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HAPPINESS There are people who think that happiness is having money, to buy the best and the

most expensive things. But when these people have got all and more, what do they do? Secondly there are people who think that happiness is in everything that they havent got and they spend their time looking for it and sometimes they cant see what is in front of them. Sometimes these ideas can change when you meet somebody that changes your life. This person who protects you from the things and people that hurt you, who always listen to you and try to understand you. Who illuminate your dark ways, who make you laugh. Who love you as you are and dont try to change you. I give everything for that person and never change him for anybody and anything. I want that he never goes from my side and I always fight to do it never happens. You are the person who teaches me that friendship exists and next to you I have found happiness. Because it is formed by little moments and facts that later will be converted into big memories. Just thank you.

Mireia Rosa, 4t ESO A. 1r premi prosa anglesa

THE MONSTERS When we were small we were scared about the monsters, but those monsters were bad or good? Not all the monsters are bad because they are in our dreams to help us to the evil monsters but as we are small we are scared. The monsters live in the wardrobe or under the bed so before going to the bed we check in these places. Every monster is different for example, my monster is different to your monster but they are friends and if they have a problem they help you, everyone is afraid of those monsters, but these monsters defend us from the bad dream and sleep well. Some monsters are bad, they are in the streets, are invisible but you can see where they have gone because their feet are black and when you are walking in the street if you look at the ground you can see black circles, these are their traces. The bad monsters can change and be good but is very difficult, the evil monster doesn't like to help and protect they are completely black . When you are sleeping and you have a bad dream you don't be afraid the monster will protect you of all, if you see one day your monster at home you can only smile at him Carla Cepeda, 4t ESO B. 2n premi prosa anglesa

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