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English Expressions 1. To be at loggerheads- To always quarrel These 2 are always at loggerheads. 2. To gulp down- To swallow, esp.

a liquid Tom gulped down the lemonade. 3. To gobble- To swallow, esp. food. Elba gobbled her breakfast quickly. 4. To have goose bumps- Avoir la chair de poule. 5. To spend money like water. 6. To have a parched throat. LOVE -To be the apple of ones eye. -To fall head over heels for smbd. To be bitten by the love bug. ENJOY -To have a blast. -To be on top of the world. FEAR -To scare the pants off someone. LOOKS -To look like something the cat brought in. ALCOHOL -To drink like a fish. MARRIAGE -To tie the knot. -Better the devil you know- Vaut mieux -Se contenter de se quon a que de risquer de trouver pire. -To be poles apart. -U cant teach an old dog new tricks. -To turn over a new leaf. -To badmouth sb. -Reading is to the mind what sports is to the body. -Books are to be tasted. Some are to be Swallowed, and others to be chewed & digested. -To make mincemeat out of sm1.

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