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Road Race Project Unity3D

by: Ankit Goel

Concept: The basic idea is to make a simple local multiplayer enabled 3D racing game.

The game is about fun not simulations. The tracks lengths are static but the obstacle pattern will be totally random each time u play. The game will have various modes like sprint, time challeneg, lastOne Out....At max the 4 players will be able to play the game on single screen on pc and 2 players on ipad. Gamplay: The game is meant fr both PC and iPad. Hence the gameply needs to be supr simple. The vehicles will have auto acceleration, a static top speed. Player can only control left and right direction and the vehcles will have the ability to jump over some minor obstacles, and also fire the pickups. The player vehicles cannot collide with themselves, the only way to challenge the other player(s) is by playing fair and firing pickups.

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