalion in oidei foi lhe Rasi chail lo le ieaIized,
vhiIe lhe Rasi indicales lhe physicaI nanifeslalion, lhe D-Chails indicales lhe
enviionnenl foi lhe specific aspecls of Iife. Ioi exanpIe if D-1Os Duslhana Ioids (6
, 8
) connecled lo D-1 Lagna oi 1Olh house, lhen expecl olslacIes oi difficuIlies vilh
iespecl lo caieei.
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 7 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
3.0 DctcrmInIng PrnfcssInn
One shouId considei lhe foIIoving faclois in deleinining ones piofession and caieei: -

The pIanels in lhe lenlh house.
IIanels aspecling lhe lenlh house
Loid of lhe lenlh
House Kaiakas: Sun, Meic, }up and Meic
Ioid & disposiloi in D-9
Ailha Tiikonas: 2
, 6
and 1O
Dasansa oi D-1O

In lhis ailicIe ny piinaiy oljeclive is lo laIk aloul Dasansa, lul as you knov no
divisionaI chail voiks in isoIalion fion lhe Rasi chail and ve have lo considei lhe NalaI
(Rasi) chail aIvays foi lhe confiinalion of lhe evenls lo occui. So nov Iel us see lhe
ieIevanl aieas fiisl.
3.1 lmortance of Varlous Lagna
CeneiaIIy, aII aspecls of a chail shouId le seen fion lhiee Lagna. Lagna, Chandia
(Moon) Lagna, and Suiya (Sun) Lagna. Hovevei, lheie aie olhei iefeience poinls ve
shouId nol ignoie. The Aiudha Lagna, Iaaka Lagna, Chali Lagna and Hoia Lagna,
vhich aie diiecl iefIeclions of lhe ascendanl and pIay a inpoilanl ioIe in anaIyzing a
nalivily, pailicuIaiIy in aieas Iike caieei/piofession.
3.1.1 Lagna (Asccndant)
The Lagna is lhe nosl inpoilanl and connonIy used iefeience poinl in a nalivily. This
shovs lhe liue seIf of lhe nalive, physicaI lody and his diffeienl pails. Il deleinines if
lhe nalive viII le an inleIIecluaI, lhe spoily lype, oi lhe enleipiising lype vho viII
fIouiish in seIf-lusiness oi seivice. A pIanel, if sliongIy posiled in lhe Iagna oi aspecling
il oi Iagna leing olheivise sliong viII give definile effecl on caieei if Dasa peiiod
opeiales duiing lhe foinalive yeais of a nalive. Il shovs lhe voik you viII le naluiaIIy
incIined lo do lecause of youi skiII and suiioundings.
3.1.2 Chandra Lagna (Mnnn Lagna)
The Moon is lhe significaloi of lhe nind. Houses counled fion lhe Moon aie usefuI in
Iooking al lhings fion lhe poinl of viev of lhe nalive's nind. The Moon Lagna indicales
one's incIinalions, anlilions, happiness, vievs, Iiking foi lhings aiound hin and vhal
he Ioves oi is incIined lo do. These aie faclois, vhich geneiale an inilialive in lhe nalive
lo choose a pailicuIai caieei. Ioi exanpIe, lhe 1O
house fion lhe Lagna is undei lhe
infIuence of Saluin, and lhen lhe nalive nay le haidvoiking and doing a iouline jol.
ul Mais in lhe 1Olh house fion lhe Moon viII nake hin aclive and enleipiising.
3.1.3 5urya Lagna (5un Lagna)
The Suiya Lagna indicales physicaI vilaIily. A sliong 1Olh house fion lhe Sun viII give
innense slienglh lo fighl againsl aII odds in spile of a veak physicaI lody, sliucluie, oi
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 8 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
enviionnenl. As lhe Sun is lhe significaloi of lhe souI, lhe inspiialion lo peifoin cones
fion vilhin in spile of lhe odds faced fion vilhin and vilhoul. Il aIso shovs lhe slalus,
posilion, povei and aulhoiily you gel fion voik.
3.1.4 Arudha Lagna (Pada Lagna)
Iada Lagna is popuIaiIy knovn as lhe Aiudha Lagna (AL). Iaiasaia and }ainini have
naned il lhe Iada Lagna oi Lagna Iada. AL shovs lhe peiceived seIf. Il shovs lhe naya
associaled vilh lhe peison. The liue seIf is hidden inside lhe peison and lhe voiId
cannol see il. Whal lhe voiId sees is vhal iaises fion lhe liue seIf and nanifesls in lhe
voiId. Aiudha neans, iisen one and il shovs vhal iises and lecones visilIe lo lhe
naleiiaI voiId. AL shovs ones inage and slalus in caieei. The 1O
house fion AL
shovs lhe foices suppoiling ones inage. NaluiaI lenefics in lhe 1O
house fion AL
gives a good inage and naIefics give a lad inage elc. Il aIso shovs lhe peiks you gel
fion youi voik loo.
3.1.5 Paaka Lagna
Iaaka Lagna is lhe sign vheie lhe Lagna Loid is pIaced. SiniIaiIy, eveiy house has ils
ovn Iaaka Slhana. The inpoilance of lhe Lagna Loid and ils pIacenenl aie veII knovn
lo savanls of aslioIogy.

The Lagna Loid iepiesenls lhe physicaI seIf of lhe nalive. Thus a house counled fion lhe
Iaaka Lagna lhiovs Iighl on nalleis ieIaled lo lhe physicaI seIf (i.e. hov lhe nalive uses
his polenliaI al a given nonenl oi oppoilunily).

Ioi exanpIe, Saluin's liansil ovei Lagna nay olsliucl oi hanpei one's aclivilies, ovei
Moon nay cieale fiuslialion, ovei Iaaka Lagna nay cieale a feeIing of sickness oi Iack
of physicaI vilaIily.

The houses fion Iaaka Lagna piovide lhe physicaI iesouices iequiied lo peifoin
aclions. Ioi exanpIe, lhe fiflh house fion Iaaka Lagna viII le indicalive of nenoiy,
vhich aIone heIps lhe nalive lo succeed in exaninalions. A pIanel in 1O
house fion
Iaaka Iagna indicales lhe iesouices vhich lhe nalive viII noliIize lo fuIfiII ones
piofessionaI skiIIs: e.g. }upilei viII heIp lo expand lhe skiIIs vilh aII visdon and
naluiily al his connand, Saluin viII heIp lo pul a Iol of haid Ialoi and foiesighl lo
achieve his goaI.

The Iaaka Lagna aIso shovs hov one's inleIIigence is appIied in vaiious fieIds of Iife, i.e.
lhe 12lh fion Iaaka Lagna indicales youi piefeience vhen il cones lo liaveIing, lhe 2nd
house fion Iaaka Lagna indicales hov you handIe youi noney, and lhe 1Olh house
fion Iaaka Lagna indicales hov you appioach youi voik.
3.1.6 GhatI Lagna
Chali Iagna is al lhe posilion of Sun al lhe line of suniise. Il noves al lhe iale of one
Rasi pei Chali (Chali=1/6Olh of a day, i.e., 24 ninules). Chali Iagna is aIso caIIed
Chalika Lagna (CL). The Chalika Iagna is used lo see ones posilion in sociely, oi,
noie accuialeIy il is a seal of povei and/oi infIuence in lhe chail. Ils pIacenenl and
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 9 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
slienglh viII le inpoilanl vhen exanining a chail foi iise oi decIine in posilion of
povei and aulhoiily as il ieIales lo lhe 5lh house.
3.1.7 Hnra Lagna
Hoia Lagna is al lhe posilion of Sun al lhe line of suniise. Il noves al lhe iale of one
Rasi pei hoia (houi). In lhe iesl of lhis ailicIe, hoia Iagna viII le denoled ly HL. Hoia
Iagna is used lo see ones veaIlh, and il is aIso ieIaled lo lhe 2nd house of lhe nalive's
3.2 P|anets ln the Tenth House
The pIanel(s) in lhe 1O
house, ils Ioid oi 1O
Loids navanshesh and pIanels aspecling
il indicales ones caieei. If lheie is noie lhan one pIanel lhen ve have lo lake lhe
foIIoving consideialions, such as: -
Do lhe pIanels infIuence each olhei nuluaIIy (Diishli Sanlandha)`
Aie lheie any yogas foined ly lhe conjunclion of lhese pIanels`

Lach and eveiy pIanel in lhe lenlh house gives ils effecls in ils Dasa and Anlaidasa. If
lheie aie no pIanels in lhe 1O
house ve have lo considei lhe 1O
Ioid and vaiious
pIanelaiy infIuences on 1O

We shouId aIso considei pIanels ieIaled lo lhe 1Olh house lhal aie in speciaI condilions,
such as ieliogiession, conluslion, giaha-yuddha, oi deliIilalion. Vipaieel Raja-yoga is
inpoilanl lo see v.i.l. Caieei, as a peison nay faII ladIy fion his caieei, yel nay
suddenIy gel ie-hiied inlo a lellei posilion.

These Yogas nusl aIso le seen vilh lhe iefeience of lhe 1Olh fion Moon, Sun, Lagna,
AL, elc. IiefeialIy lheie is a conneclion lelveen lhe 1Olh Ioids, so lhal lhe voik you do
lo gel lhe peiks, slalus and noney, elc.

The 1Olh fion lhe 1Olh house indicales lhe nanifeslalion of lhe 1Olh house, naneIy lhe
nanifeslalion of lhe Siee (Money). Nov aII lhis aloul lhe speciaI Iagnas shouId
piefeialIy le seen in Rasi and nol in Dasansa. ased on lhe Rasi you pick lhe giahas
you vanl lo see in Dasansa foi lhe iesuIls.
3.3 10th |ord and lts |acement
Il is inpoilanl lo see lhe lenlh house Ioids pIacenenl vilh olhei houses in judging
ones caieei. Whal is leing discussed leIov is lhe essence of vaiious lexls, leachings of
oui guius, vhich I have liied lo sunnaiize foi lhe ease of undeislanding. You can iead
any slandaid lexls foi lhe delaiIed expIanalions on lhe 1O
Ioid pIacenenl in vaiious
houses. So I viII nol go inlo aII of lhe piincipIes heie.

Tenlh Ioid in AngIes (1
, 4
, 7
and 1O
): CeneiaIIy good lecause lhese aie
Vishnus slhana.
Tenlh Loid in Tiines (1sl, 5
and 9
): Cood lecause lhese aie Lakshnis slhana
and lhey Iead lo piospeiily.
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Tenlh Ioid in 2
(finance/veaIlh) oi 11
(fuIfiIInenl/gains): WeaIlh giving
Tenlh Ioid in 3
house: Since il is an Upachaya house, so haid voiking and good
foi caieei.

If lhe 1Olh Ioid is pIaced in lhe 3id oi 5lh houses, lhe nalive has shoil Iasled jols. This is
lecause lhey aie lhe 6lh and 8lh houses fion lhe 1Olh.

Tenlh Ioid in 6
, 8
and 12
(Tiik): One can expecl ups and dovns, olslacIes, and
changes (nol aIvays lad lhough iise and faII aie quile dianalic sone lines). Heie 6lh is
piolalIy lellei since il is an Upachaya house as lhey denole inpiovenenl /giovlh.
3.4 lnf|uence of other houses on rofesslon
3.4.1 Impnrtancc nf 2
and 11
The nalives souice of incone is seen fion lhe 11
house. Lel us lake an exanpIe, if
Meicuiy is lhe lenlh Ioid and is pIaced in lhe eIevenlh house and il is vilh Mais and in
Dasansa in a fieiy sign, lhen lhe nalive nay le an accounlanl (neicuiy) enpIoyed vilh
defense / niIilaiy (Mais and fieiy Dasansa). Heie 1O
deleinines lhe nalive's
piofession and eIevenlh house deleinines lhe souice of incone. In lhis nannei ve
shouId piopeiIy sciulinize lolh houses. Second house is lhe house of veaIlh and
finances. Vaiious conlinalions infIuencing lhe second house and ils Ioid aie iesponsilIe
foi nalive's financiaI posilion. In facl, second house and lhe eIevenlh house and lheii
Ioids shouId le sliong foi a financiaIIy ievaiding caieei. I viII desciile vaiious Dhana
Yogas in lhis ailicIe Ialei.
3.4.2 Impnrtancc nf 5
The 5lh house is lhe 8lh fion lhe 1O
, iepiesenling liilh (leginning) and Iongevily of
lhe 1Olh house. Thus, lhe 5lh house iuIes lhe aulhoiily and povei lhal one enjoys due lo
one's skiIIs and knovIedge as veII as Iuiva Iunya (5
House). The lining of joining a
nev jol is done fion lhe 5lh house.
3.4.3 Impnrtancc nf 6
and 7
The 6lh house iuIes seivice and lhe 7lh house iuIes lusiness. If lheie aie noie pIanels in
lhe sixlh house, oi il is sliongei, seivice is indicaled. A sliongei 7lh house gives a
lusiness enleipiise. SiniIaiIy, lhe 6
Ioid pionoles seivice vhiIe lhe 7lh Ioid pionoles
lusiness. The Dasa peiiod of 7lh Ioid nay liing inslaliIily in seivice. A deliIilaled
naIefic in lhe 7lh house oi naIefics in lhe 8lh house (leing 2nd fion 7lh), viII
encouiage seivice and danage lusiness. Saluin in 7lh house is kaiaka foi 6
, hence lhe
nalive viII sliII le doing seivice. SiniIaiIy Venus is kaiaka foi 7lh and if pIaced in lhe
, viII do sone kind of lusiness. Sertlce
The loss is seen fion lhe 9lh house vhiIe suloidinales aie seen fion lhe 5lh house.
Duiing lhe peiiod of a naIefic pIanel having Iapa AigaIa on lhe 9lh house, one is
loinenled ly one's loss. enefics having Sulha AigaIa on lhe 9lh house shaII give a
veiy good and heIpfuI loss. In a chail shoving polenliaI foi enpIoynenl, lhe conceined
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houses foi seIf aie lhe 1sl, 6lh and 1Olh. The 3id house fion lhese (lhe 3id, 8lh and 12lh)
can cause piolIens. The 8lh house viII shov ieliienenl, lhe 3id house shovs shoil
Ieave, vhiIe lhe 12lh house shovs Iong Ieave. Buslness
The ascendanl Ioid in lhe 9lh house nakes a peison veiy independenl and lusiness is
lesl advised lo nalive such chails oi al Ieasl enpIoynenl vilh a Iol of scope foi fiee
enleipiise. The 2nd house is lhe 8lh fion lhe 7lh house and shaII pIay a ciuciaI ioIe in
slailing any lusiness. SiniIaiIy, lhe slailing of any lusiness is deleinined ly lhe
avaiIaliIily of finance. The quadianls lo lhe 2nd house aie lhe 5lh, 8lh and IIlh houses,
indicaling lhe noney lhal is pul in ly lhe pailnei (5lh house is 11lh fion lhe house of
pailnei i.e. 7lh), Ioans fion lanks elc., and lhe seIf iespecliveIy.
3.4.4 Impnrtancc nf 8
The 8lh house, leing lhe IIlh fion lhe 1Olh house, is lhe pIace of ieliienenl oi end of
caieei. The 8lh house, if leneficiaIIy disposed, can give huge Ioans lo lake up Iaige
enleipiises and ils AigaIa on lhe 7lh and 1Olh houses can give a nev loosl lo lusiness. If
iII disposed, one's lusiness viII iun inlo endIess dell and iuin lhe lusiness.
3.5 Comblnatlons for Good and Bad Career
The foIIoving pIacenenls & conlinalions indicale a good caieei & iecognilion al voik

