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Always remember: Your power point is only your guide. It is not your whole presentation.

Presentation is how you deliver (explain) what are in your slides.

Read what is in your slides (especially if it is only a short sentence or phrase) but you must turn to your audience and give some explanations.

Lead your audience well. Show a transition, use an outline and whatever you think works best in guiding your audience throughout your presentation.

Be creative and original. Do not stick to what you have seen from other presentations. Use other presentations to learn points from but make your own.

Ask questions from your audience.

References are very important. You must inform your audience where you got your materials/information from.

Its nice to get reactions from audience, so to inject humor in your presentation is always nice.

Be imaginative with your title.

Your VOICE is very important. Make sure you speak in a way that your audience can hear you clearly.

In a group presentation, use of transition or flow does not only mean Next, I pass to ____. You must say something about what the next person will present. A thank you to the person before you is also nice to hear. The audience will be impressed by your polite attitude towards your group mate.

Everything in your slide has a purpose, thats why you put it there. So explain its presence there.

If you are having technical problems during the presentation, be alert! Step in front and say something this way your audience will know whats happening. You can repeat some of the information you have said just so there will be no vacuum or empty air during your presentation.

Your slides should not be filled with errors. It is always advisable to have someone you think knows better (consultant, expert, proofreader, or a person who can spot errors you just probably missed) look at your slides before the actual presentation.

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