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Jess Snchez-Oro Calvo u a

Win a holiday
I was sure that my girlfriend should win that holiday since the moment I saw the advert. I know her since we were fteen years old and since then she hasnt stopped studying and working with the objective of having a good salary so that she doesnt need to ask for money to their parents. She is also studying to become teacher of a public school, which is really stressful, and nishing her second degree in order to specialize. Whats more, the next week shes taking a competitive examination which is rather important for her, so last months have been very hard for her. In spite of all the stress she is suering from, she is always in a good mood, trying to help everyone when it is necessary, either in their studies or even in their personal problems, so, in my opinion, its time to have fun for her. She has hardly ever been on holiday due to all her work, so that holiday would be perfect for her. If she had the opportunity she could nally nd time to relax in a beautiful landscape without worrying about her work or her studies. It would help her to rest and recover strength to continue her life a little happier. So I nominate her to give her the holiday she deserve after a lot of years of non-stopping work.

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