D-1s Lagna Ioid in D-1O Iagna
D-1s Lagna Ioid in good houses in D-1O.
D-1s 1Olh Ioid oi pIanels in lhe 1O
house of D-1 aie veII pIaced in D-1O.
D-1Os Lagna Ioid veII pIaced in D-1
D-1Os 1Olh Ioid veII pIaced in D-1
D-1Os 9
Loid oi 11
Loid oi 2
Loid aie pIaced in lenefic pIaces in D-1

Nntc: Heie veII pIaced and good houses neans lhe pIanels aie eilhei in Kendia,
Tiikona, 2
oi 11
and no naIefic conjunclions oi aspecls.

In olhei voids, if a pIanel is veII pIaced in lolh D-1 and D-1O, il indicales iise in caieei.
Whal if a pIanel is veII pIaced in one chail, lul ladIy pIaced in lhe olhei chail` The
nodificalions aie as foIIovs:

If Ioids of 3
, 6
, 8
oi 12
of D-1 aie pIaced in lenefic pIaces in D-1O, lhen lhe
naIefic effecls viII le ieduced.
If lenefic (Ioids of 1sl, 5lh, 9lh) Ioids of D-1 aie ladIy pIaced in D-1O, lhen il viII
give good iesuIls onIy aflei iniliaI sliuggIe, difficuIlies elc.
3.6 lmortance of Dasamsa Chart
Sage Iaiasaia says lhal ve shouId sludy lhe Dasansa chail foi knoving aloul a nalive's
vocalion and slalus in Iife. The Dasansa chail is inpoilanl foi sludying changes in a
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nalive's caieei, ups and dovns in his caieei. The foIIoving poinls shouId le kepl in
nind vhiIe sludying a Dasansa chail:

1. See lhe house in lhe Dasansa chail in vhich lhe 1O
Ioid of Rasi Chail is pIaced.
Loid of lhis house pIays a najoi ioIe on lhe nalive's choice of vocalion.
2. Vaiious infIuences on lhe Dasansa Iagna and lhe 1O
house in lhe Dasansa
shouId aIso le piopeiIy sciulinized lefoie pionouncing lhe iesuIls.
3.7 lmortance of Arudhas
The Lagna iepiesenls liue seIf, vhiIe Aiudha Lagna (AL) iepiesenls hov olheis
peiceive you. Il shovs lhe naya (iIIusion) associaled vilh lhe peison. We cannol see a
peison inside lul ve can see is, vhal iises fion lhe liue seIf and vhal nanifesls in lhe
voiId. Aiudha neans, iisen one and il shovs vhal iises and lecones visilIe lo lhe
naleiiaI voiId.

Heie lhe AL shovs ones inage and slalus in ones piofession/caieei fion lhe
Dasansas poinl of viev. The 1Olh house fion AL shovs lhe foices suppoiling ones
inage. NaluiaI lenefics in lhe 1O
fion AL give a good inage and naIefics give a lad
inage. The 2nd house fion AL shovs lhe faclois lhal piovide lhe iesouices lhal ones
inage can diav fion. MaIefics in lhe 3id (Iaiakiana / VeIoui) and 6lh houses fion AL
give iise lo foilune lhiough loId acls.

enefics in lhe 8lh fion AL give sudden gains lo ones inage and naIefics in lhe 8

fion AL give Iosses. Any pIanel (even an Upagiaha) in lhe 9lh house fion AL piolecls
ones inage and keeps ones slalus inlacl. IIanels in lhe 11lh fion AL give gain in slalus
vhiIe pIanels in lhe 12lh fion AL give Iosses. ul if Rahu, Sal oi Kelu gives Raja Yoga, if
lhey aie pIaced in 12
fion AL.
3.8 lmortance of Oeratlng Dasa
One has lo see lhe cuiienl opeialing Dasa peiiods. This can le seen sonelines a nalive
goes lhiough najoi changes in his caieei. Hovevei he nay aIso have nuIlipIe
piofessions, vhich incIudes a pail line jol lo eain addilionaI noney. AII lhese lhings in
a nalive's caieei can onIy le gauged lhiough lhe opeialing Dasa peiiods.
3.8.1 DcbI!Itatcd p!ancts and Its cffccts In Dasa
DeliIilaled pIanels in 3id, 6lh oi 8lh houses viII lehave as sliong as exaIled pIanels.
This is especiaIIy liue if such pIanels aie aIso in Maiana Kaiaka Slhana. AIso, deliIilaled
and ieliogiade naIefics in kendias viII pioduce lhe effecls of Raja-yoga in lheii Dasa
peiiods, and especiaIIy if kendia and lhe liinaI pIanels aie conjoining oi aspecling.
IinaIIy, exaIled lul ieliogiade pIanels viII pioduce veak iesuIls. This vouId le
inpoilanl lo nole vilh iespecl lo caieei, 1Olh house, elc.

The Dasa peiiods of ieliogiade pIanels vilh iespecl lo Caieei couId liing lhe fuIfiIInenl
of sliong caieei desiies lhal lhe nalive has heId foi nany Iifelines.
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3.9 Comblnatlons for some rofesslons
3.9.1 Lawycr nr Judgc
The 6
house (couil cases) and lhe 9lh house (Iav) aie inpoilanl vhen Iooking foi
caieei in Iav. }upilei iuIes Iav and lhe lvo signs ovned ly }up aie Sg and Ii, so lhese
lvo houses iepiesenl lhe Iav loo. Li is lhe nosl inpoilanl sign lo Iook inlo, as il is lhe
sign of judgnenl and il is aIso an aiiy sign. If lhe alove aie sliong and connecled vilh
lhe lenlh house and lhe Lagna lhe nalive's caieei is connecled vilh Iav. If Le and Sun
aIso gel invoIved in lhe alove, lhen lhe nalive suieIy viII ieceive incone fion lhe
Coveinnenl and lhe nalive nay le a judge oi a goveinnenl Iavyei. IIease nole, Sal
connecled vilh Li and lhe 1O
house oi }upilei gives IegaI caieei loo.
3.9.2 Dcfcnsc and Pn!Icc Pcrsnnnc!
The signs ovned ly Mais aie Aiies and Scoipio aie inpoilanl foi poIice / defense
ieIaled piofessions. The 3id house (vaIoui) and 6lh house (vais) viII aIso le pioninenl
in lhe hoioscope loo. In facl, one has lo considei aII lhe fieiy signs foi defense and poIice
ieIaled piofessions.
3.9.3 Astrn!ngcrs
In lhe hoioscopes of AslioIogeis }up, Meic and Aiiy signs shouId le pioninenl. Iuilhei
if 2
house is poveifuI lhen il gives knovIedge and aIso Vaksiddhi (Vaksiddhi
neans, vhalevei lhe peison piedicls viII cone lo pass ly lhe piaclice of Salya and
piophecy). If 5
house is poveifuI and 5
Ioid is aIso connecled lo lhe Mais (an aiiy
signs), lhen one gels inluilion. Thus il is inpoilanl lo have a sliong 5
house foi leing a
conpelenl aslioIogei.
3.9.4 EngInccrs
One has lo see lhe pioninence of nodes in a nalives hoioscopes of Lngineeis. Mais
indicaling looIs, Sal lhe use of lhese looIs and Ven, vhich gives iefinenenl lo lheii use,
aie aIso pioninenl in lhe hoioscopes of Lngineeis.
3.9.5 McdIca! PrnfcssInn
Sun, Mais and }up shouId le sliong aIong vilh Kelu vho is aIvays pioninenl in
hoioscopes of doclois. Sun iuIes lhe souI (aIso heaIing) and is lhe Iife-giving pIanel.
}up is lhe giealesl heaIei and he shouId le pioninenl loo. Sc iuIes diugs, nedicines elc
and lheiefoie, ils Ioid Mais shouId aIso le connecled vilh lhe 1Olh house. Rahu is
inpoilanl foi nedicaI caieeis, given ils conneclion lo diugs and poisons. If Mais oi Kelu
oi Meicuiy (skin and culs) is sliongIy connecled vilh lhe lenlh house and ils Ioid, il
nakes lhe nalive a suigeon.
3.9.6 ArtIsts
Venus is lhe Kaiaka of fine ails, nusic and dancing. Ils associalion vilh Moon,
Meicuiy, and }up gives ailislic laIenl lo lhe nalive. Houses ovned ly Venus, i.e. Ta and
Li, shouId le pioninenl. 3id house and Meic viII aIso le pioninenl. 5lh and 6lh Ioid
shouId shov ciealive aliIilies so lhese houses shouId aIso le connecled loo. In cases of
singeis and poels, 2nd house viII aIso le pioninenl lecause 2
house iuIes speech.
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4.0 Judgmcnt nf Lnss & GaIn In carccr In Dasamsa
The foIIoving aie sone indicalois of a good caieei oi iise in caieei in lhe Dasansa: -
Sliong 1Olh House in D-1O: Slalus, iecognilion and gieal achievenenls
IIanels in lhe 1sl house oi 1sl Ioid in D-1O
IIanels in Kendias and Tiikonas
Dasa Ioid oi Anlaidasa Ioid gelling connecled lo lhe D-1O Lagna

AII iesuIls indicaled ly a pIanel in lhe Rasi and D-Chail cone lo fiuclificalion in lheii
Dasa, Anlaidasa and Tiansils.
4.1 P|anets ln Kendras
The Kendia houses aie lhe angIes of lhe chail and lhey aie 1
, 4
, 7
, and 1O
. These aie
consideied lhe nosl poveifuI houses of aII (in ascending oidei). eing Vishnus slhana,
pIanels in Kendias aie auspicious. Lven naIefics in Kendias aie nol lad foi caieei.
4.2 P|anets ln Trlkonas
The Tiikona houses aie 1
, 5
and 9
and lhese aie lhe nosl auspicious houses of aII.
eing Lakshnis slhana, lhey synloIize piospeiily. IIanels in Tiikonas in D-1O aie aIso
good. IIanels in oi Ioids of 1
, 5
and 9
aie good foi caieei. IIease nake a nole, vhiIe
pIacenenl of any pIanel in 5lh oi 9lh is highIy auspicious, il nighl nol le so in aII cases
vheie lhe 1Olh Ioid is in 5
oi 9
. This is lecause lhese aie lhe 8
and 12
fion lhe 1O
and lhus couId piove lo liing olslacIes oi Ioss of caieei if lhe 1O
Ioid lheiein is
affIicled. SiniIaiIy lhe 3
house is lhe 6
fion lhe 1O
. In ny sludies, I have found lhal
peopIe oflen Iose oi change lhe caieeis vhen lhe Dasa of lhe 1O
Ioid pIaced in lhese
houses cones inlo effecl. This of couise, vouId le diffeienl if lhe nalive's caieei veie
associaled vilh educalion, spiiiluaIily, counseIing, coaching, ail and nusic as in lhe 3id
Ioid elc.
4.3 P|anets ln Dusthanas
Duslhanas aie 6
, 8
and 12
signify difficuIlies, olslacIes, and sliuggIes. Theiefoie lhe
pIanels in 6
, 8
and 12
in D-1O indicale difficuIlies, lensions, and voiiies vilh iespecl
lo caieei especiaIIy if lhey aie unaspecled ly Iagna Ioid oi 1O
Ioid. If aspecled ly lhe
Lagna Loid oi 1O
Loid gives iniliaI difficuIlies foIIoved ly ieIief.

