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4 Global Harmony 5 Is is a democracy or a civil war

Muse MagazineR MThird GEditionC DMay 2012E BWWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma R G F O O R E R A P H I E S I G N F R E I E S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O

6 Anonymous letter 7 Some common errors in english 8 New voices should be heard 14 Idioms and quotes 14 Students Corner 24 Liesure
Muse Club Magazine By MC members. Head of the Club: Badreddine Rahmaoui Members: - Boudjahem Djalila - Oled Diaf Sana -Mazari Zaki Abd el Aali -Oudjit Raouf -Douakha Rima Khouloud -Sellami Billel -Boudemagh Ilyes -Ziada Raouf Abd el Madjid -Guebai Nour el Houda ~Under the supervision of: - Miss Serhani Meriem - Miss Hamdi Houda Check for updates.
The Muse club of English department is a mirror of the different activities that take place in our department, since day one . It presents a magazine which is an opened window for the students, giving them the opportunity to reveal clearly their own ideas . Under the supervision of a great teachers the students suggestions will be taken in consideration . The new magazine muse whose motto falls in two main sections ,the first one means a Godess of inspiration ,and the second one means Focus deeply ,but what concerns us is the first phase of the phrase ,because our main consern is the litterary competence ,taughts ,abilities of writting ,feelings ,talents of the students ,unlike the previews one whose interest was mainly and only the members of the magazine ,and this change include also the naming From MALACA ENGLISH to MUSE ENGLISH CLUB . Our truly hopes are that our dear students of the english departement take this magazine MUSE as a golden opportunity to expresse their selvs ,and to improve their reading and writting skills through their literary production as well as to enrich their knowldge ,not nessesery in high level language but just be your selves .


Magazine made by Benhacen Houssem

2 * we do not own the pictures used in this Magazine





F R E E B I E S :


W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G

memory is the diary that we all carry about with us

- Oscar Wilde

Global Harmony
Since a long time Ive been wondering why do we always stick political issues on religions? Why do we always say Jews and not Israelis? Why do we say Christians and not capitalists? The time has come for us to realize that its our fault not that of religions. Religions have nothing to do with all those political conflicts between people from different cultural backgrounds. So, here again religious diversity itself has been pointed out as a problem; this is why a lot of worlds leaders tried to find solutions to solve it. Religion for most of us is an essential part of ones identity; it can be compared to a pillar that keeps a building from falling down. It is what makes a human group specifically unique and different from any other human group. Civilizations were built through the basis of those cultural belongings: religion, language, and raceetc. In todays world, media plays an important role in reflecting religions. Islam for instance is often depicted by so many newspapers and TV channels as a religion of obscurantism and carnage, a religion of no liberty. On the other hand it is indisputable that Muslims dont see Islam in the way media tend to describe it. Therefore, media is often blamed for making worlds truths and events unintelligible for people. It not only misguides people but it also creates fears and shapes lack of trust and respect between people from different religious backgrounds. Islamic history proved the existence of specific architecture of Islamic buildings, Islamic literature and calligraphy, but not violence being committed for the sake of religion. Islam as well as any other religion is compatible with freedom, democracy and humans rights, so why are so many bloodsheds and acts of violence labeled under the theme religion? Globalization is a phenomenon that is happening at high rate today. Indeed its overwhelming cultures world over. Muslim culture for example feels overwhelmed as well as marginalized by the fast changes occurring around it. Put aside the modernity of Western World, the remainder of the world feels an increasing frustration that often leads its men to the worst extremities. Within few decades, men have realized technological achievements of modernity that were not to be achieved in less than centuries at the time of our ancestors. Some of the main features of these accelerated developments lie in the new absence of borders between countries. Communicating is global, a quantity of information flows in the most rapid and easy way possible from one part of the world to another. Ways of living are being unified, people are accessing to media and an increasing amount of information. This unity of living often leads some people to the need of expressing their individualism and uniqueness as a way of fighting an overwhelming and fast unification that threatens their cultures and religious backgrounds. For; every step toward Western modernity means a denial of their identity and cultural history.

