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Instructions for the Comparison or Contrast Essay

Do I want this car ?

or do I want that


Do I want this guy ?

or do I want that


Do I want to visit Egypt on my next vacation ? or do I want to go to Las


Do I want to eat something healthy ?

or do I want something


Understand what comparison or contrast requires you to do.

Your job is to interest the reader. Choose points to discuss that are not immediately obvious.

Now lets test your understanding . . .

A baby is like a vacuum cleaner.


My sister and I look alike, have common hobbies, and enjoy the same foods.


Even though Venus and Serena Williams are both professional tennis stars, they differ in their opinions about men, movies, and music.


Make the comparison or contrast interesting.

Be sure that your essay has a purpose. Ask yourself this important question: Why would anyone want to read this comparison or contrast?

Pick a pattern for your paragraph

Pattern A (point by point) The thesis statement will read like this: Because of X, Y, and Z, Subject A is similar to [or different from] Subject B. discuss Subject A and Subject B under each point

All about Point X All about Point Y

All about Point Z


Pattern B will look a bit different.


will discuss X, Y, and Z for Subject A; and then will do the same for Subject B. (whole to whole)

All about Subject A

All about Subject B


If we follow the advice above

What is the purpose? What will make the essay interesting? Would Pattern A or Pattern B work the best?

Format A

I. Point X
A. Subject A
1. Detail 1 2. Detail 2 3. Detail 3

B. Subject B
1. Detail 1 2. Detail 2 3. Detail 3

Roman numerals address the X, Y, and Z from the thesis statement. Capital letter A is always for the first subject; capital letter B is always for the second subject. A detail for Subject A must correspond to a detail for Subject B.

Thesis statement: The two movies, Aliens and Gorillas in the Mist, have three important points of comparison [or contrast]: X, Y, and Z.

I. Point X
A. Gorillas in the Mist
1. 2. 3.

II. Point Y
A.Gorillas in the Mist
1. 2. 3.

III. Point Z
A. Gorillas in the Mist
1. 2. 3.

B. Aliens
1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

B. Aliens
1. 2. 3.

A Pattern B outline looks a little different:

Thesis Statement: Subject A is different from/similar to Subject B.


Subject A
A. First Point of C/C 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. Detail B. Second Point of C/C 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. Detail C. Third Point of C/C 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. Detail


Subject B
A. First Point of C/C 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. Detail B. Second Point of C/C 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. Detail C. Third Point of C/C 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. Detail

Block Arrangement I. Introduction in which you state your purpose which is to discuss the differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach

II. Mountain A. Climate B. Types of Activities C. Location III.Beach A. Climate B. Types of Activities C. Location IV. Conclusion

Point-by-Point or Alternating Arrangement I. Introduction in which you state your purpose which is to discuss differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach

II. First difference between mountains and beaches is climate A. Mountains B. Beach III. Second difference between mountains and beaches are types of activities A. Mountains B. Beach IV. Third difference between mountains and beaches is the location A. Mountains B. Beach V. Conclusion

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