When lhe Duslhanas Ioids of D-1O aie ieIaled lo lhe 1O
house oi 1O
Ioid, lhe Dasa oi
Anlaidasa nay le lough. Sonelines, naIefics in Duslhanas aie lellei lhan lenefics in
lhe Dasansa.

Nov Anlaidasa Ioid in 6
, 8
and 12
fion Dasa Ioid in D-1O indicales difficuIlies and
lensions vilh lhe foIIoving nodificalions:

If lhe Anlaidasa Ioid is nol in 6
, 8
and 12
fion Dasa Ioid in lhe Rasi chail,
and is veII pIaced oi if he is in lhe 4
oi 1O
in lhe Rasi chail, lhen iniliaI
difficuIlies vhich aie oveicone vilh evenluaI success.

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Nntc: Hovevei, if lhe nalive is a poIice officei oi soIdiei, foi exanpIe, lhen Iagna Ioid oi
Ioid in lhe 6
(in slienglh) viII le inpoilanl foi caieei. IndividuaIs vho do
ieseaich oi invesligalion, science oi diagnoslics, suigeiy, as veII as aslioIogy and
nelaphysics, aie going lo have sliong pIanels in lhe 8
house. Ieisons vho voik in
hospilaIs oi piisons, as veII as nonasleiies oi chuiches, oi vho ieIocale lo foieign
counliies as pail of lheii piofessions, aie going lo have sliong caieei-ieIaled pIanels in
lhe 12
4.4 P|anets ln the Uachaas
Upachayas aie houses of giovlh oi inpiovenenl. IIanels in lhese houses i.e. 3
, 6
, 11
geneiaIIy give good iesuIls evenluaIIy vilh sonevhal haid voik and sliuggIe.

The lenefics aie good in lhe 1Olh and 11
. enefics aie fine in lhe 3id, and nay nol le
good in lhe 6lh. MaIefics in lhe Upachayas aie geneiaIIy good.
4.5 Translts and the Dasamsa
The foIIoving pIanels pionole lhe caieei nalleis, so olseive lheii liansils:

IIanels in lhe 1Olh and 1Olh Ioid in D-1O
Lagna Ioid and Iagna in D-1O
1Olh house and ils Ioid in Rasi

IIanels in lhe 1Olh in D-1O can liiggei a iise in caieei oi sone favoialIe evenl vilh
iespecl lo caieei vhiIe liansiling ovei lhe D-1O Iagna oi D-1O Iagna Ioid.

D-1O lenlh Ioids liansil ovei lhe Rasi 1Olh house oi Rasi 1Olh Ioid can aIso liiggei sone
favoialIe evenl oi iise in caieei, especiaIIy duiing lhe Dasa oi Anlaidasa of such Ioids.

As I have nenlioned eaiIiei, lhe Dasas and liansils shouId concui vilh each olhei lo
give lhe iesuIls.

When ve anaIyze a chail fion aII lhe alove-nenlioned angIes, ve viII le alIe lo
calegoiize lhe vaiious poinls as foIIovs:

1. A pIanel is lenefic in lhe Rasi and veII pIaced in lhe Dasansa: Rise in caieei,
achievenenls in pulIic Iife, posilion, honoi and gieal iesuIls (nahal phaIan).
2. A pIanel is lenefic in lhe Rasi lul ladIy pIaced in lhe Dasansa: WiII give iesuIls,
lul aflei sone sliuggIe.
3. A pIanel ovns a naIefic house (3
, 6
, 8
and 12
) in Rasi and pIaced in lenefic
pIaces in Dasansa: MaIeficience gels giealIy ieduced, vilh iespecl lo caieei
nallei onIy.
4. A pIanel is lad in lolh lhe Rasi and Dasansa: IaII, disgiace, oi suspension elc.

Tiansils aie lo le sludied fion lolh lhe Moon and lhe Lagna. WhiIe sludying liansil
fion lhe Iagna, ienenlei lhe foIIoving poinls:
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1. See and sludy lhe liansils in lhe sane nannei as pIanels in lheii nalaI posilion.
The pIanels liansiling 6
, 8
oi 12
lecone veak.
2. Cive speciaI allenlion lo lhe liansils of najoi and sul-peiiod Ioids. If lhe liansil
, 8
oi 12
oi lheii deliIilalion sign oi aie conlusl in liansil, lhen adveise
iesuIls aie expeiienced.
3. Tiansil of }upilei ovei nalaI posilion of a pIanel is good. }upilei if in liansil
aspecls lhe nalaI posilion of najoi Ioid oi sul peiiod Ioid gives leneficiaI iesuIls.
4. }upilei aclivales lhe sign il liansils. Il aIso aclivales a Raja Yoga oi Dhana Yogas
vhen il aspecls in liansil. This viII le so even if lhe Dasa of lhe conceined
pIanels in nol in opeialion.
5. Saluin, vhen liansiling ovei nalaI posilion of a pIanel, gives nisfoilunes. Ils
aspecl is aIso lad. Saluin liansiling in lhe 7lh fion oi ovei nalaI Sun causes
unfoilunale deveIopnenls in a nalive's caieei. Opeialing sul peiiod Ioid decides
vhelhei lhe nalive viII oveicone lhese adveisilies oi nol.
6. enefics liansiling ovei nalaI posilion of Dasa Ioid heIp lhe nalive and naIefics
cause difficuIlies lo lhe nalive.
4.6 Arga|as
The lenlh house has AigaIa on lhe 6lh, 7lh, 9lh and 12lh houses. Theiely diieclIy
affecling enenies, seivanls, foilune, and sIeep lhal aie iuIed ly lhese houses and olhei

The 11lh, 1sl, 2nd, and 8lh houses have AigaIa on lhe 1Olh house and aie capalIe of
affecling lhe aclions and olhei nalleis iuIed ly lhe lenlh house. Thus gains, seIf, nel
piofil, Ioss, vhich viII infIuence decisions and aclions. In lhis nannei, lhe AigaIa's and
lheii olsliuclion shouId le undeislood and shouId le used vilh iefeience lo Dasa s.
4.7 Yogas
In addilion, ve have lo see vhelhei lhe foIIoving Yogas aie piesenl and funclionaI in
nalives chail:

1) Raja Yogas foi povei, aulhoiily and piospeiily
2) Dhana Yogas foi veaIlh
3) Lakshni Yoga foi veaIlh and piospeiily
4) Aiishla (Ioveily) Yogas: vhich gives poveily lo lhe nalive.
5) Neecha hanga Raja Yogas
6) Vipaieela Raja Yoga
4.7.1 Raja Ynga
1. As I have aIieady nenlioned alove, lhe angIes have leen desciiled as lhe alode
of Loid Vishnu oi Iieseivei and Iiolecloi. The liines have leen desciiled as lhe
alode of Coddess Laxni (Coddess of WeaIlh). Theii conlinalion causes lhe
nosl poveifuI Raja Yogas. The foIIoving conlinalions viII foin Raja Yoga:
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Tiine + AngIe
Tiine + Tiine
AngIe + AngIe
2. Sage Iaiasaia desciiles anolhei poveifuI lype of Raja yogas as foIIovs:
Alnakaiaka + Iuliakaiaka.
Conlinalion of Lagna Ioid and lhe 5lh Ioid i.e.
1sl Ioid + 5lh Ioid. These aie lo le consideied fion Lagna and
Kaiakansa loo.
3. Conlinalion of Alnakaiaka vilh lhe foIIoving aIso foins a Raja Yoga.
(a) Lagna Loid (l) Iuliakaia (c) Kaiakansa ascendanl Ioid
4. A veiy inleiesling Raja Yoga is desciiled ly Sage Iaiasaia, as:
If Ioids of eviI houses (6
, 8
) aie deliIilaled and aspecl Lagna, a Raja Yoga
is foined.
5. If AnalyaKaiaka (AnK) is in conlinalion vilh lhe foIIoving, a Raja Yoga is
Ascendanl Ioid
Kaiakansa Ioid.
Disposiloi of 1Olh Ioid
AnK in kendias oi liines lo lhe 1Olh Ioid's disposiloi.
Nntc: These Raja Yogas aie connonIy found in lhe hoioscopes of luieaucials
and civiI seivanls.
6. Nodes, vhen in conlinalion vilh a liinaI oi an anguIai Ioid, foin a veiy
poveifuI Raja Yoga. Ioi lhis lhe node (Rahu oi Kelu) shouId le in an angIe,
liine, 2nd, 11lh oi lhe lhiid house.
4.7.2 Dhana Ynga
The foIIoving aie sone of lhe conlinalions foi Dhana Yoga:
If lhe 5
fion Lagna happens lo le a sign of Venus, and if Venus and Sal aie
silualed in lhe 5
and 11
iespecliveIy Dhana Yoga is foined.
When }upilei (significaloi of veaIlh) is in conlinalion vilh 2
, 9
Ioid (foilune)
oi 11
Ioid, Dhana Yoga is foined.
Loids of liinaI houses vilh lhe Ioids of 2nd and/oi 11lh.
If lhe 5
fion Lagna happens lo le lhe house of }up, }up pIaced lheie and Mais
and lhe Moon aie in lhe 11
house, Dhana Yoga is foined.
If lhe Sun is in Lagna idenlicaI vilh Leo, and aspecled oi joined ly Mais and }up,
Dhana Yoga is foined.
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If a nunlei of pIanels occupy lhe 2
house and lhe veaIlh giving ones aie
sliong oi occupy ovn oi exaIlalion signs lhen Amaranantha Dhana Yoga is
foined. As a iesuIl lhe nalive viII enjoy veaIlh lhioughoul Iife.
The Ioids of 2
and 1O
shouId le a conjunclion in a Kendia aspecled ly lhe Ioid
of lhe Navansa occupied ly lhe Lagna Loid lhen Ba|a Dhana Yoga is foined.
The 2
Ioid possessing KaIalaIa nusl join lhe Ioids of Lagna and lhe 11
in a
quadianl oi a liine and le aspecled ly lenefics viII foin Madha Vaasl Dhana
The pIanels ovning lhe sign, in vhich lhe Ioids of lhe 2
and 1
logelhei vilh a
naluiaI lenefic aie pIaced, shouId le sliongIy disposed in Iagna viII foin
Antha Vaasl Dhana Yoga.
4.7.3 LakshmI Ynga
This foins ly vay of a conjunclion, exchange, oi nuluaI aspecls lelveen lhe Iagna Ioid
and lhe 9
Ioid, ly associalion/aspecl lelveen lhe 9lh Ioid and Venus, and aIso
Venus/Moon conjunclion is laken lo le Lakshni yoga ly }ainini. AIso, if lhe Ioid of
Lagna is poveifuI and lhe Ioid of lhe 9
occupies ils ovn oi exaIlalion sign idenlicaI
vilh a Kendia oi Tiikona, Lakshni Yoga is foined.
4.7.4 ArIshta (Pnvcrty) Yngas
The houses 6
, 8
and 12
aie eviI houses. So lheii invoIvenenl viII cause lhe poveily
and nisfoilune as foIIovs:
(1) Loids of second and eIevenlh in lhe 6lh, 8lh and 12lh house. Il causes Iosses and
(2) Loids of liines in 6, 8, and 12 causes nisfoilune and Ioss of posilion.
(3) Loids of anguIai houses in 6, 8, 12 cause nisfoilune, giief and Ioss of posilion.
(4) Loid of 3id in 6, 8 oi 12 cieales olslacIes in Iife.
(5) Apail foin lhe alove nosl inpoilanl Aiishla (Ioveily) Yogas, lhe olhei yogas
foi nisfoilune aie:
a) Kenadiuna Yoga: This causes caIanilies, poveily, Ioss of posilion, and giief.
Il is foined vhen lheie aie no pIanels in second oi lveIflh fion Moon excepl
lhe nodes oi lhe Sun. Il gels canceIIed if a pIanel aspecls Moon oi a pIanel
olhei lhan Sun, Rahu oi Kelu is in an angIe fion Moon.
l) Niidhana Yoga and Shanka Yoga can cause ups and dovns in Iife/caieei.
4.7.5 Yngas fnr 5ucccss In BusIncss
The foIIoving houses and conlinalions shouId le sliong and veII pIaced in oidei lo le
successfuI in lusiness:
1) 2
house, lecause il is lhe house of veaIlh.
2) 5
house, lecause il is lhe house of gains fion inveslnenls and iisk laking.
3) 1O
house, lecause il is conceined vilh lhe nalive's caieei and slalus.
4) 11
house, lecause il shovs incone and gains.
5) 9
house, lecause il is lhe house of foilune and Iuck.
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4.7.6 Ncccha Bhanga Yngas nr Cancc!!atInn nf DcbI!ItatInn
CanceIIalion of deliIilalion gives a nalive piospeiily in lhe end ly oveiconing lhe
pIanels deliIilaled difficuIlies duiing lhe peiiod. The canceIIalion of deliIilalion can
lake pIace duiing lhe foIIoving silualions:
1. Loid of deliIilalion sign in Kendia
2. Loid of exaIlalion sign in Kendia
3. IIanel vhich allains exaIlalion in lhe deliIilalion sign of lhe pIanel, is pIaced
in Kendia
4. DeliIilaled pIanel is exaIled in Navansa

Nntc: The Kendia pIacenenl is vilh iefeience lo Moon and Lagna.
4.7.7 VIparccta Raja Ynga
Vipaieela Raja Yoga is foined as foIIovs:
1. Loids of Duslhanas (3id, 6lh, 8lh and 12lh) is in a Duslhana.
2. Loids of Duslhana is sliong in a Kendia.
Vipaieela neans opposile, so lhe nalive iises fion lhe difficuIlies and fion lhe adveise
silualions lo iise lo a high posilion.
4.8 Dasamsa Deltles
Dasansa Deilies associaled vilh each of lhe 1O diieclions, vhich aie lhe coineislones of
lhe Dasansa chail. These aie lhe sane diieclionaI Deilies as aie asciiled lo lhe
KaIachakia. IIanels in liansil in Nakshalias aIigned vilh spokes on lhe KaIachakia lhal
aie naIefic, nay liing nany lioulIes lo lhe peison.