Muse MagazineR MThirdGEditionC DMay 2012E BWWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma R G F O O R E R A P H I E S I G N F R E I E S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O

The marginalization they feel to be victims of, by a strong Western world that goes without caring about differences of cultures, make them embrace the worst ways of expressing their identity, such as public attacks. Today, with the coexistence of several religions and cultures, so people with different believes can either enter an irreversible Western modernity, making it take the greatest part of their identity, and thus occult the richness of their original cultures. Or they can either turn their back on modernity. Either ways, will undoubtedly lead to an impoverishment of the richness of global human cultures. The reason why there should not be any implied condition to access modernity and global well-being. Cultural diversity is a priceless gift for humanity, this principle is applied to religions. For they should be preserved via cultural exchange, for instance Arabs had invented the astrolabe and western world improved it later; this is a form of cultural exchange that took part to a continual interaction between people with different religious and cultural beliefs. Cultural exchange is more likely to protect that interaction in todays world than ever before. It will enhance the values of all religions; those of respect, forgiveness, tolerance and love. And thus bring believers and non-believers to one prospective future that will both unify them and preserve their differences peacefully. This intercultural dialogue is likely to settle the upheaval of violence as well as cultural conflicts that are destroying peoples history and keeping them from moving toward a global harmony. A global harmony that will respect and protect peoples differences and uniqueness. A global harmony that will both embrace globalization and protect individual specificity and diversity. This interfaith dialogue requires that people admit that their faiths dont hold all the truth, but rather that a part of truth exists in every single belief. In other terms, no one can be completely right or completely wrong. We are to complete each other in order to achieve a global tolerance that will lead humanity to a sustainable harmony. A renewal of our view toward our fellows is necessary for such a dialogue to be successful, via a borderless acceptance of differences and a global respect of human rights. Intercultural dialogue is to be achieved via travelling, meeting people, learning about cultures and seeking knowledge without having prior made-up ideas or clichs . Indeed a borderless dialogue that protects diversity of people and their history will overcome the clichs and erase them, allowing people to be conscious of their fellows and learn from their neighbors world over. Everybody should take part to building this consciousness of the self and the other in the prospect of creating a world where mutual understanding will lead our choices and actions for a better tomorrow. MANEL HAROUCHE

Is it a democracy or a civil war?!

Last year many events happened to take a place in the Arabs world .those events changed the face of the Arabic countries forever..Some of people think..or lets say the majority think that these changed it for the best means people found what they were looking for which is something called Democracy and some whom are a minority of course, are saying that things changed it for the worst which means in one word A MESS.well, this is not the case for all the countriesand the way we are dealing with this issue as a part from the Arabic countries ill say that..Some places really needed a change but the rest were just imitating. Hearing the word democracy from some people they dont know even how to read, write, screaming with the name of their enemy to come and rescue them from their miserable life!!!!!!!is kind of showing the western world, how fool they are, and that they sold themselves and their souls for a cheap price under the title of The Democracy. I never knew that Democracy face it the word A civil war in the dictionary well at least in my dictionary .most of you dont know what Im talking about! .Well I m talking about the civil wars in Libya , Syria, Yemen ,..and others where the intention is not rise by the PRESS..YET!!!!that and from my point of view should take a large responsibility about whats happening nowadays and in the future ( I hope not) in some places in the Middle East that disease which they call it THE ARABS SPRING!!! Thus, if trying so hard to convince people that they are peaceful while theyre not. Killing, stealing countrys natural resources, torturing men, women and kids, destroying a whole country and making people homeless!!!!! Democracy????....therefore, IM AGAINST IT.

Muse Magazine A H I C D EEditionF EMay S : V I S TWWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F O R M O R E G R P Third S I G N R E B I E 2012 I W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G

Djalila Boudjahem


Muse Magazine O RThirdAEdition E S May F2012B E WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F O R M E G R P H I C D I G N R E E I S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G

