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Claire Downs SPED 447 Section 1 Curriculum Planning Project: Reading Information needed Past schooling/Educational history -Has

the student attended more than one school, either in or out of state? With whom does the student live? Report card from past year -relevant comments, especially with regard to literacy and/or functional academics Achievement scores/Formal assessment data -Standardized tests (ISAT, PSAE) -IAA -IQ or intelligence tests Results of vision and hearing tests Special programs or services -Reading Recovery (1st grade) -RtI -OT/PT/Speech/Social work Attendance patterns from past two years Demographics -parents occupation -free and reduced lunch -SSI Health concerns and/or medication required Documentation/Results Country of origin: The Democratic Republic of the Congo. V. attended 1st grade in France. V. entered 2nd grade at Westview in August, 2011. His mother. n/a

DRA= 3

n/a V. receives ESL services. Currently he is in ESL for about 90 minutes a day.

n/a Since I have been at Westview, V. has not missed any school. Mother works at Kraft foods. V. receives free and reduced lunch. No SSI.


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