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Scoring of speech

Name Class Student number Subject My strengths 1. I speech without text, because I have memorize the text. 2. I feel confident enough with my style and my speech. 3. I master the material enough, because the material very interesting. 4. When I convey my speech, I bring it with shrill. 5. My speech is on time. : Nurhafiya : A Morning : 521000007 : Public Speaking

My weaknesses 1. I forget to tell the summary of my speech. 2. My Face still serious , when I convey my speech. 3. I forget give the contact person for my audience.

Future action Well , from all the strengths and weaknesses that I have. So, I take the conclusion that in the future I will be better from before, and I will repair my weaknesses and I will improve my strengths. Then, if I do the second speech, I will make my speech perfect then before, and I give surprise to audience, that will make them interesting and focus with my speech. Score that I want is 81 Why??? Because : 1. I never absent for this class 2. Little bit active in the class

3. Always do homework on time 4. I think my speech good enough

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