You really want to know what our problems? Why we protest, love in, sit down, get high, rave or simply misbehave? .You ask what we are really protesting about is a silly question_ it deserves and often gets the reply: what is everyone else complacent about? The pressing question I should have thought, is not what, what now? For there are many reasons for protest as there are protesters.I see you are all looking for universal causes of our frustration or dissatisfaction .but the universal answers turn out to be universally unconstructive .the permissive society gets the blame but no one knows precisely who where or what it is .the generation gap is invoked .but those who believe in its existence also seem to believe in its inevitability ; if not its necessity in the order of things .I think it exists to give the middle aged something to protest about every specialist has got specialized answers .when we march , politicians march with us .when we smoke pot ,the doctors study us .When we drop out ,the sociologists cluster round us their views, am sure ,are to be respected. But they are speaking about us? Not for us.There is a gap that Im aware of, but its not so big you may scarcely see. Its an ideological gap, which means you and I will use different words for the same thing. We will adopt different priorities for the same problem and make different interpretations for the same situations; above all .we will come up with different answers to the same questions.I dont see there is a hope in hell of your seeing is it our way? Id rather you didnt try, as a matter of fact, because if there is one thing worse than censure, its ignorant admiration and weve had enough of that heaped on us this year.i suppose of all prejudices, age-prejudice is one of the most crippling, matching disillusion with idealism, experience against enthusiasm, it makes so few distinctions, equates protest with delinquency, drop-outs with failure. it obscures the fact that everywhere the protest are continuing, articulate, organized and educated, and we no longer feel hopelessly determined by history .it ignores the fact that every drop-out (your catch phase, I think, not ours) is in fact societys failure .that each one of them is concerned with the quality of life, which the stay-ins are in no position to come to terms with active or passive, though, we arent deliberately trying to make things insufferable for society. We are simply trying to be a constant reminder, that society is insufferable. Miss Kahlerras


COUPLE/COUPLE OF Instead of she went with a couple sleazy guys before she met me, write a couple of guys if you are trying to sound a bit more formal. Leaving the of out is a casual, slangy pattern CUT AND DRY/CUT AND DRIED Many people mishear the standard expression meaning set, not open to change, as cut and dry. Although this form is listed in the Oxford English Dictionary, it is definitely less common in sophisticated writing. The dominant modern usage is cut and dried. When used to modify a noun, it must be hyphenated: cut-and-dried plan. DEMOCRAT PARTY/DEMOCRATIC PARTY Certain Republican members of Congress have played the childish game in recent years of referring to the opposition as the Democrat Party, hoping to imply that Democrats are not truely democratic. They succeed only in making themselves sound ignorant, and so will you if you imitate it DENIED OF/DENIED If you are deprived of your rights you are denied them; but thats no reason to confuse these two expressions with each other. You cant be denied of anything. DEPENDS/DEPENDS ON In casual speech, we say it depends who plays the best defense; but in writing follow depends with on. AM/PM AM stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem--which means before noon--and PM stands for Post Meridiem: after noon. Although digital clocks routinely label noon 12:00 PM you should avoid this expression not only because it is incorrect, but because many people will imagine you are talking about midnight instead. The same goes for 12:00 AM. Just say or write noon or midnight when you mean those precise times. It is now rare to see periods placed after these abbreviations: A.M., but in formal writing it is still preferable to capitalize them, though the lowercase am and pm are now so popular . ALL AND ALL/ALL IN ALL The dog got into the fried chicken, we forgot the sunscreen, and the kids starting whining at the end, but all in all the picnic was a success. All in all is a traditional phrase which can mean all things considered, after all, or nevertheless. People unfamiliar with the traditional wording often change it to all and all, but this is nonstandard. Miss Kahlerras

Muse MagazineE G Third IEdition G N May E2012S VWWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F O R M O R R A P H C D E S I F R E B I E : I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G


we often look for love every where and we look so dispred without it but the only prob is when we find it we look more dispred than before



Muse MagazineM Third EditionD S I G N 2012 B I WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelmaG F O R O R E G R A P H I C E May F R E E E S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R

They say , Love is all you need. Who is this they? Who are these people who are quoted so often that their quotes acquire the status of proverbs? They are people like us who, having fallen in love, could not help putting their feelings in words. Given below are a few such axioms and proverbs on the subject of love. Love is a powerful emotion that can build or destroy civilizations. It can sweep rational thought out of our mind. Love, like other emotions, changes over time. First love is heady passion. Young love is about admiration and friendship. As years roll by, love develops into a secure emotional bond. Love. The pulse of life. The emotion that encapsulates all that is beautiful. Love is the essence of a relationship. Read along and enjoy the comforting emotion called love. It is amazing how this single emotion has woven itself so intricately into the fabric of our existence. so my friends , my question for you is : Have you ever felt in Love? if yes , tell us your story. if it is no , well you should hurry up , its true Love hurts but its worth it :) .

