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Annotated Bibliography

What about the connections on social media are so appealing to college students?

Rebekah Dikkers

Professor Malcolm Campbell

English 1102

February 28, 2012

Dikkers 2

Annotated Bibliography Prensky, Marc. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Web. 5 Oct. 2011.

What are Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants? Digital Natives refers to people who were born after the general implementation of digital technology and Digital Immigrants refers to people who were born during or after the general introduction of digital technology. The author of the article talks about the pros and cons of both sides of being a Digital Native or a Digital Immigrant. Todays average college graduate has spent less than 5,000 hours of their lives reading, but over 10,000 hours playing video games. Digital Natives learn to multitask, which saves a lot more time but at the same time Digital Immigrants dont think learning can be fun. Digital Immigrants do not understand how students can learn successfully while watching TV or listening to the music. There will be no way to satisfy both sides because no matter how much the Immigrants may wish it; it is highly unlikely the Digital Natives will change their habits, which means we both need to reconsider our methodology of how and when to use technology.

The author of this article is the American writer Marc Prensky who writes about learning and education. He has degrees from Oberlin College, Yale University and Harvard Business School and has written many books and over 600 essays on learning and education. Prenskys professional focus is on helping reform K-12 education. This article is mostly objective, simply stating instances of Digital Natives. However, the purpose of the article was to inform the intended audience how the society has been affected by

Dikkers 3 technology and how it will affect on future generations. In addition, it also explains how society should accept the adaption of new technologies.

This written article was very helpful. I gained more knowledge on Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. After reading this article, it made me think positively about new technologies and I learned how to accept it as it is and how to make changes according to the information. Pincus, Greg. Do You Spend Too Much Time On Social Media? Do You Spend Too Much Time On Social Media? Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <>

This article talks about the reality and the perception of people spending too much time on social media. The reality is that it is easy to appear very active on Facebook or Twitter since we can link our blog update Facebook and Twitter and vise versa when the perception is that we do not do anything else but spending too many hours reading and commenting on blogs and end up having no time to work on anything else.

The author of the article is Greg Pincus who helps people and organizations create social media strategies and plans. This was an objective article that focuses on informing the audience about the wrong stereotypes and negative perspectives of being on social media sites and tells them the true values of it.

From reading this article, I think that sometimes the society overrates about how much we are on social media sites, because in reality, college students are not as active on social media sites as others may think. While society might think that college students

Dikkers 4 just appear to be busy with social media sites instead of being busy with academic work. College students, however, just use a lot of multitasking and therefore are able to spend time on other things while being active on social media sites. Schulten, Katherine. How Much Time Do You Spend Consuming Media Every Day? The Learning Network Blog. Web 22 Feb. 2012. <>.

This is a type of article where Mrs. Schulten posts the topic idea and opens the comments to the public to let them write about their media consumption habits. According to the Krasier study, those in the age between 8 and 18 spend more than seven and half hours a day with technologic devices. In comparison, five years ago, when the study was last conducted, it was less than six and a half hours. Because so many of the people are multitasking, they pack on average 11 hours of media content into that seven and a half hours.

Katherine Schulten has been an English teacher/newspaper adviser at high school for 10 years, and became a literacy consultant and curriculum write as well. She has a B.A. in English literature from Boston College and received her M.A. in English education from Columbia University School of Journalism. The article was used for letting the public participate and have open commenting space to hear about their side of the story.

Dikkers 5 I could use this article as one of the sources for defending my side of perspective of how much time people spend with technology. I can also refer to the frequency and purpose of the usage of technologic devices in our every lifes. Web 2.0 and Emerging Learning Technologies/ Next Generation.-Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World. Web 27 Feb. 2012. < eneration>.

This article talks about claims about the Net Generation that could be sorted into two categories: learning styles and focusing on their lifestyles. The Net Generation learns from experimentation, visuals, group work, multitasking, and edutainment. Their life styles are always on connectivity as they prefer googling than going to the library, feel ease meeting strangers online, and make good use of free online resources and Ecommerce. As technology grows, the society gets affected a lot by it. In a good way, now students have more choices in their learning environment. At the same time though there are a lot of negative effects as well such as being too dependent on the technology.

This article was written by many people. The purpose of the article was hoping that readers would be informed about how society is changing by using objective opinions, such as giving examples of the changes of lifestyles and learning styles.

After reading the article, I came to realize that we need to be cautious about how we make use of the claims that have been made about this generation. I will refer back to this article to talk about the lifestyles of college students on my paper.

Dikkers 6 She has a few grammatical errors. Also she tends to write a lot of run-on sentences that sometimes can be difficult to follow. With having unorganized thoughts, it is hard to understand what point she is trying to get across. In addition, she had continuous grammar mistakes, for example, with improper usage of articles like a and the. Other than that I couldnt find any other major mistakes. Bria Goodwin

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