The foIIoving aie lhe 1O diieclions and lheii coiiesponding Deilies:

DIrcctInn DcIty
Noilh Kuleia (veaIlh)
Soulh Yana (Dealh)
Lasl India (Iovei and posilion)
Wesl Vaiuna (Ioieign Iands/suffeiing)
Noilhvesl Vayu (Wandeiing)
Noilheasl Isana (lIessings of lhe gods)
Soulheasl Agni (piospeiily)
Soulhvesl Niiilli (cuises of lhe gods)
The veilicaI (uppei)
Ananla (eIevalion up lo Moksha)
The dovnvaid sky iahna (inliospeclion, science, and ieseaich)

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Ioi exanpIe, if lhe 1Olh Ioid in lhe chail is in a Nakhsalia peilaining lo lhe noilheasl
diieclion, lhis couId lode auspicious foi lhe nalive as lhal diieclion is iuIed ly Isana and
suggesl lIessings. On lhe olhei hand, if a nalaI oi annuaI pIanel peilaining lo caieei and
voik (1Olh Ioid, AnK pIanel, Sun oi olhei naluiaI kaiaka, oi Iagna Ioid) veie in a
nakhsalia peilaining lo lhe soulhein oi soulhveslein diieclions as pei lhe KaIachakia,
lhen il couId lode as eviI foi lhe nalive, as lhese aie iuIed ly Yana and Niiilli
iespecliveIy (dealh and cuises).
4.9 Astakatarga
Aslakavaiga is inpoilanl in assessing lhe slienglhs of houses and pIanels. Ioi exanpIe,
if in lhe Rasi oi D-1O, lheie aie noie lindus in SAV in lhe 5lh house lhan in lhe 1Olh,
lhen Dasas of lhe 5lh Ioid oi pIanels in lhe 5lh, couId piove chaIIenging lo caieei. The
sane can le infeiied vilh lhe Ioid of lhe 9
house oi pIanels in lhal house loo. IIanels
iuIing Dasas in specific houses, oi pIanels liansiling in such houses, viII have giealei oi
Iessei effecl foi good oi iII, depending on lheii scoies in AV as veII as SAV in Rasi as
veII as D-1O chails.
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5.0 UsIng VarInus Dasa 's
5.1 Vlmsottarl Dasa

Duiing lhe Dasa, Anlai Dasa and Iialyanlaia Dasa of a pIanel vho is in 3
, 6
, 8
lo lhe Rajya Iada (A1O) gives a change in jol. If naIefic pIanels aie lheie, lhen
haidships aie indicaled and if lenefics aie pIaced lhen a good jol and aulhoiily in jol is
indicaled. If such a pIanel fion A1O is in deliIily oi conlusl, lhen lhe peison Iooses lhe
jol duiing eilhei Dasa oi Anlaia oi Iialyanlaia Dasa of such a pIanel.

A1O in D-1O and liansil of Shani ovei lhis A1O indicales lhe change of jol. Cuiu's
pIacenenl in D-9 chail and Shani's liansil ovei Cuiu indicales, lheie viII le a change of
jol foi good and fuilhei he/she viII allain pieslige and pionolions in lhal nev jol.

AIso vhen Cuiu liansils oi aspecls A1O in D-5 chail, lhe nalive's jol viII le honoied
and viII lecone fanous and knovn lo lhe connunily / voiId.

In D-1O chail, if lhe Lagna is in chaia/valeiy sign and ils Ioid is pIaced in such signs
and aIso if 9lh Ioid is pIaced in such signs incIuding 7lh and 8lh Ioid, lhen duiing lhe
Dasa /Anlaia Dasa oi pialyanlaia Dasa of such pIanels oi pIanels occupying such
houses, lhe peison goes alioad foi inpiovenenl of his caieei.

Heie lhe liansil of Shani and Cuiu aie noie inpoilanl. Rahu's posilion aIso shouId le
laken inlo consideialion and if he occupies in Chaia /valeiy signs, associaled vilh lhe
Ioids of 7
, 8
, 9
oi 12
houses lhen lhe peison goes lo alioad duiing his Dasa
/Anlaia Dasa /Iialyanlaia Dasa peiiods.

Ioi pionolions, ve have lo Iook al lhe pIanels, vhich aie lhe Ioid of eilhei 5
, 9
oi 1O

house fion 1O
house in NalaI chail. AIso 5
, 9
oi 1O
and seIf (1O
house ilseIf in D-1O
chail) fion 1O
house in D-1O chail and duiing lhe Dasha / Anlaia / Iialyanlaia of
such pIanels, lhe nalive viII gel pionolions. AIso see in D-9 chail, if liansil Cuiu
liansils ovei lhal oi aspecls lo A1O, lheie viII le a change foi good and sonelines
pionolions aIso viII le lheie.

AIso lhe pionolion can le seen fion A1O in NalaI chail aIso. The pIanels in 5
, 9
houses fion A1O incIuding A1O Ioid duiing lheii Dasha / Anlaia / Iialyanalaia
viII give pionolions, saIaiy iaise elc.

ul if lhe adhakadhipaly fion A1O is aIso joined vilh any one of lhe 3
, 6
, 8
and 12

houses, lhen lheie viII le change of lhe jol foi a ieduced saIaiy lhan lefoie. Duiing lhe
Dasha / Anlaia / Iialyanlaia of pIanels posiled in adhaka slhana and 7
fion Rajya
Iada, A1O in D-1O chail viII Iead lo Ioss of jol. The ieason is 7lh is naiaka foi any
house. SiniIaiIy, duiing lhe Dasha / Anlaidasa of pIanels posiled in adhaka slhana
and 8
fion A1O in D-1O chail indicales lhe end of caieei if A3 aIso coincides vilh lhe
pIanel in 8lh fion A1O in D-1O chail.
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5.2 Naraana Dasa
Naiayana Dasa is a inpoilanl Rasi (IhaIila) Dasa. Ils veisaliIily Iies in lhe facl lhal il can
le conpuled sepaialeIy foi each divisionaI chail foi piecise lining of specific nalleis. In
facl, ve can conpule noie lhan one Naiayana Dasa foi each divisionaI chail. Naiayana
Dasa of D-1O seeded fion lhe 1Olh Ioid is nalive-cenliic. Il shovs evenls in a nalives Iife
lhal aie ieIaled lo caieei and piofession.

Duiing lhe Dasa, Anlai Dasa and Iialyanlaia Dasa of a pIanel vho is in 2
, 3
, 6
, 8

oi 12
lo A1O / AL gives a change in jol. If naIefic pIanels aie lheie, lhen haidships aie
indicaled and if lenefics aie pIaced lhen a good jol and aulhoiily in jol is indicaled. If
such pIanel fion A1O is in deliIily oi conlusl, lhen lhe peison Iooses lhe jol duiing
eilhei Dasa oi Anlaia oi Iialyanlaia Dasa of such a pIanel.
5.3 Sudasa
Sudasa is a Rasi Dasa. Il is aIso caIIed Siee Lagna Kendiadi Rasi Dasa oi sinpIy Rasi
Dasa. Ils conpulalion is lased on kendias fion Siee Lagna. Sudasa is inpoilanl foi
naleiiaIislic lhings Iike noney, povei and aulhoiily. Il can le used lo piedicl financiaI
nalleis and nalleis ieIaled lo slalus and povei. If a poIilicaI Ieadei occupies a posl of
povei, he nusl le enjoying a favoialIe Dasa as pei Sudasa. If a lusinessnan sees
incieasing piofils, il nusl le enjoying a favoialIe Dasa as pei Sudasa. If soneone
sliuggIes vilh lighl finances, he nusl le going lhiough an unfavoialIe Dasa as pei

Dasas of HL, 7
fion HL, and lhe signs aspecling HL liing financiaI piospeiily. If lhe
Ioid of lhe Dasa sign occupies oi aspecls HL, il viII inpiove lhe chance of financiaI
piospeiily. SiniIaiIy, if lhe Ioid of HL occupies oi aspecls Dasa sign, il viII aIso inpiove
lhe chances of financiaI piospeiily.

Sane lhing hoIds foi CL and lhe piesciiled iesuIls aie povei and aulhoiily inslead of
financiaI piospeiily.

Upachayas fion any house sland foi lhe giovlh of nalleis signified ly lhal house. AL
slands foi ones slalus. Dasas of Upachayas fion AL liings giovlh of slalus and Dasa
of lhe 11
house fion AL is pailicuIaiIy favoialIe.

The 8
and 12
houses fion AL liing sellacks lo ones slalus. Theii Dasas can le
unfavoialIe as veII.
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5.4 Ka|aChakra Dasa
Sage Iaiasaia caIIed KaIachakia Dasa lhe nosl iespeclalIe Dasa of aII Dasas.
KaIachakia IileiaIIy neans lhe vheeI of Tine. Iaiasaia said lhal Loid Shiva expIained
lhis Dasa lo Coddess Iaivali. Il shovs hov lhe vheeI of line unfoIds evenls in lhe Iife
of an individuaI.

Dasa of a Rasi gives lhe naluiaI iesuIls of lhe Rasi. Ioi exanpIe, Dasa of Iisces nay give
saallvik ieIigious aclivilies. Dasa of Aiies nay give enleipiise oi quaiieIs oi vounds.

Moie inpoilanlIy, Dasa of a Rasi gives lhe iesuIls of lhe house and pIanels in lhal Rasi.
If Sc has AL in D-1O and ils Ioid Mais occupies il, ils Dasa nay liing good
deveIopnenls ieIaled lo caieei and slalus. Dasa of a Rasi conlaining lhe 8lh fion AL in
D-1O nay give a faII in slalus al voikpIace. Dasa of a Rasi nay aIso give lhe iesuIls of ils
Ioid. If Mais is in lhe 5lh house in D-7, Aiies Dasa nay give chiIdien and so on.

Sanudaaya Ashlakavaiga (SAV) pIays an inpoilanl ioIe in deciding lhe iesuIls in a
Dasa. If a Rasi has loo nany oi loo fev iekhas in SAV of a pailicuIai divisionaI chail,
lhen ils Dasa nay liing favoialIe oi unfavoialIe iesuIls iespecliveIy, ieIaling lo lhe
significalions of lhal house in lhal D-Chail.

Nntc: KaIachakia Dasas dales change ly aloul 3 nonlhs, if liilh line changes ly 1
ninule. So one has lo have an accuiale liilh line lefoie using lhis vondeifuI dasa.

