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CGVE- 042

AKSINHA Lect. 14- 18

Teachings from religious scriptures

Teachings from GITA & MAHABHARAT Help each other Practice moderation and meditate Learn metaphysical nature Learn to worship GOD Forgive others Lust is the origin of sin Mind is friend as well as enemy Attachments and Aversions are stumbling blocks Develop the feeling of oneness with god , business and people Recognize the presence of god in all living beings Do not pray or curse God for selfish material desires.

Teachings from religious scriptures

Teachings from Bible There is only one God Honour parents No killings or murder No adultery NO theft, cheating, falsehood NO envy Worship god and show mercy to all

Teachings from religious scriptures

Teachings from Buddhism Change is the fundamental truth of all existence Awareness and acceptance of change is must for Existence Compassion: Interconnectedness, concern and care for all All actions should lead to reducing/ sufferings and causes of sufferings eliminating

Teachings from religious scriptures

Teaching from Kuran Justice should be the basic principle of all laws Social justice and divine outlook of universe Brotherhood Adopting a principle and trading are different Do not compromise on principles Do not entertain an unjst hope Partiality,, misuse of power or position, nepotism is prohibited Coporal punishment for the sinners. Equity in distribution of public treasury

Teachings from religious scriptures

Lessons from Ramayana. All decision, behavior and action should be guided by Responsibility and Ethical norms Socio-cultural contexts can not be overlooked. Sacrifice and concern for others.. Integrated approach in acquiring and building resources.. Long term perspectinve in planning and decision making.. Respect andcare for parents, elders, people, nature and conservation of natural resources

Teachings from religious scriptures

Contd. Anlysing the characters of Rama Laxaman Kaikeyi Hanuman and Ravana

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