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Statement - Kate Osamor

The main task confronting the Labour Party now is to put forward policies that can solve the economic problems created by the Tory led coalition. The Tory view that wealth can be created by reducing peoples standards of living is plainly false. The result to date of their austerity programme has been deterioration in the economy. Across the country people are worse off, the poorest being hit very hard, with women and families disproportionately disadvantaged. In some inner city areas disorder broke out last summer. The Tories are creating a society that is less safe. Offering no way forward, they resort to fostering division and whipping up prejudice. With Ed Miliband as Leader we have come some way in rebuilding our lost support. Now the NEC, working with Ed, needs to focus on developing policies and campaigns that pin responsibility for the current situation on the government and indicate the difference Labour will make. Our message has to be one of decisive action to help people through these tough times. Labour will be investing in key sectors of the economy including public services, to create jobs that will provide real help and support to families. The party needs a range of different experiences at the NEC, to help ensure our campaigns are relevant across the electorate. With the involvement of a black woman, the NEC would be stronger and more reflect the diversity of voters we seek to represent. We also need to reconnect with younger people who worry their future is being sold off to pay for the mistakes of the buy-now, pay-later generation. I am a party member in Tottenham, CLP Womens Officer and Chair of Governors of my local primary school. For more than twenty years I have also been involved in a wide range of local community campaigns, such as defending social care provision and opposing NHS closures. I work to link up the local communities with the Party. I support core Labour values of social justice, peace and public ownership, particularly of the public services. I encourage party members to become more involved including getting more women to stand for office. The NECs focus must be on winning the next general election and if elected I could use my breadth of experience to assist that work. I would take account of the views of party members and be accountable. Experience: CLP Womens Officer; GC Delegate, LGC delegate Chair of Governors at local primary school Unite: Branch LE/524 Equalities Officer; Regional Community Workers & Not for Profit Regional BAME. Member: Co-operative Party

Labour Party membership number. L0121033 Tottenham CLP

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