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ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
6.0 Cnnc!usInn
We can give noie piecise and accuiale piediclions if ve ienenlei lhe foIIoving:
1. Iiisl, Iook al lhe pievaiIing najoi and sul-peiiods.
2. Then, see lhe liansils fion Moon, Nakshalias, fion nalaI Sun, 1O
Ioid and aIso
lhe ascendanl. The liansil of najoi and sul-peiiod Ioid shouId le seen. They
give adveise iesuIls vhen liansiling lhe 6
, 8
oi 12
house fion nalaI
3. See if lheie aie any Raja Yogas, Dhana Yogas, Aiishla (Ioveily) Yogas and olhei
Yogas in lhe hoioscope. }upilei in liansil vhen aspecling a good Yoga aclivales il
and Saluin in liansil vhen aspecling a lad Yoga aclivales il.
4. See lhe posilion of najoi and sul-peiiod Ioid in lhe Dasansa chail. They viII
give lad iesuIls if pIaced in lhe 6
, 8
oi 12
house, oi in deliIilalion oi ininicaI
houses. The posilion of Dasansa Lagna, lhe 1O
house and lheii Ioids aie
inpoilanl. If a pIanel is connecled vilh lhe 1O
oi 2
house in Rasi Chail and
ladIy affIicled oi veak lhen il viII nol give good iesuIls even if il is veiy veII
pIaced in lhe Dasansa Chail.
5. The Ascendanl, Sun, and Moon aie lhe lhiee pivolaIs of a hoioscope. Sage
Iaiasaia in lhe Chaplei on Sudaishana Chakia has given lhen a gieal
inpoilance. If lhey aie aII poveifuI and veII pIaced, lhe nalive viII iise veiy
high in Iife. If lhese lhiee aie veak and affIicled, lhe nalive viII Iack inilialive,
and enleipiise, and viII nol le alIe lo achieve nuch in Iife.
6. The adhaka Ioid cieales olslacIes. Il cannol deny an evenl on ils ovn lul viII
ceilainIy cieale difficuIlies and olslacIes. (Ioi ascendanl of MovalIe, Iixed &
DuaI Signs lhe sign of olsliuclion adhaka is lhe 11lh, 9lh, & 7lh house
7. AIvays casl AnnuaI Tilhi Iiavesha Chails foi confiinalion of lhe evenl.
8. LaslIy, I have found lhal lhe foIIoving appioach voiks veiy veII foi a noie
accuiale piediclion:
a. Iiisl, choose lhe Naiayana Dasa of lhe Rasi chail (D-1) lo isoIale lhe nosl
IikeIy line lhal an evenl couId occui.
l. Then, see if Vinsollaii Dasa (oi olhei nakhsalia Dasas) agiees foi lhe
sane line peiiod.
c. Nexl, choose lhe Naiayana Dasa of lhe specific vaiga chail foi lhe aiea
conceined. Ioi exanpIe, use lhe Dasansa Naiayana Dasa (D-1O) if lhe
evenl ieIales lo caieei.
d. IinaIIy, see if leneficiaI liansils (oi lhe opposile in lhe case of a negalive
piediclion Iike dealh, elc.) ieinfoice lhe occuiience of lhe evenl. You can
see lhe liansils of pIanels (nosl inpoilanlIy Saluin, }upilei, and Rahu),
nol onIy ovei lhe signs/houses of lhe Rasi chail, lul ovei lhose of lhe
ieIaled vaiga chails as veII.
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6.1 Remedles
When a peison expeiiences difficuIlies in his/hei caieei, lhe }yoliiIinga deily of 5lh Ioid
in D-1O chail can le appeased vilh lhe foIIoving }yoliiIinga nanlia lo oveicone lhe
piolIens in caieei.

P!anct JyntIr!Inga / Mantra
Sun On NanasSivaaya NanoRaanesvaiaaya
Moon On NanasSivaaya NanasSonanaalhaaya
Mais On NanasSivaaya Nanohinashankaiaaya
Meicuiy On NanasSivaaya NanoMaIIikaaijunaaya
}upilei On NanasSivaaya Nanah Onkaiesvaiaya
Venus On NanasSivaaya NanasTiyanlakesvaiaaya
Saluin On NanasSivaaya NanahKaaIesvaiaaya
Rahu On NanasSivaaya NanoNaagesvaiaaya
Kelu On NanasSivaaya NanoVisvanaalhaaya

AIso, once shouId iecile lhe Suiya Aslakshaii Manlia vhich is On Chiinih
SuiyAadilya lo gel lIessing of Loid Suiya lo find voik.
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 26 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
7.0 Examp!cs and ExcrcIscs
7.1 Determlnlng Professlons
7.1.1 Chart-1: Astrn!ngcr - 5anjay Rath

The nalive is a veII-knovn }yolish leachei fion a liadilionaI paianpaia of Iuii, Oiissa.
The 1Olh Loid }up is in Lagna (ovn house) in Rasi and lhe 1Olh Ioid }upilei is in lhe 5lh
house Cancei vilh 8lh Ioid Venus in Dasansa.
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 27 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

In D-1O, lhe 6lh house has 2 pIanels and lhe 7lh house has onIy one pIanel. This vouId
noinaIIy shov seivice (as opposed lo lusiness). Hovevei, lhe Ioid of lhe 6lh house is
deliIilaled in a Duslhana and so lhe nalive does nol Iike seivice. The 7lh Ioid is veII
pIaced in a quadianl in A7. This nakes lusiness veiy IikeIy. Hovevei, due lo lhe
slienglh of lhe 6lh house, lhe nalive vas in seivice foi a fev yeais lefoie he gol inlo

Thus, Moon in lhe 6lh house shovs seivice and lhe 7lh Ioid Meicuiy in lhe 1Olh house
and Mais in lhe 7lh house shov lusiness.

We shouId aIso Iook al lhe 1Olh Ioid. The 1Olh Ioid }upilei is in lhe 5lh house in Cancei
vilh 8lh Ioid Venus. This shovs aclivilies ieIaled lo liadilionaI knovIedge (}upilei) and
occuIl suljecls (8lh house). The nalive is indeed a veII-knovn }yolisha leachei fion a
liadilionaI paianpaia of Iuii, Oiissa. LxaIled }upilei in lhe 5lh house gives a Iol of
foIIoving foi his aclivilies in sociely. The nalive is indeed a veII-knovn Vedic
AslioIogei and a Cuiu loo.
7.1.2 Chart-2: ChcmIca! EngInccr

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 28 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

This is lhe chail of Haii (Iives in Singapoie) a ChenicaI Lngineei ly piofession. In Rasi - 1Olh
Ioid fion Moon, Sun and Lagna aie aII logelhei in Viigo Rasi. Venus is lhe nosl lenefic
pIanel and il indicales lhe diieclion leing Soulheasl. AIso you viII nolice lhal lhe Sal lhe
Kaiaka foi piofession is pIaced in Tauius Rasi, vhich iepiesenls soulh diieclion, so lhe
nalive have lo nove lo soulhein diieclion foi piospeiily in his piofession. As a nallei
of facl lhe nalive has noved lo Singapoie fion India.

Dasansa Lagna is Aquaiius co-ovned ly Rahu and Saluin. Since Rahu is significaloi of
ieseaich, lhis can give ieseaich ieIaled aclivily. Nov Iel us see lhe Ailhaliikonas, vhich
aie 2
, 6
, and 1O
houses. Heie lhe 2
house, vhich conlains Mais and Rahu in a
valeiy sign of Iisces iuIed ly }up. This shovs lhal his eainings aie IikeIy lo cone fion
lechnicaI engineeiing ieseaich(Rahu) aclivily in an educalionaI inslilulion (}up).

Nov Iel us lake lhe 6lh house vhich is Cn. AIlhough 7
house is sliong vilh Sun in Leo,
Ioid Moon is exaIled in Ta conjoined Sa and Me so il is IikeIy lo le seivice ialhei lhan
lusiness foi lhe nalive.

Since 6
Ioid is conjoined vilh lhe 12
Ioid (Sa), so he viII le voiking alioad. The 1O

house vhich shovs lhe aclivily he is supposed lo do, Venus is pIaced heie, so lhis shovs
chenicaIs and in lhe valeiy sign of Scoipio iuIed ly Mais & Kelu, lhis indicales lhal he
vouId lake up chenicaI engineeiing. Since il is valeiy sign, aII his aclivilies in ieseaich
have leen ieIaled lo valei oi Iiquids. As a nallei of facl lhe nalive's aiea of ieseaich is
nuIliphase fIovs.

Lel us Iook al lhe chail in a diffeienl vay. Il is lhe Moon-Meicuiy Yoga vhich is causing
lhe piofession in chenicaIs, and ils Saluins infIuence vhich has nade suie lhal ils nol

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 29 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
7.1.3 Chart-3: 5Ingcr-Lata Mangcshkar

Lala Mangeshkai is one of lhe fanous Indian singeis. The significalois foi nusic aie
Meic, Moon and Venus. The 2
house is lhe house foi speech/voice and if veII pIaced il
can give neIodious voice. Iuilheinoie, if lhis is connecled lo lhe Venus (iuIes signs Ta
and Li) lhen il gives lhe ailislic capaliIilies. AIso if lhe 3
house, Lagna and 1O
aie connecled lhen a nalive can lake caieei connecled lo ail and nusic.

Heie you viII nolice lhal Lala Mageskais Iagna is Ta and lhis indicales lhe nalives
ailislic lackgiound. Moon is veII pIaced in ovn house in 3id house lhis indicales hei
inleiesl in puisuing a caieei ieIaled lo ail and nusic. Loid of 2nd house Meic is exaIled
in 5lh house and aIso leing aspecled ly }up fion Lagna fuilhei slienglhens lhe 2nd
Ioid. The 1Olh Ioid Sal is pIaced in Sg and aspecling lhe 2nd Ioid confiins lhe nalive
look nusic as hei caieei. AIso, Venus, lhe naluiaI significaloi of nusic is pIaced in
Kendia and aspecls 1Olh house.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 3O / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

In Dasansa, 2
Ioid Ven is pIaced in 3
house and 3
Loid Mais is pIaced in 2
So lheie is a Iaiivaliana lelveen Mais in 2nd house and Venus in 3id house in Scoipio.
You viII aIso nolice lhal, Venus cones lo his MooIa Tiikona Slhana of 2nd house in D-1O
chail. Iion Li, Relio Meic is pIaced in liines and }up and Moon aie in 11
house. This
expIains hei nusicaI laIenl.

7.1.4 Chart-4: Dcfcnsc OffIccr

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 31 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

In lhis chail, Ai Lagna is iising and ils Ioid Mais is pIaced in 7
house vilh 8
Ioid Mai
sand 11
co-Ioid Rahu. 1O
house is Cp and Venus 2
and 7
Ioid is pIaced heie. 1Olh
Loid is Sal pIaced in 8
vilh 5
Ioid Sun.

The 3
house (vaIoui/Iaiakiana) is Ce and 6
house (Wais) Vi aie inpoilanl lo Iook
foi defense peisonneI. In lhis case lhe 3
and 6
Ioid Meic is pIaced in fieiy sign of Sg
(vai Iike sign) in 9
house. This Meic is having aigaIa on 1O
house, Lagna and Lagna
Loid loo.

Anong lhe pIanelaiy calinel, Mais is lhe geneiaI and Kelu is lhe defense ainy vhiIe
Rahu is lhe spies and invading ainy. You viII nolice lhal lolh associale vilh lhe Lagna
in lhe Rasi, anong vhich ve aie conceined vilh Mais lecause of his choice of lhe
Defense-caieei. You viII aIso nolice lhal lhe Mais is in lhe 1Olh fion Dasansa Lagna
and giving Iols of piospeiily fion lhe defense caieei. See aIso Sun in 6lh indicaling
olhei goveinnenl seivice he lakes on. You viII nolice lhal Ieadeis vilh sliong Yogas in
house lend lo lake lheii counliy lo vai - see Ceoige ush }i and AdoIf HilIei chails.
AII lhese conlinalions indicale lhe nalive lo le defense peisonneI.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 32 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
7.1.5 Chart-5: Bndy BuI!dcr

This chail is of a ody luiIdei. Nole lhe piedoninanl infIuence of Mais lolh on Lagna
and Lagna Loid.

Heie is a good appIicalion of lhe vaiious Iagnas. The 1Olh Ioid fion Moon and Aiudha
Lagna aie joined in lhe 2nd house. Hence his nain souice of suslenance and lhe souice
of aII his happiness in caieei cones fion allending seninais, confeiences, leaching
evenls, elc. The 1O
Ioid fion Lagna is Mais joined Meicuiy indicaling his fieId of voik
is naneIy slielching and sliaining lhe Iinls of lhe lody. 1O
Ioid fion Sun is Venus and
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 33 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
shovs vhal allained his slalus - his lody Venus in Lagna. This aIso confiins lhe nalive
a lodyluiIdei. He has his ovn gynnasiun in vhich he liain sludenls.
7.1.6 Chart-6: Lccturcr / Prnfcssnr

The nalive of lhis chail is a Iecluiei in a coIIege. In Rasi Chail, lhe Moon, Loid of lhe
house is in lhe 1O
aspecled ly Mais fion a }upileiian sign and aIso aspecled ly
exaIled Saluin vho is lhe 5lh Ioid. This 1O
Loid Moon is in Iunaivasu Nakhsalia,
vhich is iuIed ly }upilei, so lhis shouId give a leaching jol. In Dasansa Chail lhe
Dasansa Lagna is Capiicoin and }upilei is in lhe 1O
house, indicaling lhe leaching }ol.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 34 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

7.1.7 Chart-7: Dnctnr In Armcd Fnrccs

The nalive is a docloi in lhe ained foices. In Rasi Chail, lhe pIanel of vai Mais,
occupies lhe 1Olh house, vho is aIso lhe 3
and 1O
Ioid. The 1Olh house faIIs in lhe sign
of Sc, vhich iuIes heaIing and is aspecled ly lhe 12lh Ioid Sal. The 12lh house iuIes
hospilaIs and sickness. The Lagna and Lagna Ioid leing lolh aspecled ly Mais fion lhe
1Olh house gives a caieei connecled vilh lhe ained foices.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 35 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Iion lhe heaIing angIe Iook foi lhe Moon-Meicuiy Yoga, as lhis shovs heaIing aliIily
and nol ones voik vilh nedicine. You viII nolice a conneclion lelveen Moon and
Meicuiy in lolh Rasi and Dasansa.