When I smiled at the sun, its beams burnt me I sang to the bird, But the bird didnt hear me I tried to embrace the rose, Its leaves strangled me I stared at the stars, they couldnt see me I loved the butterfly, It flew away for it hated me When I wanted to caress the breeze, Wind struck me Are they so wicked ? Or is wickdness in me
To the students of English Department be one ,be steady

Trust your selves and just do the right thing the way you feel it and move on for you and for all your department mates. all the best for you Miss Kahlerras

Ben Moody


WORDS...this magical combination of tiny bold letters, how powerful they are when used in a logical sense! a man can be a dreamer, but unless he applies these dreams on solid ground, they are to become nothing but a bunch of unatainable fantasies. they say a picture is worth a thousand words ,well i say : a single word is worth a thousand thoughts. you can spend your whole life thinking and reflecting, but none of it could be appreciated if you dont spell it out to the world! As a matter of fact, our whole body language contains a series of gestural performed words; a tear is a word , a smile is a word, a look is a word, a touch is a word ..this intentionally forgotten human power, can be the key to unlocking millions of life-saving secrets. a simple word can contain extraodinary healing powers to many suffering human souls. just like painting and dancing,communication is another form of art , its a shortcut towards mutual understanding , through communication only , can we solve wolrdwide issues , and save gallons of blooddshed. a man who masters the art of communication is a man who never experienced failure in his social life. why guessing when we can get assertive answers?! why wondering when we can obtain convincing responses?! we should never underestimate the supermassive value of words, nor use it as a weapon to blackmail others. a simple word can overturn the most sensitive situations and solve the most complicated problems, a single word can bright somebodys day , as it can darken anothers short words can make wonders! together we can tumble down the walls of silence , to express ourselves freely ,and never feel intimidated to show the whole world who we really are.

Imane Sai


There areBut where are
There is strengthBut in one exerting it on anothers weakness. There is mindBut it is used in planning to harm others. There is feelingBut in adoring what is beyond reality. There is persistenceBut in repeating rejected actions. There is eloquenceBut in one injuring another. There is wisdomBut in one accusing another. There is willBut in one envying another. There is solidarityBut in one relying on another. There is boldnessBut in one insulting another. There is absolute freedomBut in one oppressing another. There is personalityBut in one strengthening it upon anothers. There is great humanityBut only beyond special benefits. There is generosityBut in wasting time. There is patienceBut in accepting to remain with low qualities. There is self-confidenceBut in being arrogant. There is deep affectionBut towards what is material. There is respectBut for deceptive appearances. There is principleBut in refusing to change oneself. Where are we going ..?!!!In realityWe will go forever, one day, carrying nothing with us except high qualities. . Nowadays What is more regrettable is the fact that hypocrisy, vulgarity, oppression and injustice together form new fashion for modern life. The real power, however, is pretence whereas humanity, modesty, patience, generosity and kindness are nothing more than weakness, but not absolutely because as there is who possesses them; there is, as well, who deserves and appreciates them...

Why are we complicating it while its too simple?!they?!

Ambition, hope, desire, wish and dream are highly existent inside everyone, they somehow move into elliptical space created between the will, on one side, and the achievement, on the other. Therefore, the achievement can merely be obtained on the strength of will, but the latter might be powered on the strength of what exactly? The mindAs the only part of a human being that makes him distinguished from any other living being. The personality As the main part of a person that makes him different from any other one. The reasoning As the power that makes a persons personality distinctive from any other ones. The way of thinkingAs the essential fact that makes any individuals reasoning differs from another ones. The self-confidenceAs an inner feeling, or feature, that is built on the basis of strong personality. The insistenceAs the impulse that is grown up from a great self-confidence. With their role, no doubt that the above-mentioned parts complete each other in qualifying, with Gods help of course, a person to accomplish their high dream as everyones aim for a better life. Take it!!! Never hesitate: imitate and you will create! Never be shy: just try! Never reduce: continue to produce! Never neglect: intend to collect! Decide and you will achieve! Give and you will receive! Accept and you will believe! Think and you will perceive!

Muse MagazineE G Third I Edition GN May E2012 : VWWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F O R M O R R A P H C D E S I F R E B I E S I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G

Remember that!!! If success is war, self-confidence is the gun. If self-confidence is gun, insistence is the bullet. If achievement is sea, will is the boat. If will is boat, aspiration is the paddle. If effort is thunder, accomplishment is the rain. So, you; as a dreamer, tend to put the bullet into the gun and enter to the war, enjoy, if you want, staying on the sea with paddling or let your own thunder roll and wait for the rainYesJust do it!!!

