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Phase 1 (Discover): Dont Lose Sleep. Discover!

Ordysys CodeFlex methodology encompasses all moving pieces within the IT organization with the intent of leaving nothing to chance. With this approach, the Discover phase couples Business Process Modeling with Analytics to provide a true Impact Analysis of ICD 10 on your organization. Model Business Processes within Organization Tie Systems to Business Processes Identify Technology, Applications (in-house vs. 3rd party) and which ones generate ICD codes Integration Methods, i.e. Application vs. Data Integration Scan existing applications and systems to identify where ICD codes are stored and how they are referenced Zero-in on most frequently used ICD9 codes by Revenue, Claim Size, Specialty and Volume Identify high risk and complex codes by analyzing corresponding ICD10 codes Benefits: Business Process Modeling results in the creation of an as-is blueprint. Based on this, Target states (end goal) can be modeled, Gap Analysis can be conducted and Bottlenecks can be identified. In addition, CodeFlex Analytics provide a complete set of dashboards that will utilize historical data to help identify reimbursement risk areas broken down by various criteria.

Trap 2: Let each department take care of their own upgrade.

ICD10 is one of the most far-reaching mandates of our time. A silo based approach is dangerous and short-sighted.

A successful migration will require a coordinated organization wide effort which should be spearheaded through a steering committee which will layout the roadmap and be responsible for steering the direction.

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