In Dasansa lhe 6
house is unoccupied and lhe Ioid is joined vilh Mais, hence seivice
in lhe ainy is indicaled. In Dasansa, Venus is lhe 1O
Ioid joined vilh Kelu indicaling a
veiy neniaI jol he had. Nov Iook al lhe 2
house vheie Moon is occupied vilh }upilei,
indicaling lhal he vas ieaIIy good al his voik (CajaKesaii Yoga gives a Iol of nedha).
Moon is pIaced in MeicuiiaI sign, so lhis confiins lhe nalive is a docloi.
7.1.8 Chart-8: Dnctnr CardIn!ngIst

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 36 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

This is a chail of a successfuI docloi. In lhis chail Ii is iising, so lhis gives a naluiaI skiII
in heaIing and nuising. The Moon, 5
Ioid, is in Lagna. The 1O
house is aspecled ly
lhe 1O
Ioid }up vho occupies Sc Navansa iuIed ly Mais. Mais iefeis lo doclois,
heaIeis, suigeons, chenisls and diuggisls. The conlinalion of lhe Sun and Rahu is
especiaIIy indicalive of a nedicaI caieei. The nalive is a caidioIogisl and caidioIogy is
iuIed ly Sun. The Sun pIaced sliongIy vilh an exaIled Meic gives an inleIIigenl and
ieseaich oiienled appioach lo his voik in heail-suigeiy.

7.2 Galn and Loss ln Career
7.2.1 Chart-9: Brcndan Fcc!cy

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 37 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Nalive is a veiy veII knovn Vedic AslioIogei.

Evcnt -1:

Nalive noved lo LngIand in May 1975 and lhen lo USA in Iel 1977 fion his liilh

Lel us see lhe piincipIes lehind lhe oveiseas caieei fiisl. The 9lh Ioid }upilei and lhe 12

Ioid Meicuiy aie aspecling lhe Lagna Loid Moon in Dasansa. The Iaaka Iagna is Vi,
vilh 12
Ioid Meic and aspecling 9
Ioid }up vho is pIaced in Vi. A4 and A1O aie in lhe
house, aspecled ly Lagna Loid, 9lh Ioid and 12
Ioid. AII lhese vouId confiin lhe
oveiseas caieei. Il aII happened in lhe Dasa of Aquaiius.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 38 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Thc natIvc mnvcd tn Eng!and In May 1975.
Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa):

Aq MD: 1973-O3-13 (4:13:17) - 1978-O3-13 (11:12:31)
Ce AD: 1975-O4-13 (O:46:5O) - 1975-O9-15 (23:19:49)
Sg ID: 1975-O5-21 (16:O2:14) - 1975-O6-O3 (16:41:51)

Thc natIvc mnvcd tn U5A In Fcb 1977.
Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa):

Aq MD: 1973-O3-13 (4:13:17) - 1978-O3-13 (11:12:31)
Aq AD: 1976-12-14 (8:56:33) - 1977-O5-13 (9:44:58)
Ce ID: 1977-O2-13 (19:51:3O) - 1977-O2-26 (5:27:38)

The aiudha of Aquaiius is lhe 12
house, vhich is Ce. The Iaaka of Aquaiius is lhe 4

house, vheie lhe 8
(indicaling change) Ioid Sal is pIaced. So lhis Dasa pionises a
caieei nove avay fion hone counliy in lhe Dasa of Aquaiius.

Nov Iel's Iook al AigaIas. Iaaka Lagna, Meic lhe 12
Ioid have unolsliucled aigaIa on
Aquaiius fion lhe 9
house fion Iagna. Saluin has aigaIa on Aquaiius fion lhe 4
Iagna and 9
fion Dasa Rasi. Il vas an acadenic posilion in ieseaich aiea and 8
indicales lhe ieseaich. Mais, Sun and Kelu in Scoipio in lhe 1O
fion Aquaiius vouId
have sonelhing lo do vilh engineeiing. Mais is sliongesl pIanel and yoga kaiaka foi lhe
Iagna. Venus aIso has unolsliucled aigaIa and he is Ioid of 4
fion Iagna and 4
Aquaiius, vheie Rahu is pIaced and Saluin aspecls Aquaiius ly Rasi diishli.

You see lhal lhe Iaaka Lagna is nov lhe 9
fion Iagna, vheie Meicuiy is pIaced, and as
ve sav he has aigaIa on lhe Dasa Rasi. The Aiudha is Sg, lhe 6
house of voik. Il has
A9 in il. A6 is in lhe 9
vilh 12
Ioid, again having aigaIa on lhe Dasa Rasi.

The Iaaka of Sg is Viigo, vhich is A12, vhich has lhe Lagna Loid and 9
Ioid in il.

Evcnt -2:

The nalive look line off lelveen Nov 1978 and May 1979 lo do inlense nedilalion

Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa):

Cn MD: 1978-O3-13 (11:12:31) - 1988-O3-13 (O:45:14)
Li AD: 1978-O3-13 (11:12:31) - 1979-O1-13 (7:56:15)
Ta ID: 1978-1O-31 (7:39:OO) - 1978-11-25 (4:O7:59)

Heie lhe nalive has laken a lieak fion voik. Lel us see vhal nade lhal lo happen. Ta is
fion A1O and Rahu is pIaced heie. Ta's Loid Ven is in 3
fion A1O vheie A5 and
A11 aie pIaced. This indicales a lieak in seivice. Nov, you viII aIso nolice lhal liansil
}up is in Ai vilh Kel and having iashi aspecl on Le indicales lhe spiiiluaI puisuils elc.
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 39 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
So conlining aII lhese, ve can see lhal nalive had a lieak in seivice and al lhe sane
line he puisued sone spiiiluaI piaclices.

Evcnt -3:

The nalive voiked as an assislanl piofessoi in a engineeiing coIIege, USA fion May
1979 and May 1982.

Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa):

Cn MD: 1978-O3-13 (11:12:31) - 1988-O3-13 (O:45:14)
Sc AD: 1979-O1-13 (7:56:15) - 1979-11-15 (12:33:O4)
Ii ID: 1979-O4-23 (6:56:45) - 1979-O5-19 (2:27:23)

Heie you can see Ii is 1O
fion A1O and ils Ioid }up is in Vi vilh D-1O Lagna Loid
Moon and aspecling A1O, SL and HL in Sg and Meic (A1O Loid) in Ii, hence he gol a
leaching jol duiing lhis peiiod.
7.2.2 Chart-10: RagcshwarI's FrIcnd

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 4O / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Evcnt 1: -

Thc natIvc mnvcd tn U5A nn Jan 1st 1999.

Naiayana Dasa of D-1 chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa ):

Sc MD: 1994-O1-2O (6:12:44) - 2OOO-O1-2O (19:15:21)
Cp AD: 1997-O7-22 (19:O2:O6) - 1998-O1-2O (7:O2:34)
Cn ID: 1997-12-21 (2O:22:17) - 1998-O1-O5 (13:34:23)

In Rasi, Sc is 4
house fion Lagna and ils Ioid Mais is pIaced in 4
house. Mais is lhe
Ioid of 9
house loo. Nov 5
and 7
house Loid }up is pIaced in 5
house vilh 2
Loid Meic and 7
house Rahu. The 12
house Ioid Moon is pIaced in 12
vilh A1O.

Heie you viII nolice lhal Sc is lhe 4
house and aspecling 9
and 12
house is an
indicalion foi a caieei in oveisees and nove lo USA is confiined in lhis Cn Iialyanlaia

Lagna Loid and SL's Ioid Sun is pIaced in Cp vilh CL. This sun is aspecling Moon lhe
Ioid and aIso lhe Cp is leing aspecled ly Cn Rasi. So lhe alove conlinalions aie
confiining lhe nove lo USA duiing lhe Cp Anlai and Cn Iialyanlaia Dasa.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 41 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Ioi Iong jouineys (incIuding foieign liaveI) 7
house is inpoilanl. Ioi slay in a foieign
counliy 9
and 12
houses aie inpoilanl. D-4 is lhe chail foi iesidence and foilune lo le

KaIachakia Dasa (Savya gioup, Iaianayush = 85 yeais):

Ta MD: 1996-O6-19 (22:29:33) - 2O12-O6-2O (O:56:53)
Ta AD: 1996-O6-19 (22:29:33) - 1999-O2-O8 (6:37:O7)
Cp ID: 1998-12-31 (18:12:36) - 1999-O2-O8 (6:37:O7)

Maha Dasa is Ta and Anlaidasa is aIso Ta al lhe line of lhe evenl. Ta is lhe Lagna and
ils Ioid Venus is pIaced in Ce and leing aspecled ly Rahu fion Vi. The 7
and 12
Mais is pIaced in Lagna. The 9
Loid Saluin is pIaced in 7
house. Rahu (lhe significaloi
of foieign slay) fion Viigo is aspecling lhe Cp lhe Iialyanlaia Dasa sign, vhich is aIso
lhe 9
house. The alove Dasa 's nakes exceIIenl sense foi lhe nalive's foieign liaveI.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 42 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
7.2.3 Chart-11: KIrtI 5Imha

Evcnt 1, Jnb Lnss:

Nalive iesigned on Nov 1996 fion his jol lecause of aII kinds of piolIens al office as
veII as al hone.

Sudasa (phaIila Dasa shoving Lakshni's lIessings):

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 43 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Sc MD: 1988-O6-22 (19:58:4O) - 1999-O6-23 (15:36:46)
Ce AD: 1996-O9-24 (11:58:51) - 1997-O8-24 (21:O8:44)
Vi ID: 1996-1O-22 (8:25:33) - 1996-11-18 (18:52:OO)

In Dasansa, Sc is 2
fion A1O, 5
fion AL and 8
fion Dasansa Lagna. Ce is 9
A1O, 12lh fion AL and 3id fion Lagna. Ils Ioid Meic is pIaced in Vi vilh Rah. Hence Vi
ID gave hin lhe jol Ioss.

Evcnt 2, Jnb GaIn:

Mid May 1997 nalive joined as a slockliokei / fieeIance TechnicaI AnaIysl. High lension
and high-piessuie jol, lul he has veiy happy nenoiies aloul il and aIso he had hands
on expeiience on secuiilies liading.

Sudasa (phaIila Dasa shoving Lakshni's lIessings):

Sc MD: 1988-O6-22 (19:58:4O) - 1999-O6-23 (15:36:46)
Ce AD: 1996-O9-24 (11:58:51) - 1997-O8-24 (21:O8:44)
Le ID: 1997-O5-O2 (2:O4:46) - 1997-O5-3O (14:4O:18)

In Dasansa, you can see Sc is having HL. 3
and 6
Loid }up fion A1O is pIaced in Ii.
Ii is aspecling Ce. SL and CL lolh aie pIaced in Le. This Le is 5
fion Dasansa Iagna,
fion AL and 11
fion A1O and aIso Le aspecling lhe 1O
house Cp (fion D-1O
Lagna) and aIso Li vheie A1O is pIaced. Hence Le ID gave hin lhe jol.

Evcnt 3, Jnb GaIn:

Soneline in niddIe of }an 2OO2, lhe nalive gol confiined as lhe lechnoIogy advisoi lo
lhe angaIoie Slock Lxchange in India. (A sliange feal lecause lhe nalives lasic
lackgiound is nol lechnoIogy ialhei he is a Chaileied Accounlanl).

5udasa (pha!Ita Dasa shnwIng LakshmI's b!cssIngs):

Ii MD: 1999-O6-23 (15:36:46) - 2OO8-O6-22 (23:O6:43)
Sg AD: 2OO1-O9-24 (18:37:O6) - 2OO2-O6-23 (1O:13:35)
Ai ID: 2OO2-O1-14 (15:28:29) - 2OO2-O2-O5 (18:45:47)

In Rasi, Ai iises and has HL pIaced in il. 2
and 7
Loid Ven aie pIaced in Ii aIong vilh
Loid Sal. Ii is aspecling Sg Anlai Dasa. Nov Iel us see, vhy Ai Iialyanlaia Dasa
gave lhese good iesuIls lo lhe nalive.

Ai has HL and aspecling 5
house Le vheie CL is pIaced. This 5
Ioid Sun is pIaced in
Aq vilh SL vhich is aIso 11
house of gain.

So lhe conneclion of CL, HL and SL in 11
house is a gieal lIessing hence nalive gol lhis
vondeifuI jol, noney, povei, and aulhoiily duiing lhis Dasa 's.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 44 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Nov Iel us see lhe sane evenl using Vinsollaii Dasa.

VImsnttarI Dasa (startcd frnm Mnnn):

Meic MD: 1988-O2-12 (14:4O:O6) - 2OO5-O2-11 (23:O8:46)
}up AD: 2OOO-O2-27 (13:32:47) - 2OO2-O6-O5 (2:44:4O)
Mais ID: 2OO1-12-16 (4:44:39) - 2OO2-O1-31 (22:49:O9)

In Dasansa, Meic is lhe 9
and 12
Ioid pIaced in 12
fion A1O. }up is lhe 3
and 6

Ioid and is pIaced in 6
house vilh 8
Ioid Ven add 2
co-Ioid Kelu in 6lh fion A1O.
Mais is lhe 2
Loid and pIaced in 4
fion A1O in Cp Rasi. This Mais is aIso 5
and 1O

Ioid fion AL. AIso lhe Mais is lhe Lagna Ioid and lhe 8
Ioid is pIaced in Cp.

This Cp Rasi is having a iashi aspecl on Le vilh SL and CL, and aIso Sc vheie HL is

So lhe conneclion of CL, HL and SL vilh 1O
house is a gieal lIessing hence nalive gol
lhis vondeifuI jol, noney, povei and aulhoiily duiing lhis Dasa 's.