Ben Hamdi Zeineb



So Much Care
Excuse me, girl do you mind? Can we talk just for a while ? Lets take a walk steps or miles All the way home if it is fine Im not asking you for too much But about you i care so much I need you all the time by my side Your the only one who make me smile My life changed because of you Every smile in my face belongs to you Meeting you was like dream come real Theres so much void need to be filled I wanna have this forever whatever Tell me why cant we be together No matter what, what we dont share Because inside of me there is so much care So amazing, so sweet, so kind I can see the beautiful soul inside You are special, i knew it when i met you Thats why i had to step to Now tell me what i mean to you Is it the same as i do ?! I have that feeling what about you Please let it grow dont let it go You wished all my wishes come true But all my wishes are about you No matter what, what we dont share Because inside of me theres so much care

Muse Magazine Third Edition E S I G N2012 EB WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma G F O R M O R E G R A P H I C D May F R E I E S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R

Freeze the time

Freeze the time now rewind pause the moment when everything was fine Zoom in the smiles the fluffy butterflies when everything was perfect never let this moment walk by whenever feeling lonely i check our photographs each time i say if only these moments would just last cause everythings going so fast the days are rushing towards the unknown and i dont wanna be missing a single day away from home such a crazy life makes you happy one day and everyday makes you cry dont matter how much time left cause in the end its not ours its a borrowed time
Imen Sai



Roads of Heaven
mixing colors of autumn and spring whispering voices i hear them sing jumping like butterfly..high in the sky cute and shy...just dancing by then i stand in the middle there closing my eyes for the choice i have to bear the roads of heaven that i see one makes me happy one makes me glee as I walk in one I check to see the other then suddenly the two roads are crossed together what should i do what should i say Im thinking about this all day like a maze Im cut inside dont know what to do what to decide scattered rope and a missing chain Dust of hope...A broken rain As I stand with a smile of top of mountain Laughing hard feeling no pain Wow...From a window in my heart i see them long the roads of heaven but to whom i should belong i sigh and sigh then again sigh ah its so hard why i dont just die then I go to a corner hugs my knees and cry Mumbling footsteps saying bye I cant take it i hold my head and scream Oh god how i wish this is just a dream Deep inside in my heart Im that little girl whos been torn apart Joking nonsense all above Missing rainbows of my love And like a tiny shiny drops dew my tears start to flow Very careful..woeful .......and very slow wondering why i dont one day have a fluck why do i keep mourning my ships which has sunk why people have to be so tricky and fiend why dont we just become friends and with one heavy foot and keen look I can hardly flit looking worthlessly to my heart which in parts I split the spread of tumors in my only thought makes others shake thirstily in this endless drought I see...ugly monsters..I cant see..hope..O its so wee Im paranoid hugging my own nightmares. Waking sleepy demon in me then I get up writing no word on pages of my heart with a ghostly chalk

Muse Magazine E G R A P H Edition I N F R E 2012 S WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F O R M O R Third I C D E S G May E B I E : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G


Giggling on meaningless wrath..Then....myself I start to mock how lucky I am people are telling with a smile not knowing what I am..What I faced from not a while just go and die alone in corner they say I smirk..O that will make my day Feeling strange...Unwelcome in what is called home Trying to be mighty...Strong not even making a drone I my waking in my sleep My tears are so light yet so cheap Folding armsO yeah that will add some charm Trying hopelessly to think right to be calm


The White:
Muse Magazine E G R A P H Edition I N F R E2012 S WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F O R M O R Third I C D E S G May E B I E : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G
Pure white stepped on the flour Like angels inside heavens core Your majesty tonight you shall invade our land We cant resist your pure innocent white hand One by one they came within winters ceremony Humbly the untouched accepted its destiny And the stubborn natures finally calmed down As it wear its new coat and its crystalline crown My heart has melted though every tree and oak was frigid And the white never stopped as it formed a happy legend To close your eyes on such a sight Makes your dreams a living light Wishing this is the view to see every night Poetry cant tell the sweeter voice than a bell The more delicious taste than jasmines smell That the pure has made in drawing white shell Protected earth..Like a new baby birth Haunted the sky..And every place they lie Jihed Cheraifia

A Friend
A friend... The one who takes all your scolds and every offend The one and the only whom you can always depend The partner whos withYou dont have to pretend Who with you be you...You never be tricky or fiend The rose that smells like freesias that helps you fend A friend. Who will protect you from rain and from woes will defend

