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20:20>[Masticator]: nigga please <20:20>[Crone1]: we can make him target of the day like i said get real confusing

when 20 members send 7 wavs of random chit <20:20>[Gak]: enough w/ the n word please <20:20>[Masticator]: Detroit you got a problem with that... <20:21>[Gak]: yes, yes i do. <20:21>[Masticator]: gfy <20:21>[Masticator]: lol <20:21>[PRADA]: *hands everyone a rasberyy and white chocolate muffin <20:21>[Masticator]: come on give it to me <20:21>[snarl]: that sound awesome <20:22>[Masticator]: yer great great grannt was a slave <20:22>[Gwendell]: and a cocktail with an umbrella prada, don't foreget the umbrella drinks <20:22>[Masticator]: don't ask my history mofo <20:22>[Masticator]: fk ya if ya cant take a joke <20:22>[Gwendell]: ok boys, back to war plans, not the personal cracks <20:23>[Gwendell]: we don't play that game here <20:23>[PRADA]: Of course Lady Gwendell *hands one* <20:23>[Masticator]: uh rules, females cannot wear tops in chat [4/22/2012 9:29:21 PM] Wyz: hey some friggin noob c an boot a veterean [4/22/2012 9:29:33 PM] Glen/Gak: <21:2>[Masticator]: wouldnt even fight <21:3>[Skip1922]: who wouldnt fight? your making no since bud <21:4>From [PRADA] : you there To [PRADA]: yeah <21:4>[snarl]:

<21:4>From [PRADA] : What is mastigators problem with talking to people so horrible? <21:4>[DomiNate]: what you on about? we tried to coordinate times but we never seemed to overlap, if thats a crime well i apologise <21:4>[Masticator]: I was by Dom, took all the hits, he was "offline" <21:4>[Masticator]: fk you chicken chit To [PRADA]: i pinked him to respect ac and our members after he insulted nate. 1 more and he's gone. <21:5>[Masticator]: we could habe taken that area <21:5>[Masticator]: you no fight <21:5>[Munchkin]: not a good time to say hi but i'm gonna anyway :) <21:5>[DomiNate]: wow ok calm down <21:5>[PRADA]: Can we be nic3e in ac please <21:5>[Gak]: last warning masticator. <21:5>[snarl]: what are you talking about <21:5>[DomiNate]: i told you that if i wasnt on then Neils could log onto my accoutn to help you with targets <21:5>[Crone1]: im scouting now <21:6>[Masticator]: kk let it go <21:6>[Masticator]: dom love ya but you a chicken <21:6>[Gak]: he gone.

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