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We will analyze the network society as the big structure A.

We will analyze it first as a systemical structure from the functionalist point of view. We will also describe here the communicational processes within and especially between the subsystems. This approach will analyze the big structure from the social networked systems point of view B. In the second perspective we will use the actor-network theory in order to explain the way individuals, organizations, institutions and states interact. We will also describe here the communicational processes between actors from the functional, discoursive and behaviour perspectives. A. The networked structure. IP based architecture - hardware level. The Internet network is based on reduntant interconnected nodes that are indentified through IP. This structure offers the theoretical possibility to every point in the network to exchange information with any other point in the network. Interfaced operational architecture - software level. The programmed (Castells, 2009) network social systems (NSS) include actors witch are exchanging piece of information after predefined programmed rules. These actors are developping their on social system, actually a subsystem of the programmed network system, according to the programmed predefined rules. The communication has on this level two different layers: a) functional - the way different NSS exchange information (intercommunicate) b) informal - the way actors communicate within a NSS Social networked systems are also devided in three different types, from the possibility of exchanging informations: i) open systems ii) semiclosed systems iii) closed systems

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