7.2.4 Chart-12: A.R.B

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 45 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

1) NatIvc's FIrst Jnb: Junc 2000:

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 1983-O6-O8 (16:55:O1) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)
Mais AD: 2OOO-O5-2O (7:O6:47) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)
Rah ID: 2OOO-O6-12 (7:O6:O5) - 2OOO-O8-1O (16:14:2O)

In Dasansa, Rahu M.D and I.D Ioid is 5
co-Ioid and pIaced in 3
house vilh AL, HL
and SL. Mosl inpoilanlIy, Rahu is 8
fion A1O (pIaced in Ta). In Rasi Mais, lhe
Anlaidasa Loid is lhe 6lh Ioid pIaced in lhe 11lh house and aspecling 3id fion A1O
vhich is Leo vheie CL is pIaced loo. AII lhese indicale a Cood }ol.

Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa):
Ce MD: 2OOO-O2-22 (18:41:O6) - 2O12-O2-22 (2O:33:13)
Ce AD: 2OOO-O2-22 (18:41:O6) - 2OO1-O2-22 (O:51:O4)
Ii ID: 2OOO-O5-24 (7:43:39) - 2OOO-O6-24 (16:21:O4)

Heie 3
fion A1O's Ioid Moon is pIaced in Ce aIong vilh 2nd and 5lh Ioid Mei. This Ce
is leing aspecled ly Sg vilh AL, HL, and SL and aIso }up fion Ii. Hence lhis Naiayana
Dasa sequence had given lhe jol lo lhe nalive.

2) Jnb Lnss / Brcak:

Iion ApiiI 2OO1-}une 2OO1
Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 1983-O6-O8 (16:55:O2) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)
Mais AD: 2OOO-O5-2O (7:O6:48) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)
Ven ID: 2OO1-O2-12 (2O:24:23) - 2OO1-O4-17 (3:3O:4O)

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 46 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Heie you viII see lhe nalive vas iunning Ven I.D vhen he Iosl lhe jol. The Venus is 6

Ioid fion A1O pIaced in Ta, vhich is aIso 6
fion AL loo.

Lel us see fion Naiayana Dasa of D-1O poinl of viev of lhis chail:
Ce MD: 2OOO-O2-22 (18:41:O6) - 2O12-O2-22 (2O:33:13)
Ta AD: 2OO1-O2-22 (O:51:O4) - 2OO2-O2-22 (6:58:25)
Ai ID: 2OO1-O3-24 (1:O7:5O) - 2OO1-O4-23 (13:36:O7)

Heie you can see Ai is 12lh fion A1O and ils Ioid Mais is pIaced in 4lh fion A1O and
leing aspecled ly Rahu ly Ciaha Diishli. InleieslingIy, lhis Rahu is aspecling lhe Mais
and ils ovn house Ai vhich happened lo le lhe 12lh fion A1O hence a Ioss of jol.

3) Jnb GaIn In Jun 2001: -

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 1983-O6-O8 (16:55:O1) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)
Mais AD: 2OOO-O5-2O (7:O6:47) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)
Moon ID: 2OO1-O5-O6 (13:38:5O) - 2OO1-O6-O8 (7:42:56)

ExcrcIsc: Why lhe nalive gol lhe jol in Moon Iialyanlaia Dasa`

Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila Rasi Dasa):

Ce MD: 2OOO-O2-22 (18:41:O6) - 2O12-O2-22 (2O:33:13)
Ta AD: 2OO1-O2-22 (O:51:O4) - 2OO2-O2-22 (6:58:25)
Aq ID: 2OO1-O5-24 (13:55:2O) - 2OO1-O6-24 (22:28:15)

ExcrcIsc: Why did lhe Aq Iialyanlaia Dasa gave a jol lo lhe nalive`
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 47 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
7.2.5 Chart-13: RajIv GandhI
Rajiv Candhi, an ex-Iiine Minislei of India. His Iife had changed as soon as he enleied
lhe Rahu Dasa in }une 198O ly enleiing inlo poIilics. His nolhei vas assassinaled and
he lecane lhe Iiine Minislei of India duiing Rahu MD and }up Anlai Dasa.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 48 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Evcnt Ana!ysIs (RIsc): -
Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 198O-O6-O5 (6:2O:13) - 1998-O6-O5 (2O:49:19)
}up AD: 1983-O2-16 (O:56:O9) - 1985-O7-13 (6:2O:27)

The nalive gol lhe povei duiing lhe Rahu-}up Anlai Dasa. Heie you viII nolice lhal,
}up is in 12
house in Rasi and LxaIled in Navansa. In Dasansa, }up is pIaced in 4lh
house (ovn house) and aIso has a Rasi diishli fion Ce vheie HL is pIaced.

Evcnt Ana!ysIs (Fa!!): -

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 198O-O6-O5 (6:2O:14) - 1998-O6-O5 (2O:49:2O)
Meic AD: 1988-O5-17 (13:23:16) - 199O-12-O7 (6:5O:23)

The nalive Iosl povei duiing lhe Rahu-Meic Anlai Dasa lecause, Meic is lhe 1O
(kaina, piofession) and pIaced in 12
house in Rasi. AIso you viII nolice lhal, lhe Meic
is affIicled and henned lelveen naIefic pIanels.

If you Iook al lhe liansils duiing lhe line vhen he Iosl lhe povei/eIeclion, Saluin vas
liansiling lhe fiflh house fion his NalaI Moon, vhich is nol good al aII.

Thc natIvc was assassInatcd nn May 21st, 1991 wIth thc fn!!nwIng Dasas:

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 198O-O6-O5 (6:2O:14) - 1998-O6-O5 (2O:49:2O)
Kel AD: 199O-12-O7 (6:5O:23) - 1991-12-25 (5:35:16)
Rah ID: 1991-O5-13 (15:56:33) - 1991-O7-11 (21:52:3O)
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 49 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

If you Iook al lhe liansils duiing lhal line Mais vas exaclIy ovei his nalaI Rahu (M.D
Loid) and in opposilion lo Anlai Dasa Loid Kelu.

7.2.6 Chart-14: Muhammad A!I

The nalive is a veII-knovn loxei. The Yoga Kaiaka Mais is pIaced in lhe 1Olh house
vilh Sal in Rasi Chail. Sun, Moon and Meic in Kendia (7lh) in an eailhy sign and
aspecled ly }upilei fion Tauius nade lhe nalive lo le a good spoils peison.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 5O / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
RaIsc In thc Carccr Examp!c 1:

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 1952-O1-O4 (9:3O:14) - 197O-O1-O4 (O:16:5O)
Meic AD: 1959-12-17 (18:43:OO) - 1962-O7-O5 (15:52:29)

Duiing Rahu-Meic Anlai Dasa lhe nalive von lhe fiisl piofessionaI fighl. Heie, you can
see, lhe Meic, Anlai Dasa Ioid is in Kendia and leing aspecled ly }up. AIso you viII
nolice one noie lhing, lhe disposiloi of Meic (lhe 3
and 12
Ioid) is leing aspecled ly

RaIsc In thc Carccr Examp!c 2:

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 1952-O1-O4 (9:3O:14) - 197O-O1-O4 (O:16:5O)
Ven AD: 1963-O7-24 (18:48:11) - 1966-O7-24 (13:16:35)
Sun ID: 1964-O1-22 (3:31:12) - 1964-O3-15 (17:O2:O4)

The nalive von lhe voiId lilIe duiing Rahu-Venus. Heie Venus is lhe 4lh and 11lh Ioid
and pIaced in 7lh and lhis Venus is leing aspecled ly disposiloi Sal and aIso lhe }upilei,
foining a vondeifuI Raja Yoga hence giving lhe iesuIl.

Fa!! In thc Carccr Examp!c 3:

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Rah MD: 1952-O1-O4 (9:3O:14) - 197O-O1-O4 (O:16:51)
Sun AD: 1966-O7-24 (13:16:36) - 1967-O6-17 (1:43:58)

Duiing Rah-Sun peiiod lhe nalive vas aiiesled (inpiisoned), and Iel us see vhy Sun
had given lhis iesuIl. In Rasi, Sun is leing aspecled ly Sal fion Ai. In Dasansa (D-1O)
he is in lhe 12
house and in deliIilalion loo. He had lioulIes vilh lhe Coveinnenl (Sun
affIicled heie) and aIso inpiisoned (Sun in 12
in Dasansa).

RaIsc In thc Carccr Examp!c 4: -

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

}up MD: 197O-O1-O4 (O:16:5O) - 1986-O1-O4 (2:52:4O)
Meic AD: 1974-O9-O6 (6:53:2O) - 1976-12-11 (5:52:35)

The nalive iegained his lilIe duiing lhe }up-Meic Anlaidasa of Ocl 1974. Heie you can
see lhe }up is pIaced in lhe 11
house and aIso exaIled in Dasansa loo. Meic Anlai Dasa
Ioid is in Kendia and leing aspecled ly }up. AIso you viII nolice one noie lhing, lhe
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 51 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
disposiloi of Meic lhe 3id and 12
Ioid is leing aspecled ly Saluin, vhich is aIso veiy

7.2.7 Chart-15: Harshad Mchta
He is a Slock iokei and knovn foi his liggesl financiaI scan in India in May 1992.

In Rasi, you viII nolice lhe Meic & }up conjunclion indicales lhal, lhis nalive's caieei is
connecled vilh finances.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 52 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Loid Saluin exaIled in second house indicales lhe incone fion specuIalion, vhich is
slock liading. The }up aspecling lhis Sal indicales lhe expansion of lhis liading caieei.

You viII aIso nolice heie an inleiesling yoga, vhich is: in Rasi lhe 1
and 1O
Loid Meic
is vilh 4
and 7
Loid }up vilh Kelu in 1O
house. AII lhese foui pIanels aie aInosl
sane Longilude (1 degiee apail).

This Yoga had given lhe iaise in his caieei in his Kelu Dasa, vhich slailed in Sep 199O.

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Kel MD: 199O-O9-25 (1:23:44) - 1997-O9-24 (2O:41:O2)

Anlaidasa in lhis MD:

Kel: 199O-O9-25 (1:23:44) - 1991-O2-17 (22:O8:32)
Ven: 1991-O2-17 (22:O8:32) - 1992-O4-18 (13:2O:5O)
Sun: 1992-O4-18 (13:2O:5O) - 1992-O8-27 (19:28:41)
Moon: 1992-O8-27 (19:28:41) - 1993-O3-25 (1O:O4:35)

His faII legan vhen lhe Anlai Dasa Sun had slailed and lhe nalive vas aiiesled foi lhe
financiaI scandaI in May 1992.

The ieason foi lhis vas lhal lhe Sun lhe Ioid of 12
house (inpiisonnenl) and he aIso
deliIilaled in Navansa. AIso, 3
and 8
Ioid Mais and 6
Ioid Saluin affIicled lhis Sun.

Nov if you Iook al lhe liansils: Sal vas affIicling Sun fion Cp. The nalive vas ieIeased
in laiI onIy in Moon's Anlai lecause lhe Moon is lhe 11lh Ioid is in ils ovn house and
aIso Vaigollana.
7.2.8 Chart-16: NT Rama Ran
Lale Mi. N.T. Rana Rao (knovn as "NTR", supeislai and denigod of TeIugu Ianguage
fiIns in India, veiy popuIai and voishipped foi his poiliayaI of lhe nylhoIogicaI
chaiacleis of Loid Rana and Loid Kiishna, an egonaniac, a pioninenl nalionaI poIilicaI
Ieadei and Chief ninislei of Andhia Iiadesh slale in India duiing 198Os and 199Os).

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 53 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 54 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Lel us lake fev evenls of Mi. N.T Rana Rao:

NatIvc's Fa!! Casc 1:
Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Ven MD: 1983-12-28 (17:O9:13) - 2OO3-12-28 (2O:16:O6)
Ven AD: 1983-12-28 (17:O9:13) - 1987-O4-27 (5:23:29)

Duiing lhe Venus-Venus Anlai Dasa lhe nalive vas disnissed as Chief Minislei of
Andhia Iiadesh (India). You viII nolice lhal heie lhe Rasi Lagna Loid Venus is
deliIilaled in Dasansa.

NatIvc's Fa!! Casc 2:
Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Ven MD: 1983-12-28 (17:O9:13) - 2OO3-12-28 (2O:16:O6)
Rah AD: 1991-O2-25 (14:53:41) - 1994-O2-25 (9:19:14)

Duiing lhe Rahu Anlai Dasa lhe nalive Iosl lhe eIeclion. Heie Rahu is in lhe 12
in Dasansa and deliIilaled in Navansa loo.

NatIvc's RIsc Casc 3:
Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Ven MD: 1983-12-28 (17:O9:13) - 2OO3-12-28 (2O:16:O6)
}up AD: 1994-O2-25 (9:19:14) - 1996-1O-29 (17:33:15)

Duiing lhe Venus-}up Dasa lhe nalive von lhe eIeclions again and cane inlo povei
vilh a gieal najoiily. The ieason foi lhis is }up in Lagna in Rasi and ils ovn house in
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 55 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

This }up is 9lh Ioid in Dasansa and is pIaced in D-1O Lagna vilh 4lh Ioid Moon and
aspecls lhe 1O
Loid ly Rashi diishli. AIso you viII nolice in Rasi chail lhis }up and
Moon is leing aspecled ly Venus foining a poveifuI CajaKesaii Yoga. AII lhe alove
conlinalions indicale lhe iise duiing lhe }up Anlai Dasa.

