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Converting Energy

Electromagnetic Energy -is a term used to describe all the different kinds of energies released into space by stars such as the Sun. Oil is made when plants use electromagnetic energy to grow and then die. Eventually, they pile on top of each other and combined with all the dead and decomposing things it makes oil. Nuclear Energy - originates from the splitting of uranium atoms in a process called fission. Nuclear energy is used to get the oil out of the ground with the oil rigs. The rig pulls the oil up and above the ground where it goes into tanks. Electrical Energy - Energy made available by the flow of an electric charge through a conductor. Electrical energy is used to separate the types of oil so that they can make different things out of it. Thermal Energy - Energy that is generated or measured by heat. Once the oil has been separated, thermal energy is used to break the molecules of the oil into lighter ones so that they can be used for gasoline. The oil is heated to a high temperature which breaks the molecules. After the molecules are broken, they have chemicals added and this makes gasoline. Chemical Energy - The part of energy in a substance that can be released through a chemical reaction. Chemical energy is used when you pump the gas out of the machine and into your car.

Mechanical Energy - Type of energy that has to do with movement. Finally, you use mechanical energy when you drive your car after it has been filled with gasoline.

Law of Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

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