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1.03 Develop fluency with multiplication from 1x1 to 12x12

and division up to two-digit by one-digit numbers.

3rd Grade Brandon McGee March 20,2012

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Introduction to Multiplication
Multiplication is just a simpler way to count things. Its a short cut to finding the sum of a group of objects or a cluster of items. The easiest way to

begin the multiplication process is to put the items in rows and columns. This will assist in creating a multiplication sentence.

Multiplication Sentence

A multiplication sentence looks like the following: _____ x _____= ______ These chairs are in rows and columns. The two blanks to the left and right of the x is for the rows and columns. The blank after the equal sign will be for the answer or the product of the rows and columns.

Finding the Product

After filling in the multiplication sentence, you are now ready to multiply! The rows and columns must be multiplied together to get the product.

Checking your Answer

There are several ways to check your answers. You can simply count the total number of items if there are not too many or you could do the opposite of multiplication, division which would lead us to out next lesson.

Lets end this lesson with the multiplication song!

How is multiplication helpful?

a) Its an easier way to find the product of a group of objects b) Its an easier way to find the sum of a group of objects c) Its not helpful when finding the sum d) Its an easier way to find the difference of two numbers

What are the three blanks for in the multiplication sentence?

a) b) c) d) Product, sum, difference Rows, sum, columns Columns, rows, difference Rows, columns, product

What is the Product?

a) b) c) d)

The answer to an addition sentence The answer to a division sentence The answer to a subtraction sentence The answer to a multiplication sentence



N.C. Standard Course of study Math Cats

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