7.2.9 Chart-17: Adn!f HIt!cr

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 56 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

HilIei had a lienendous iise in his Rahu Maha Dasa and aIso lhis Rahu Maha Dasa
lioughl dovnfaII loo. I lhink, lhe Raja yoga nanifesled in Rahu Dasa does nol Iasl.

In Rasi, lhe Lagna Loid Venus and 7
(Kendia) Ioid Mais in 7
house aIong vilh lhe 9

Ioid Meicuiy, lhis gives a poveifuI Raja Yoga. Sun lhe 11
Ioid is in Aiies loo. AII lhese
pIanels aie aspecled ly Yoga kaiaka Saluin and give lhe nalive innense naleiiaI

You viII aIso nolice lhal, lhe Yoga kaiaka Sal is in lhe 1O
house (Kendia), vhich is in
ovn Navansa, and il is exaIled in Dasansa loo. AIso Moon and }upilei aie in Caja
Kesaii yoga foining in lhe 3id house of Iaiakiana in Rasi.

Sun is IuliaKaiaka and ils pIacenenl vilh Alnakaiaka is foining anolhei Raja Yoga.
So lhis hoioscope has nany RajaYogas and iesuIled in lienendous iaise.

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):
Rah MD: 193O-1O-3O (5:23:53) - 1948-1O-29 (2O:18:O1)

Anlaidasa in lhis MD:

Rah: 193O-1O-3O (5:23:53) - 1933-O7-1O (21:O5:O7)
}up: 1933-O7-1O (21:O5:O7) - 1935-12-O5 (5:21:O2)
Sal: 1935-12-O5 (5:21:O2) - 1938-1O-12 (4:25:O3)
Meic: 1938-1O-12 (4:25:O3) - 1941-O4-26 (2O:59:56)
Kel: 1941-O4-26 (2O:59:56) - 1942-O5-15 (17:23:53)
Ven: 1942-O5-15 (17:23:53) - 1945-O5-15 (11:5O:49)

Duiing lhe }up Anlai Dasa, vhich is in Raja Yoga lhe nalive lecane fanous and iich.
You aIso nolice lhal }up is vilh Kelu foining lhe Cuiu ChandaIa Yoga. TiII lhe Kelu
Anlai Dasa nalive enjoyed lhe sul peiiods of Raja yoga.
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 57 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

Nov Iel us see vhich conlinalions evenluaIIy lioughl his dovnfaII. IiislIy, Raja Yoga
gained duiing Rahu nain Dasa seIdon Iasls liII ils end.

SecondIy, Sal is in 1Olh house and aspecls Sun. This is an unfavoialIe facloi and vhen
lhe liansil aspecls sun lhe upheavaIs can le piedicled. Duiing lhe Ven Anlaidasa
caused lhe nalive's vioIenl dealh. Heie lhe Venus is vilh Mais vho is lhe Ioid of 2nd
and 7lh Ioid.

7.2.10 Chart-18: P.J

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 58 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Evcnt - 1: -

Nalive Iosl lhe }ol on: Iel 6

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

}up MD: 1993-O2-12 (O:2O:25) - 2OO9-O2-12 (2:47:24)
Sun AD: 2OO3-O8-29 (4:O4:O6) - 2OO4-O6-14 (3:59:46)
Sal ID: 2OO4-O1-13 (2:57:28) - 2OO4-O2-27 (2:42:49)

Heie you can see, }up is pIaced 8lh fion A1O, Sun is pIaced in 6lh fion A1O and Sal is
pIaced in 8lh fion A1O.

7.2.11 Chart-19: LakshmI Ynga
This nalive has Lakshni Yoga in his chail and aIso von good noney in a Iolleiy in 2O

}une 2OO2. Lel us see hov lhe Lakshni Yoga is foined in lhis chail and hov lo see lhis
using lhe Sudasa.

In lhis chail, lhe Iagna Ioid Sun is poveifuI and lhe Ioid of lhe 9
Mais occupied in ils
ovn house and aIso pIaced in 9
house, vhich is a Tiikona, aII lhese aie foining
Lakshni Yoga.

Duiing lhe foIIoving Dasa, lhe nalive von a Iolleiy:

Sudasa (phaIila Dasa shoving Lakshni's lIessings):

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 59 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
Vi MD: 2OOO-O7-17 (14:28:19) - 2OO9-O7-17 (21:49:12)
Ii AD: 2OO2-O1-15 (16:O4:44) - 2OO2-1O-18 (21:46:O2)
Le ID: 2OO2-O5-31 (23:38:24) - 2OO2-O6-24 (12:3O:47)

The 2
house is lhe house of noney. The 5
house is lhe house of specuIalion. The 8

house is lhe house of sudden foilune. Il is inpoilanl foi vinning noney in a Iolleiy.

In lhis chail, Leo iises. Viigo is lhe 2
house and conlains lhe 5
and 8
Ioid }upilei.
Viigo has Iinks lo 2
, 5
and 8

AIso you viII nolice lhal 5
Ioid is in lhe 2
house in Iaiivailana (and nuluaI Rasi
diisli) vilh 2
and 11
Ioid, hence noney fion lhe Iolleiy is indicaled. The Dasa lhis
happened in lhe sign conlaining lhe 5
Ioid - Viigo.

Ii Anlai Dasa lecause il is 8
house and lhe Le Iialyanlaia Dasa gave lhe iesuIls
lecause il is lhe Lagna and aIso SL is pIaced in il hence il is veiy cIeai fion lhe Lakshni
yoga foinalion lo lhe fiuclificalion piocess is conpIeled.
7.2.12 Chart-20: Jnb & FnrcIgn Travc!

ThIs natIvc mnvcd tn U5A fnr a Jnb nn August 30 1996

KaIachakia Dasa (Savya gioup, Iaianayush = 83 yeais):

Ii MD: 1996-O7-O9 (16:36:5O) - 2OO6-O7-1O (5:58:49)
Ii AD: 1996-O7-O9 (16:36:5O) - 1997-O9-O8 (23:48:49)
Aq ID: 1996-O8-29 (11:42:33) - 1996-O9-18 (12:48:34)

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 6O / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
In D-4, Lagna Loid is }up pIaced in 11
house vilh HL. 4
and 7
Ioid Meic is pIaced in
Ce vilh CL and SL. 9
Ioid Mai is pIaced in Ta. 12
Loid Sal is pIaced in Leo and
aspecling 12
house Aq, vheie 12
co-Ioid Rahu is pIaced. Rahu (significaloi of foieign
slay) is aIso vilh lhe A1O.

Rahu has an aigaIa on Ii, vhich is lhe Maha Dasa and aIso lhe Anlaidasa and Aq is lhe
house vheie Rahu is pIaced. Hence lhe nalive had noved lo a foieign Iand foi a }ol.

7.2.13 Chart-21: 5haI!csh Chadha-FnrcIgn Travc!

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 61 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

ThIs natIvc had travc!cd tn nvcrscas In Jun 1998.

Vinsollaii Dasa (slailed fion Moon):

Mais MD: 1994-O4-16 (16:5O:O9) - 2OO1-O4-16 (12:O2:O7)
Meic AD: 1997-1O-19 (21:O8:13) - 1998-1O-17 (2:42:O4)
Rah ID: 1998-O5-O6 (13:52:4O) - 1998-O7-O1 (1O:13:43)

Maha Dasa Ioid Mais is 4lh and 11lh house Loid and pIaced in 9lh house vilh 2nd and
A1O Ioid Rahu and aspecling 3id, 6lh and 12lh houses ly iasi diishli.

Anlai Dasa Loid Meic is 6lh and 9lh Ioid and pIaced in 6lh house vilh 5lh and 1Olh Ioid
Venus and aspecling 3id, 9lh and 12lh houses ly iasi diisli and aIso 12lh house ly giaha
diishli. You can see lhis Meic and Venus affIicled ly nodes.

Iialyanlaia Dasa Loid Rahu is 2nd co-Ioid and pIaced in 9lh house and aspecling 3id,
6lh and 12lh house ly iasi diishli and aIso aspecling 1Olh house, Lagna, 3id house and
5lh house ly giaha diishli.

AII lhese conlinalions aie confiining lhe foieign liaveI duiing lhe Mais-Meic-Rahu

Nov Iel us see lhe evenl using lhe D-1O Naiayana Dasa:

Naiayana Dasa of D-1O chail (a veisaliIe phaIila iasi dasa):

Ce MD: 1989-O2-O8 (23:2O:49) - 2OO1-O2-O9 (1:15:59)
Ii AD: 1998-O2-O9 (6:47:22) - 1999-O2-O9 (13:O5:16)
Vi ID: 1998-O5-11 (4:42:14) - 1998-O6-11 (1O:2O:54)

Nalive vas iunning Ce Maha dasa. Ce is 6lh house fion D-1O Lagna and aspecling 9lh
house and 12lh house ly iasi diishli.

Nov Iel us see lhe Ii Anlai dasa. Ii is lhe 3id house and aspecling again, 6lh, 9lh and
12lh house confiining lhe Iong dislance and foieign liaveI.

Nov Iel us see lhe Vi Iialyanlaia Dasa. Vi is lhe 9lh house and aspecling again, lhe 3id,
6lh and 12lh house confiining lhe foieign liaveI.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 62 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

KaIachakia Dasa (Savya gioup, Iaianayush = 86 yeais):

Ta MD: 1987-O4-21 (22:29:12) - 2OO3-O4-22 (O:59:35)
Ai AD: 1997-O2-19 (7:38:15) - 1998-O6-28 (9:2O:16)
Sg ID: 1998-O5-O8 (17:21:27) - 1998-O6-28 (9:2O:16)

In D-4 lhe Lagna is Cp and ils Ioid Sal is pIaced in 4lh house. The 4lh Ioid Mais is pIaced
in 11lh house (Sc) and aspecling ovn house (Ai) vheie lhe 7lh Ioid Moon is pIaced loo.
9lh Loid Meic is in 5lh house (Ta). This Ta is aspecling 7lh house Cn and Lagna. The
12lh house (Sg) and ils Ioid }up is pIaced in Aq and aspecling 4lh house (Ai) ly Rasi
Diishli and 7lh house (Le) ly Ciaha Diishli. AII lhese conlinalions aie confiining lhe
foieign liaveI duiing lhe Ta-Ai-Sg Iialyanlaia Dasa.
Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 63 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29
7.2.14 Chart-22: Pa!anIvc!u-Mnvc tn U5A

ThIs natIvc had mnvcd tn U5A nn Nnv 15th 1996.

KaIachakia Dasa (Savya gioup, Iaianayush = 1OO yeais):

Cn MD: 1994-O5-17 (9:25:41) - 2O15-O5-17 (18:38:58)
Cn AD: 1994-O5-17 (9:25:41) - 1999-O7-O4 (19:O1:39)
Li ID: 1996-O6-18 (13:28:13) - 1997-O6-O1 (12:19:53)

In D-4 lhe Lagna is Cn and ils Ioid Moon is pIaced in 6lh house (Sg). The 4
Ioid Venus
is pIaced in 7
house (Cp) vilh Rahu (lhe significaloi of foieign slay). The 9
Loid }up is
pIaced in 4
house (Li). Lagna Loid Moon pIaced in Sg (A1O is aIso pIaced in lhis house
loo) is aspecling 12
house (Sg). Rahu and 4
Loid Venus aie aspecling Lagna (Cn) fion
Cp. 9
Ioid pIaced in Li is aspecling 1O
house and nosl inpoilanlIy lhe 12
house Ce
vheie CL is aIso pIaced. AII lhese conlinalions aie confiining lhe foieign liaveI duiing
lhe Cn-Cn-Li Iialyanlaia Dasa.

Dasansa: Loss and Cain in Caieei Iage No: 64 / 64
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani foi
S}C Wesl Coasl Confeience Aug 21-29

This ailicIe is a iesuIl of ny Ieaining, sludies and undeislanding on Dasansa fion ny
Cuiu }i Sii. Ranada Rao, vaiious Iecluies, looks and ailicIes pulIished ly nany of S}C
Cuius, lo nane a fev Sanjay Ralh, Naiasinha Rao, Visli Laisen, Roleil Koch, iendan
IeeIey, Chandiasekhai Shaina, Di. Salya Iiakash, CK CoeI, Iailha Saialhy, Naiayana
Iyei, Svee Chan and Lakshni Kaiy }is. I cannol acknovIedge aII lhe souices as il
vouId lake vasl anounl of line and space, lul I have used lhe concepls exlensiveIy
fion S}C Cuius leachings and lhe foIIoving looks: -

1) Ciux of Vedic AslioIogy ly Sanjay Ralh
2) Vedic AslioIogy an Inlegialed Appioach ly IVR Naiasinha Rao
3) iihal Iaiashaia Hoia Saslian ly C.C Shaina
4) Naiayana Dasa ly Il. Sanjay Ralh
5) }ainini Upadesa Sulias ly Il. Sanjay Ralh
6) Vinsollaii and Udu Dasa ly Il. Sanjay Ralh
7) Deleinining Iiofession ly Sunnel Chugh
8) Iiofession fion lhe posilion of IIanels ly R.C Rao
9) Innense veaIlh of infoinalion fion oui VA and VaiahaMihiia aichives
1O) Hov lo }udge Hoioscopes VoI I & II ly Di. .V.Ranan
11) Thiee Hundied Inpoilanl Conlinalions ly Di. .V.Ranan

AII CIoiies lo Loid }agannalh
On Tal Sal

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