The one who give you dignity thatyou never have to bend The one that heal wounds of life..the one who always mend Wholl always be there for you....Every moment will attend The only one you know that the relationship will never end * * So STOP messing around and more time with them SPEND

Jihed Cheraifia



Kill me please
i woke up finding out that everything was nothing but dreams mixed with lies and fears whispering my broken dead screams every bone .drop of blood screams in the river of silence my pain that only i can hear.. so my soul in it darkness regret remains I beg u cut my life into a million pieces and parts I dont care just kill me and torn me apart cause I cant take I can take the pain in my heart please take my heart out of my open chest throw it away..burn it and turn it into dust my tears.. flowing for so long that it become dry I dont even have enough strength to cry or die i just hope that god is mercy enough to take me away Ive lost it all. my life doesnt worth anything anyway so now i go to die along with my smiles and happiness and I enter the world of pain sorrow and darkness no one can understand my pain ..or hear my screams no one can see the monsters that hunt me in my dreams no one can feel what i deeply feel no one can help my heart on getting healed see hate .grudge and disappointment in their eyes see the failure of my endless hopeless tries bear those looks. mocking and those heartless laughs hug the death with wet eyes and cursed coughs cut inside and get lost in the dark emptiness inside me with trembling body..pallid face and anger underneath me death has sucked the full happy moment of my life breath is missing from the body of who once was a loving wife with one wounded hand i wrote those words ready to get lost in my own crazy worlds god Im here on my knees smelling dirt from a face on the floor begging u to take me away and open for me the death door im so weak Im not and i will never be strong i know. no one can take this pain for so long running hopelessly...... from monsters lives beneath my skin i knew how it will end once my bottle of my luck start to spin loose slowly my friends ..start to even hate food slowly losing my life and everything once was good losing everything..every strength i possess and my head almost explode from too much stress life become one big mess..need to end right now right here i say goodbye to the ones i hold dear to my friend my second home knowing that i can no longer be near goodbye my friend..goodbye life ..and welcome to my arms death hurry up ..come on already and take my breath

Letters Disobedience
Muse O R M O R E G A P H I C EditionN FMayB 2012 V I WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma F Magazine R Third D E S I G R E E I E S : S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G
The words are flying inside my mind Affecting whatever I want to decide Mixing letters together to understand But it was like drowning every grain of sand Just to make them feel wet And get rid of the heat I bet I see letters eager to meet the appropriate one To complete each other and reach the sun Some of them didnt want to be gathered Others at times have been bothered Trying to make them indivisible and fused Convincing them to never be confused When letters agreed even the pen had no ink Because if they dont love each other theyd sink But they were supposed to want Not only to accept and Im sure they wont I expected both of them to do their better But neither the ink did nor any letter No one believed or helped the other Because none of them seemed to care or bother Letter from a Dove I received a letter from a dove Showing me the right way to love As I was reading that letter I felt a little bit better I read that things wont always be perfect And not everything will be as you expect Theyll go up and sometimes theyll fall What you gotta do is to be strong through it all Cry and let your tears fall when you need to Smile when you want not when you have to Be with the one who loves you sincerely Who makes you feel loved and live freely Be honest with yourself and your lover Never hide your feelings and cover Lies weakens the strongest relation But the truth strengthen your emotion From your mistakes you should learn Or the bridge will be wrecked and it will burn Be who you really are and dont pretend That way your love will never reach the end Soumia Ayaicha

Jihed Cheraifia
13 13


Malaca MagazineR MSecondR Edition D March R E E B I S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G F O O R E G A P H I C E S I G N F 2011 E WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/MALACAENGLISH
be all ears: be eager to hear what someone has to say. A: I just got an e-mail message from our old friend Sally. B: Tell me what she said. Im all ears! be fed up with (with someone or something): be out of patience (with someone or something); be very tired of someone or something. Bill, youre too careless with your work. Im fed up with apologizing for your mistakes! beat ones brains out: try very hard to understand or do something. Can you help me with this problem? Ive been beating my brains out with it, but I just cant solve it. catch ones eye: attract ones attention/ interest. This brochure about Tahiti caught my eye when I was at the travel agency. have something down pat: know/understand something completely and thoroughly. I know I did well on the test. I had all the material down pat. make up ones mind: decide what to do. A: Where are you going on your vacation? B: Maybe Canada, maybe Mexico. I cant make up my mind.

No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful. Eleanor Roosevelt Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Robert Heinlein When the solution is simple, God is answering. Albert Einstein People forget what you say, they forget what you did, but they never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. John F. Kennedy In examinations, the foolish ask questions the wise cannot answer. Oscar Wilde Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and Im not sure about the former. Albert Einstein



1-US presidents who died on July 4th: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died in 1826, James Monroe died in 1831. 2-Donald Rumsfeld was both the youngest and the oldest defense secretary in US history. 3-Canada is an Indian word meaning Big Village. 4-It is impossible to sneeze and keep ones eyes open at the same time. 5-US presidents who have assassinated: Abraham Lincoln in 1865, James A. Garfield in 1881, William H. McKinley in 1901, and John F. Kennedy in 1963. 6-Until 1796, there was a state called Franklin. Today it is known as Tennessee. 7-The Chinese ideogram for trouble depicts two women living under one roof. I wonder why ;-) 8-The term Cop comes from Constable on Patrol, which is a term used in England. 9-Some scholars believe the shakespeare plays were not written by William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon but by some other well-educated, aristocratic writer who wished to remain anonymous. 10-The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. 11-If you are afraid of washing or bathing its called ablutophbia. 12-Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States from 1861 to 1865. 13-Only 8 men were killed in the battle of Lexington. 14-Abe Lincolns mother died when the family dairy cow ate poisonous mushrooms and Ms. Lincoln drank the milk. 15-The British royal family changed their surname (last name) rom Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor, the name of their castle, in 1917. 16-Abraham Lincoln faces to the right on a penny while all the other presidents face to the left on US coins. 17-The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses! 18-John F. Kennedy was buried without his brain after it was lost during the autopsy! 19-You is the second most spoken English word. 20-Go is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. 21-In the great fire of London in 1666 half of London was burnt but only 6 people were injured. 22-As of July 2005, the smallest country in terms of population was Pitcairan Islands with 45 inhabitants! 23-Ohio claims the first Chewing gum in 1869, and the first hot dog in 1900. 24-The chicken is one of the few things that man eats before its born and after its death. 25-The Great Lakes are: Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. 26-The internet POTS means parents over the shoulder - (My parents are watching, I cant really talk) 27-The original name of butterfly was flutterby. 28-The Mississippi River is the largest in the United States and is the nations chief waterway. its nickname is Old Man River. 29-Of the 17,677 words Shakespeare used in his plays, sonnets, narrative poems, he was the first to use over 1,700 of them. 30-Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents. 31-Martha Stewart became a billionaire while in prison. 32-Englands national sport is cricket and not football. 33-The first day of the first year of the first millennium was a Saturday. 34-More Civil War battles were fought in Tennessee than in any other state except Virginia. 35-The 1st televised presidential debate was September 26, 1960, berween Nixon and Kennedy. 36-If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his hands were cut off. 37-Six-years-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day. 38-The Simpsons is the longest running animated series on TV. 39-The New York Post founded by Alexander Hamilton, is the oldest running newspaper in the United States. 40-Statue of Liberty: There are 154 steps from the pedestal to the head of the Statue of Liberty. 41-The first computer was ENIAC, short for Electronic Numercial Integrator And Computer, unveiled on February 14, 1946. 42-Over 1,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows. 43-On average, women say 7,000 words per day while men manage just over 2,000 words. 44-Arisona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska hadnt been admitted to the Union yet. 45-The Library of Congress is the worlds largest library with more than 120 million items. 46-Scotland has more redheads than any other part of the world. 47-You start a fire with ice. 48-What word can you take the first letter of, put it as the last letter, and make it the past tence of the original word? answer: Eat (Ate) 49-In Albania, nodding the head means no and shaking the head means yes. 50-The Egyptians thought it was good luck to enter a house left foot first.

Muse MagazineEGThird IEditionI G NMay 2012S V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G F O R M O R R A P H C D E S F R E E B I E : WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/snlcguelma

Malaca Magazine O Second GEditionCDMarch 2011E I WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/MALACAENGLISH F R M O R E R A P H I E S I G N F R E B E S : V I S I T W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G

Translated Quotes

Elections 2012

A low turn-out is the failure and responsibility of the candidates. Until they humbly accept that they are elected to serve and not to rule, the electorates faith and trust in our elected representatives will continue to plummet. There is little democracy here and now we all recognise it.
Benhacen Houssem


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